Vol. 5, Issue 4, May 24, 2018
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: You are invited to attend Supporting Healthy Minds at Work; Employers: Find out about employment incentives that will help you save money; Check out a free webinar to help you be more assertive at work.
Supporting Healthy Minds at Work: A Forum for Employers and Service Providers
If you are an employer or service provider you may have been faced with a situation where you think a colleague or client may have mental illness issues.

What can you do to help this person, and at the same time maintain self care?

Supporting Healthy Minds at Work: A Forum for Employers and Service Providers, taking place on June 8th will provide you with practical tips on how you can help others.

The morning event will start with a light breakfast and a dynamic keynote address by Nick Petrella, a Mohawk College professor and mental health advocate who will talk about his experiences with depression and anxiety.

You'll have a chance to attend one of two workshops, Workplace Mental Health: An Introduction, or Recognizing when clients are unwell due to mental health issues.

There will be time for networking and visiting displays featuring information from a variety of local mental health services.

Cost is $20 per person.

Hire a young person and receive new financial incentives for small businesses

Hire a young person through Employment Service, Youth Job Connection or Youth Job Connection Summer and find out how these programs can benefit you as an employer. 

You can get:

$1,000-$2,000 through the Employing Young Talent Incentive, for hiring and retaining a young person (15 to 29 years old).

This incentive is available to small businesses with fewer than 100 employees, through Employment Service and to employers of any size, through Youth Job Connection.

The Whys and Ways of Assertiveness at Work, Thursday, May 31st

Do you find it challenging to promote yourself, your views, and your opinions? Do you feel uncomfortable and/or hesitate to speak up, especially on issues that you perceive might involve differences of opinion and maybe conflict? If these questions resonate, then this free webinar offered by CharityVillage can help.
Date: Thursday, May 31 at 1pm Eastern Time / 10am Pacific Time (one hour)

Cost: Free

This session will be useful to any nonprofit professionals who struggle with assertiveness.

Labour Force Information, Hamilton - April 2018
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca