Navigating parenting this month and beyond with PD!
Hello dearest PD network,
As you know, Positive Discipline Community Resources is committed to providing safe, educational and informative programming to those we serve. Public health and safety are a top priority, and with COVID-19 in our community and a Shelter in Place request, we are taking important steps to help slow the disease and to protect clients and their families.
In conjunction with County Public Health Guidelines, PDCR is suspending all programs, events and activities effective March 16. We will determine next steps and keep you posted. Coaching via phone, heart-to-heart listening, and virtual classes are all being evaluated as ways our staff and facilitators can be of support to our community of families. To express interest please call or email Stephanie: [831-476-7284 x107,], and share with us what support you need as you navigate these times.
In community,
PDCR Board of Directors
We need to be realistic that the ups and downs of strong emotions are upon us. We suggest that you set quality special time in advance so your kids (and you!) have something to look forward to. Children fundamentally need unconditional love, especially when there is such uncertainty. Therefore, this special time should not be turned into a reward, or something that can be taken away. Let's do the best we can to bring fun, peace, and respectful relationships into our homes. Remember to breathe, we hope you enjoy a few resources we have compiled for you, and please click
to enter your name to our waiting list or to request resources now. Once it is safe and advisable to proceed, we will be eager to connect with each of you again through our workshops, class series, trainings and special needs conference.
With love,
Using Positive Discipline to talk about COVID19
With all of the anxiety/misinformation going around, our dearest Stephanie Tam Rosas (past PDCR Board President, Positive Discipline Parent Educator, licensed Marriage & Family Therapist) created a helpful handout grounded in Positive Discipline, on how to talk to kids about the Coronavirus. A Spanish version will be available shortly, check out our website for these and more helpful resource tip sheets!
-CA Governor Gavin Newsom
Talk to your littles in a story format!
Here is another great resource
(available bilingually,
on each picture)
for talking to younger children
in an interactive story format!
Is it time to create a new routine?
Thank you to our sister org Sound Discipline for sharing this great reminder!
Many of our kids are home for 6 weeks. Children need to feel a sense of significance (that their contributions matter), and their main job— going to school — has just been taken away. You can help them deal with this by creating a new routine for your family. Help your children make a visual chart of their new routine.
Be sure to let them take the lead in creating it. This chart will be unique to your family, but might include the following:
• What can they do that is about learning? – read a book, write a journal, play a math game.
• What can they do that involves movement?– take a walk, do some exercises, try yoga
• What can they do the involves contribution to the family? – clean or organize something, help take care of a sibling or pet, prepare a meal
• What can they do for fun?
learn a new skill, play outside, play a game
Positive Discipline offers guidance on routine charts that you may be able to adapt for this time while kids are not in school.
Free & printable for a limited time!
60 self regulation activities, cut, hole punch and put them on a keyring : ) Click
episode featuring our All Means All Conference keynote Julie Jurtz, has it all -- neuroscience, parenting, and real life stories. With knowledge of how to help children feel safe and discuss their emotions, we can help them move past events that can otherwise permanently affect their brains.
Above photo is linked to website compilation, and
THIS additional link contains a google spread sheet of virtual field trips : )
Thank you Alisal Family Resource Center for compiling these resources for the Monterey Tri-County Area.
This is a map of food services that will be made available to all minors through the duration of school closures in regard to COVID-19.
This map was created by the Santa Cruz County Office of Education #santacruzcoe
Spanish children's stories
Well-known children's stories translated into Spanish and spoken by a native Spanish speaker. Great for kids... and adults too! Read along in Spanish or English.
Last but certainly not least, here is a message from Jane Nelsen, author of the Positive Discipline book series and founder of our social movement for respectful parent education now in over 60 countries!
During this challenging time, I would like to share what I learned from our Chinese friends. The government mandate that all Chinese citizens stay in their homes created huge personal and financial hardships. Still their attitude was one of
—we isolate ourselves as part of our social interest to work together during this time of crises and we will make the best of it.
One thing they did to make the best of it was to enjoy their family time together. To make this happen, they had to deal with some issues: Some shared that their children wanted to spend too much time on their screens. So they started having
family meetings
every morning where they all worked together to create a schedule for the day that included cooking together, eating together, work time (parents who could work from home and children to do their homework), time for chores, time for family games, and
limited time to watch screens together.
The children created new
routine charts,
and new
wheels of choice
, and new
positive time out spaces
. The family meeting agenda was in a prominent place when family members could add challenges when they occurred, and everyone could look forward to finding solutions the next day.
It is our hope that you focus on your blessings and use Positive Discipline Tools to help you enjoy this time with your family. Please share this newsletter with those in your network, and remember, this too shall pass.
Positive Discipline Community Resources | | 831-476-7284 x 107