Estate Planning and Elder Law Firm
May is National Elder Law Month
As elder law attorneys, we have skills, knowledge and practice experience in addressing the not only the needs of seniors and persons with special needs but people who want to be proactive and get their planning documents in order to avoid unnecessary hardships in the event of unforeseen circumstances. If you are a senior or a person with special needs, you need an elder law attorney that knows how to best address your needs. Expect care needs and how you are going to pay for it long before it happens. Plan for the best but expect things to fall apart. Even the best of us are going to leave a mess, so don’t feel bad about it. Prepare for it and take precautions. Many things can be done to avoid messes. Get second opinions. Respect professionals that tell you they need to involve other professionals (they are doing you serve and not just trying to increase your costs). Stress test your estate plan, which includes more than your documents.

Be proactive and get your affairs in order. Clients often mention how relieved they feel once they know that their planning documents are in place and that they have a relationship with an attorney that they, or their loved ones, can depend on in the future. 

May Awareness Month Spotlights
ALS Awareness Month- Although first identified by a French Neurologist in 1869, it was in 1939 that ALS garnered worldwide attention when the beloved Lou Gehrig was diagnosed with it.
Mental Health Awareness Month-Mental Health America was established in 1909 by former psychiatric patient Clifford W. Beers. During his stays in public and private institutions, Beers witnessed and was subjected to horrible abuse. From these experiences, Beers set into motion a reform movement that took shape as Mental Health America.
National Stroke Awareness Month- With Stroke being the second most common cause of death worldwide, you need to know the warning signs and think F.A.S.T- Face drooping, Arm weakness, Slurring of speech, Time to call 911.
What Is Estate Planning?
Estate planning is the process of planning for the transfer of everything you own to those persons you want it to go to after you die. Wills and trusts are only some of the tools used in estate planning and it is important that all means by which assets transfer at death work together to achieve the desired result. Arm yourself with the knowledge of the different terminology often used in our practice.
2019 Maine Senior Games
The Southern Maine Agency on Aging Hosts the Maine Senior Games every year? The mission of the Maine Senior Games is to provide athletic events and wellness opportunities to improve the health and fitness of people 45 and over. For many, the thrill of competing in an athletic event never ends. Thanks to Maine Senior Games, adults over the age of 45 can continue to participate and compete in annual athletic and recreational events. Maine Senior Games is a great opportunity for older adults to have fun and stay fit. A Celebration of Athletes begins the season on May 31, 2019 and there are regional events you can sign up for running through October 6, 2019!
Brennan & Rogers, PLLC
279 York Street
P.O. Box 467
York, Maine 03909
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: Closed
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