Brent Spence Bridge Corridor October 3, 2023 eNewsletter
The Brent Spence Bridge Corridor Project is poised to transform more than just the landscape of Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. This $3.6 billion infrastructure investment creates significant opportunities for individuals considering careers in the engineering and construction industries.

Take it from Justin Phillips, business manager and secretary treasurer for Local 265, Laborers’ International Union of North America. “We’re on the verge of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to recruit a whole new generation of construction workers and sustain a workforce that is vital to our region’s continued growth,” Phillips says. “That’s why we at Local 265 have ramped up our efforts to attract members in preparation of the Brent Spence Bridge Corridor Project.”

Now is the perfect time to consider a career in these fields. Construction professions offer competitive wages, comprehensive benefits such as health insurance, and a wide range of paths to suit individuals with diverse educational backgrounds and experience levels. From those just entering the workforce to those seeking a fresh start or a midcareer transition, there is a construction option tailored to your aspirations.

And at the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) and the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), you’ll find scholarship opportunities in engineering and construction management, as well as information on apprenticeships. In fact, KYTC just celebrated its 75th year of its Civil Engineering Scholarship Program.

To learn more about how you can start a new path in the construction field and become a driving force in the future of our region, visit the project website’s Explore Construction Careers page. 
Maps below show various improvements to bike and pedestrian connections throughout the corridor which will improve safety and enhance connectivity across the I-71/75 highway. More detailed maps of the multi-modal connections are available here on the project website.
In Ohio, the Brent Spence Bridge Corridor Project will incorporate new and improved shared use paths, sidewalks, and bike paths as shown above, including bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure on connections across I-75, to better connect communities and improve access to bus services and community amenities.
In Kentucky, the Brent Spence Bridge Corridor Project will incorporate new and improved shared use paths, sidewalks, and bike paths from the Covington business district to the western communities across I-75, as well as through Goebel Park and Kenney Shields Park to better connect neighborhoods and improve access to bus services and community amenities.
The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) held open house-style project update meetings for the Brent Spence Bridge Corridor (BSBC) Project in August 2023. More than 275 residents attended the two gatherings, held at the Radisson Hotel in Covington and Longworth Hall in Cincinnati.

For more information about the open house meetings or to view public comments received and answered by the project team, visit the Public Involvement and Comments page of the website.
The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) informed the Walsh Kokosing team that the contracting process has been completed and work may officially kick off for the progressive design-build process. This method offers the most opportunity for innovation around the project approach to reduce impacts and improve overall community benefits while meeting the original transportation needs. The next steps include an innovation period, which will allow the team to evaluate potential refinements to the project that could further improve it with respect to reduced costs, a shorter schedule, or other value to the community. 
Someone on the project team has spent 20 years with ODOT, touching projects across the state throughout his career.
Another person has always been drawn to engineering, and now is excited to work on one of the largest infrastructure projects in the country.
Someone else is a self-proclaimed "big bridge guy," who has been lobbying to work on this project for years.
Still another brings an environmental background to this transformative project and is committed to delivering a project that's environmentally sensitive.
Get to know the people behind the project in an upcoming Meet-the-Team series. Full profiles will be on the project website, social media, and in future editions of this newsletter in the coming weeks.
The Brent Spence Bridge Corridor Project team welcomes comments and feedback from the public. To submit a question or comment, visit the project website and click on the “Contact Us” button in the upper right-hand corner. You can also contact the Design-Build team directly about job opportunities at, or visit their website.
Responses to all public comments can be viewed on the Public Involvement and Comments section of the website. This section features project exhibits, summaries of outreach activities, and responses to comments submitted to the project team.
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