Hello Members:
Need Volunteers to cook on Wednesdays
starting November 1st
please contact Dom DiMezza
On Saturday October 21st, our member, Harry Sherblom, PER was a passenger on
Honor Flight Mission #31
photos below
November 2nd - House Committee Meeting & Board of Directors Meeting
November 5th - Chili Cook Off
November 19th - Cornhole Tournament
November 25th - Vendor Fair
Lodge meetings are held 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month
unless noted otherwise
Currently Selling
35th Anniversary Car Show Shirts $20.00 each
Adult sizes
V-necks are NOT Available due to pricing
if interested contact Pat or Rose
Please note PDF & Word formats are NOT compatible with our email program, any materials to be included in our weekly newsletter must be in image format and must be submitted by 2PM on Wednesdays to ensure
they will be included in the distribution.
Email Rose: gamegal18@gmail.com
Great things coming up:
November 2nd - House Committee Meeting & Board of Directors Meeting
November 5th - Chili Cook Off
November 19th - Cornhole Tournament
November 25th - Vendor Fair
Elks Association Scholarship Applications are being accepted see flyer below for details
Going forward Kelly Gronert
will report on ALL fundraising events at our Lodge Meetings therefore a copy of ALL fundraising reports are to be given to Kelly immediately following the event and must be received prior to Lodge meetings
text # 914-420-5990
email: kelly07211@gmail.com
Please be reminded ALL event reports are to be completed the day/night of the event NO EXCEPTIONS
the completed report and money
are to be
submitted to Marilou Minella
Money is NOT to leave the lodge for any reason
All donation requests MUST be submitted to our Leading Knight, Chris Kelly, prior to our General Membership Meetings
NO requests for donations are to be brought to the floor at General Meetings by anyone other than the Leading Knight
The Leading Knight will address ALL requests and inform General Membership at the next scheduled meeting
Chris Kelly #914-227-8114
email: kelsbells11@gmail.com
Please clean up after using the
kitchen or any room in Our lodge
If you see something out of place, please pick it up & put it in its
proper place or throw it out
Brian Murphy, ER