
It’s been a complicated few weeks adjusting to new routines and absorbing the rapidly changing and heartbreaking news of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. First and foremost, I hope you are faring well. I miss seeing our volunteers, staff, instructors, National Park Service partners, and the many visitors with whom I enjoy talking with as I go about my work at Bear Valley on a normal day.

Shelter-in-Place is the order of these days, however, and through our #ParkInPlace messages we’ve been sharing ways that you can explore nature close to home , and even maintain a connection to Point Reyes National Seashore from afar. 

I’ve heard from so many over the last three weeks that Point Reyes National Seashore IS the place where they find shelter from stress and worries . We cannot wait to get the all-clear signal and open up the Seashore for all us us who love and need it. The pandemic has shown me how very vital our Park is to well being.