Remember to pray for the team from Bridges that is headed to Baja, Mexico this Thursday! They will be working with Baja Christian Ministries to build two houses and conduct outreach events in the Rosarito-Tecate area. Keep Pastor Steve in your prayers as he drives a van of the team's supplies to San Diego, navigating around the devastation in Southern California. Also pray for the team's impact on the community they'll be visiting, and for their safety while traveling and serving.
You can also still donate to the Baja Mission Trip: click HERE and select “Short-Term Missions Trips” from the drop-down menu, and then choose “Baja.”
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Liberty Quartet Concert
This Sun., Jan. 19, at 6:00pm, Bridges will again welcome Liberty Quartet to our Worship Center. These four talented singers and their accompanist will delight us with a high-energy performance and moments of contemplation. An evening with Liberty always leads us in a wonderful time of worship. Their love for the Lord is apparent as is their desire to make Christ known. Everyone is welcome, so please invite others! No tickets are required.
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Speaker: Laura Perez, Associate Director of Worship & Young Adults
Series: Use It Well—Stewarding God's Many Gifts
Scripture Focus: Deuteronomy 6:1-12, 20-25
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For some, working with children feels like a natural calling, while for others, it's not so instinctive. The truth is, God calls all of us to be involved in stewarding the children in our community. This week, we’ll explore this shared responsibility, the path it leads us on, and how we can remain faithful in guiding the next generation with purpose and perseverance. | |
Los Angeles Wildfire Relief | |
Our hearts ache for those in the Los Angeles area who have been impacted by the wildfires, and those who are nearby and fear that they could be affected. We pray that your loved ones are safe. If you'd like someone to pray with or talk to, please reach out to the church office.
Bridges has recently donated to Wildfire Relief through the Salvation Army. If you would like to further support their efforts in LA, click the button below.
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Adult singles are invited to the Anew Life Group, which meets one Saturday each month from 5:30-8:00pm at Bridges. Through examining the Bible, sharing of testimonies, and small group discussions, we grow our faith in Christ and learn to apply Biblical principles to our daily lives. | |
GriefShare Begins January 27 | |
A new GriefShare session, facilitated by Allen Bates and Charlie Mason, will meet online on Mondays at 6:30pm, Jan. 27-Apr. 28. This group will meet weekly for 90 minutes and is open to anyone who has lost a loved one. Through videos, discussions and a workbook, you will move through mourning to joy and find comfort in sharing your loss with others in similar situations. | |
If you haven't yet checked out one of our Women's Bible Studies, the new year is a great time to jump in!
Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) meets on Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00pm. They are studying Revelation – The Hope, held in person on the Bridges campus. Register via
Circle of Friends Bible Study meets on Wednesdays, 10:15am - 12:00pm upstairs in Family Center. They are studying Encountering God by Kelly Minter. Study book with video access is $28. For info, contact Kay Tokar: or 408-857-9409.
Into the Deep meets on Thursdays, 10:00am - 12:00pm in the Family Center Room 525. They are studying The Tabernacle - A Foreshadowing of Jesus Christ (no cost, just bring your Bible). For info, contact Hanna Migneault: 408-929-6013 or
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Tax Statements Available Now | |
Your tax statement and giving history are available online, regardless of your method of giving. You can find instructions on how to access your end of year statement via the button below. We will send paper statements to those who request one, so please make sure your mailing address is correct in our system. If you requested a paper statement last year, you do not need to request it again. Paper statements will be mailed no later than January 31. If you have any problems with retrieving your statement online or if you would like to receive a paper statement for the first time, please contact Financial Secretary Jackie Ogdon: | |
Help Feed Dinner to Local Homeless | |
Join MUCH Hope as they serve local homeless at a shelter in San Jose by providing monthly dinners. Lots of help is needed whether it's for 30 minutes or 2 hours! Volunteer to drop off supplies at Bridges, or help cook in the Bridges kitchen on a designated Sunday. For questions, email | |
In partnership with the Tim Tebow Foundation and several other local churches, Bridges is excited to host Night to Shine on Fri., Feb. 7! This prom-style event is an unforgettable worldwide celebration, centered on God's love, honoring and valuing people with special needs. To make this beautiful night happen, we need over 500 volunteers to fill many roles, including buddies for our honored guests, help supporting parents in the parent room, parking and safety teams, decorations, hair stylists, makeup artists, shoe shiners, set up, clean up, and more. | |
Deaconesses and Deacons in Need of Volunteers | |
Have you been looking for ways to serve with other dedicated people? Bridges’ Deaconess and Deacon Boards are expanding their impact in supporting the Bridges family in ways both seen and behind the scenes. Whether you’d like to send an encouraging note, visit someone in the hospital, give a ride, or something else that excites you, only sign up when you are available and in areas where you want to contribute. For details, contact Board Chairs Sujana Panthulu ( or Tom Hansen ( | |
Family Ministry Volunteers Needed | |
Serve in the Children's Ministry and join the team of people pouring into the children of Bridges in our nursery, preschool, and elementary classes! For more info, contact one of our ministry leaders below:
Nursery - Liliya Gor (
Preschool - Kathy Spillar (
Kathy is looking for help in preschool two Sundays a month during the first hour (9:30-10:30am). No experience necessary!
Elementary - Alba Kellejian (
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We’d love for each person to find a place to use their God-given gifts within our Bridges family. Prayerfully consider how God would like you to serve, and then fill out our online form. Thank you for helping build our church! | |
Submit Your Questions About Our Sermons! | |
Do you have a question about this week's sermon? We want to hear it! To see our pastors answer past sermon questions, click HERE. | |
Our Bridges family prays together every week at three different times. We’d love to have you join us! We gather virtually on Wednesdays and in person on Sunday mornings. For details, click the button below. Questions? Email or contact the church office. | |
Need help picking up groceries, setting up tech tools or equipment, running errands, etc.? We have a team of people who are ready and willing to help. If you're able and willing to help others, join our team! | |
Finance Update as of January 12, 2025 | |
These are our current year-to-date giving figures: Actual is $796,455; budgeted is $708,000; surplus is $88,455. These figures reflect contributions for the church year, which runs Sept. 1 - Aug. 31. | |
625 Magdalena Ave, Los Altos, CA 94024
650 948 5698
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