Kick off the Christmas season with treats and music featuring the Bridges Orchestra, Choir, and LACS Students! Festivities will be held on Sun., Dec. 8, at 5:00pm in the Worship Center. | |
Join Our Choir or Orchestra!
Christmas Choir and Orchestra are starting soon! Click the link below to fill out the interest form to join the choir and orchestra newsletter, and we will reach out this week with more information on how you can get involved. All ages and abilities are welcome! No experience necessary. << Click here for the Choir & Orchestra Interest Form. >>
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Deeper Than Right Versus Wrong | |
Speaker: Pastor Dan Stockum
Series: Called Out
Scripture Focus: 1 Corinthians 8 and 10
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Christians don’t always agree on debatable moral issues, and we can struggle even more in how to treat people who don’t see them the same way that we do. But we’re not left without guidance. This week, we’ll study a murky moral issue in the first century church and how Paul instructed them to navigate it. Not only can his teaching help us better relate to one another, but it can be a powerful witness to the world that people on opposite sides can, in fact, continue to love and support each other. | |
Thank You for an Amazing Night of Fall Family Fun! | |
What an amazing night we got to be a part of! It was so great to see children (some as young as 5 years old) serving alongside some of our more seasoned saints. Thank you for choosing to give your time after an already full day, and for being part of the Body of Christ in action within our community. | |
LACS Parent Informational Event for Grades 6-8 | |
Parents are invited to learn more about the middle school program at Los Altos Christian School on Thurs., Nov. 7, 8:45-10:00am. Hear from administrators and current LACS parents, meet the teachers, and tour the school! | |
Let the Evidence Speak — November 8
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Our next event will be online via Zoom on Friday, Nov 8, at 7:00pm. Reasons to Believe Apologist Carey Smoak will give us a presentation entitled "Finding Christian Unity Among Differing Views of Creation." The views he will discuss are Young Earth Creationism, Old Earth Creationism, Evolutionary Creationism, and Intelligent Design. Join us on Zoom via this link. To learn more about Let the Evidence Speak, click the button below or call Kirby Hansen at (650) 917-9107. | |
Lunch with a Mission — November 10
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Our next Lunch with a Mission will be on Sun., Nov. 10, in the Family Center right after the worship service. Our guest speakers will be our mission partners Eric & Rebecca Prager from Baja Christian Ministries, where we send a team each year, Click the button below to RSVP for lunch and/or childcare! | |
Memorial Service for Pam Monk — November 23
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A memorial service for Pam Monk, who passed away on October 11, will be held in the Bridges Worship Center on Sat., Nov. 23, at 11:00am. A reception will follow at the Family Center. Please continue to keep her loved ones in your prayers. | |
Pray for Los Altos Christian School | |
Every Friday morning, a group gathers at 8:35am at LACS to pray for students, staff, and families. The school relies deeply on prayer and seeks God’s guidance and wisdom in all that they do, and they invite the Bridges family to join as they unite in faith and lift up the LACS community. Questions? Contact | |
Deck the Halls at Bridges — November 24
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Come get the Bridges campus ready for the Christmas season! Join us for an afternoon of decorating after church on Sun., Nov. 24. We will have pizza, snacks, fun music playing, and jobs for all ages and abilities! Everyone is welcome. | |
Volunteer to Help at Ignite Life on November 2 | |
RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics, one of our ministry partners, will hold their annual Ignite Life event on Sat., Nov. 2, 5:00-8:00pm at Calvary Chapel in San Jose. They are in need of ushers, greeters, and registration volunteers, and we at Bridges can help! Click the button below to learn more about the volunteer positions and times. Please note that all volunteers will be required to attend an online training the week of the event. To learn more about the event, visit Questions? Email | |
Help Feed Dinner to Local Homeless | |
Join MUCH Hope as they serve local homeless at a shelter in San Jose by providing monthly dinners. Lots of help is needed whether it's for 30 minutes or 2 hours! Volunteer to drop off supplies at Bridges, or help cook in the Bridges kitchen on a designated Sunday. For questions, email | |
Deaconesses and Deacons in Need of Volunteers | |
Bridges’ Deaconess and Deacon Boards are recruiting volunteers to join in the important mission of hearing the word and doing what it says (James 1:22) along with the combined need for faith and action (James 2:16). Our Deaconesses continually support the Bridges family in ways both seen and behind the scenes, and we hope to grow the Deacon Board to similarly serve and also partner with the Deaconesses on joint projects. Have you been looking for ways to serve with other dedicated people? Whether you’d like to send an encouraging note, visit someone in the hospital, give a ride, or something else that excites you, only sign up when you are available and in areas where you want to contribute. For details, contact Board Chairs Sujana Panthulu ( or Tom Hansen ( | |
Family Ministry Volunteers Needed | |
There is always room for you to serve in the Children's Ministry. Please consider joining the team of people pouring into the children of Bridges in our nursery, preschool, and elementary classes. For more info, contact one of our ministry leaders below:
Nursery - Liliya Gor (
Preschool - Kathy Spillar (
Elementary - Alba Kellejian (
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We’d love for each person to find a place to use their God-given gifts within our Bridges family. Prayerfully consider how God would like you to serve, and then fill out our online form. Thank you for helping build our church! | |
Submit Your Questions About Our Sermons! | |
Do you have a question about this week's sermon? We want to hear it! To see our pastors answer past sermon questions, click HERE. | |
Our Bridges family prays together three different times each week: twice on Wednesday via Zoom, and once on Sunday mornings before our worship service. We'd love to have you join us. | |
Need help picking up groceries, setting up tech tools or equipment, running errands, etc.? We have a team of people who are ready and willing to help. If you're able and willing to help others, join our team! | |
Finance Update as of October 27, 2024 | |
These are our current year-to-date giving figures: Actual is $164,403; budgeted is $214,000; shortfall is $49,597. These figures reflect contributions for the church year, which runs Sept. 1 - Aug. 31. | |
625 Magdalena Ave, Los Altos, CA 94024
650 948 5698
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