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Our Annual Celebration is coming up on Sun., Sept 22! Bridges members will begin the morning with a ministry meeting at 9:00am, then everyone is invited to our worship service at 10:45am and potluck at 12:00pm. Join us as we celebrate our blessings and reflect on the past ministry year! Childcare for infants, Pre-K/Kinder, and elementary kids will be available that day from 9am until the potluck starts.

Please bring a dish to share at the potluck according to the first letter of your last name—A-H: side or salad; I-L: appetizer; M-Z: dessert. Drop off food in the main kitchen any time in the morning before the potluck. We'll also be treated once again by the amazing Kona Ice!

<< Click here to volunteer to help with a number of needs at the potluck. >>

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Circle of Friends

The Circle of Friends women's Bible study resumes tomorrow, Sept. 11! Join them on Wednesdays in the Family Center Room 524, 10:15am - 12:00pm, to study The Jordan River Rules - Joshua 1-6 by Robert J. Morgan. The book and study guide are $25, which is due on first day. Questions? Contact Kay Tokar (408-857-9409), Robbi Rosowski (408-379-6144), or Nancy Hastain (

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Patience & Self-Control

Speaker: Pastor Steve Durand

Series: The Fruit of God's Spirit

Scripture Focus: Proverbs 25:28; James 5:7-11; Titus 2:11-14

The process of the fruit of God’s Spirit developing in your life is not a quick one. It would be wonderful if we could pray one day to have no more problems with, say, anger, selfishness, materialism, envy, or lust, and then when you woke up the next day those things were completely gone. However, we know from personal experience that it doesn’t work that way. And yet God continues to patiently and lovingly work daily within each of us by His grace so that the fruit of His Spirit is produced within us.

In this week’s message, we’ll give specific consideration to the topics of patience and self-control. We’ll look at why growing in these two areas is so crucial but also so challenging, and we’ll also see how they both work hand-in-hand with each other.


Let The Evidence Speak

“Let The Evidence Speak” is the new name of the now-retired Reasons To Believe, San Jose chapter. Our mission and officers remain the same. Our next event will be online via Zoom at 7:00pm this Fri., Sept 13. RTB Apologist Marina George will give a presentation on apologetics: what it is and why it’s a valuable tool to spread the gospel. Join us on Zoom here. Questions? Call Kirby Hansen: (650) 917-9107.

Memorial Service for Dick Taylor

A memorial service for Dick Taylor will be held this Sat., Sept. 14, at 11:00am in the Bridges Family Center, with a reception to follow. Please keep his loved ones in your prayers.

Anew — September 21

All singles and single again over age 35 are invited to our monthly fellowship. Through workshops, presentations, and discussions, we hope to share healthy relationship principles as singles and single households, and build a safe place for support and growth.


Workshop with Dr. John Houlette — September 27

Dr. John Houlette, one of our Bridges mission partners, will lead a workshop entitled “How is Your Margin Level? Learning to Grow in Resilience through Soul Care” on Fri., Sept. 27, 7:00-9:00pm in the Family Center. Please bring a dessert to share and come learn from Dr. Houlette, who has served for 42 years in Japan with WorldVenture and A3 (formerly Asian Access), offering Christian leader care, training, counseling, mentoring, and education.


Lunch with a Mission — September 29

Our next Lunch with a Mission will be on Sun., Sept. 29, in the Family Center right after the worship service. Our guest speaker will be one of our mission partners, Dr. John Houlette, who will also lead a workshop on Fri., Sept. 27 (see the announcement above for details about Dr. Houlette and his workshop). Keep an eye out for a sign up coming soon!


Membership: It’s Not For You — October 6

Save the date for our next Membership Intro Meeting on Sun., Oct. 6, at 12:15pm, and hear about the meaning of membership at Bridges! Lunch will be provided and childcare is available, but you must RSVP with Liliya in the church office:


Help Feed Dinner to Local Homeless

Join MUCH Hope as they serve local homeless at a shelter in San Jose by providing monthly dinners. Lots of help is needed whether it's for 30 minutes or 2 hours! Volunteer to drop off supplies at Bridges, or help cook in the Bridges kitchen on a designated Sunday. For questions, email


Deaconesses and Deacons in Need of Volunteers

Bridges’ Deaconess and Deacon Boards are recruiting volunteers to join in the important mission of hearing the word and doing what it says (James 1:22) along with the combined need for faith and action (James 2:16). Our Deaconesses continually support the Bridges family in ways both seen and behind the scenes, and we hope to grow the Deacon Board to similarly serve and also partner with the Deaconesses on joint projects. Have you been looking for ways to serve with other dedicated people? Whether you’d like to send an encouraging note, visit someone in the hospital, give a ride, or something else that excites you, only sign up when you are available and in areas where you want to contribute. For details, contact Board Chairs Sujana Panthulu ( or Tom Hansen (

Family Ministry Volunteers Needed

There is always room for you to serve in the Children's Ministry. Please consider joining the team of people pouring into the children of Bridges in our nursery, preschool, and elementary classes. For more info, contact one of our ministry leaders below:

   Nursery - Liliya Gor (

   Preschool - Kathy Spillar (

   Elementary - Alba Kellejian (

Serve at Bridges

We’d love for each person to find a place to use their God-given gifts within our Bridges family. Prayerfully consider how God would like you to serve, and then fill out our online form. Thank you for helping build our church!



Submit Your Questions About Our Sermons!

Do you have a question about this week's sermon? We want to hear it! To see our pastors answer past sermon questions, click HERE.


Pray with Us

Our Bridges family prays together three different times each week: twice on Wednesday via Zoom, and once on Sunday mornings before our worship service. We'd love to have you join us.


How to Help and Get Help

Need help picking up groceries, setting up tech tools or equipment, running errands, etc.? We have a team of people who are ready and willing to help. If you're able and willing to help others, join our team!


Finance Update as of September 8, 2024

These are our current year-to-date giving figures: Actual is $28,531; budgeted is $45,600; shortfall is $17,069. These figures reflect contributions for the church year, which runs Sept. 1 - Aug. 31.


625 Magdalena Ave, Los Altos, CA 94024

650 948 5698

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