Every Mind Matters Newsletter

May 2024

With your help, we’re making 2024 our BIGGEST

year for Stress Busters to date!

Designed from our evidence-based Kids Have Stress Too! (KHST!) program, Stress Busters

combines the stress management strategies introduced in KHST! with a fun and engaging

peer-to-peer component. Created for kids in grades 4-6, Stress Busters provides participants with effective techniques rooted in psychological science to navigate their worries and fears, cope with the stressors in their lives, and foster resilience.

Delivered in 1hr weekly sessions for 8 weeks, or 1.5hr daily sessions for five days, Stress Busters can be facilitated both in-person (GTA only), or online via Zoom (Canada-wide).

Thank you to our generous donors who make facilitation

of this amazing program possible!

Do you know of a summer recreation program or a school that would be interested in offering the Stress Busters program to their students? We would love to connect with them! 

Email Meghan Williams for more information on bringing Stress Busters to a summer program or school near you! 

"I have more strategies to help me cope with stress with more ease and calmness. I usually freak out under stress but now I’m calmer and can think of strategies first." - Student Participant

“I was in this program and it was so much fun but also helpful.”

- Student Participant

If the kids you know like Stress Busters then

you or an adult you know may like StressLess!

Our NEW StressLess booklets, (adapted from our evidence-based Kids Have Stress Too! and Stress Lessons programs) have been designed as handy tools to provide caring adults with fun and helpful ways to support kids in managing their stress and bolster resilience. We are providing a FREE virtual pilot workshop opportunity for all interested adults living in Alberta and Toronto/GTA during the month of May.

You will get a first ever sneak peek of all 5 age-appropriate StressLess booklets, and how to use them with children and teens ages 4-18 years old, in exchange for your crucial feedback on the workshop and resources before we launch StressLess in Fall 2024.

StressLess (Alberta) is funded by the Government of Canada under the Community Services

Recovery Fund

StressLess (Toronto) Funded by

Please see the locations, dates/times

and registration links below and sign up now!

Alberta Virtual Open Call Workshop #1: Tuesday May 14 @ 2pm - 4pm ET. Register here. 

Alberta Virtual Open Call Workshop #2: Wednesday May 15th @ 5 PM - 7 PM ET Register here.

Toronto Virtual Open Call Workshop: May 23rd @ 12 PM - 2 PM ET.

Register here


SAVE THE DATE: 50th Anniversary Celebration November 14, 2024

Marriott Downtown at CF Toronto Eaton Centre

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