Strategy in Motion
2016 Spring Newsletter


Spring 2016
  Darcy Misiak Bien, Strategic Planner
Darcy Bien

Kathy DeLaura, Strategic Planner

Jay Messner
Join Us for Our Next Transformational Leadership Session

April 7-8, 2016
at Zenith Restoration
605 Brooklyn Ave.
Milford, OH 45150

Transformational Leadership, facilitated by  Daniel McNeil and Jay Messner , will show you how to discover, address and then eliminate any personal, team or systemic issues to improve morale, increase profitability and ensure profitability.

For more information, contact Jay Messner at 513-312-0085 or

Register for only $299 which includes continental breakfast, lunch and snacks for the two days.
Attend our Quarterly Learning Forums
May 6
Free Brand Development and Messaging event
Presented by eMedia Designs, a Cincinnati brand experience firm
August 5
High Performance Roadmap - Culture Eats Strategic for Lunch
November 4
Topic to Be Determined
All forums are:
10:30 a.m. to noon
Zenith Restoration
605 Brooklyn Ave.
Milford, OH 45150
Call Darcy Bien at 
for more information 
or to sign up.
Bring Your Strategy to Life
A strategy will stay just that until your leadership team effectively brings it to life on a daily basis. Your entire leadership team needs to buy in and demonstrate a commitment to the strategic communication process. This means they need to talk to your employees about it consistently and not rely solely on presentations or posters. 

Information retention statistics from the Association of Talent Development support this holistic approach:
  • Lecture - 5% - through organization update meetings
  • Reading - 10% - helps to share the strategic summary document (see the free Strategic Plan Summary tool below)
  • Visual Demonstration - 30% - use pictures and graphs to connect information
  • Discussion Group - 50% - have groups talk and be part of priority task teams
  • Practice and Doing - 75% - when everyone understands how they connect to the strategy
  • Teaching Others - 95% - when your employees teach new employees  
Practice makes perfect. Remember this as you plan your next organization communication and encourage all your leaders to give an update on their strategic areas. Also require employee 1:1s at least quarterly to review, understand and link the strategy.

The bottom line is that your leadership must be able to repeat your key strategic information by memory: the vision, core values, purpose, key differentiator, strategic choics and strategic priorities. Always remember: Leaders must tell them, tell again and then tell them again!

Back to The Basics 
of Leadership
We've learned over the years that employees have one basic expectation of their leader. If met, a great culture can be created. If unmet, a culture will struggle with becoming positive and high performing.
And what is this basic expectation? 
It's simple.
Employees want their leader to protect them from toxic or low-performing 
Think about it. What happens when we're forced to work alongside someone who isn't nice or doesn't pull their weight? We lose trust that our leader wants the best for us and for the company. It's impossible to build a great culture in the absence of trust.
Leaders must seriously question and manage their internal culture. Then, they can set the course for a truly great work environment. The solution can be as simple as the problem: 
Set standards for behavior and performance and then fiercely defend those standards.
We often see companies whose success is limited because the leader is afraid to deal with toxic or low-performing employees for fear that they will leave. If a leader is not acting due to that fear, then the difficult employees are controlling the leader, the culture and the company. When you deal with the negative people, you'll see how the rest of your team steps up. 

We can help you revolutionize your workplace through our innovative and effective Transformational Leadership training. Here's how you can find more information and register for our upcoming two-day session:

April 7-8, 2016 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
605 Brooklyn Ave.
Milford, OH 45150

Put Our Free Planning Tool to Work for You
Partners in Change offers a variety of strategic planning tools dedicated to helping small- and medium-sized businesses achieve their financial objectives. As a courtesy to our newsletter subscribers, you can download our Strategic Plan Summary tool for free.
Our Strategic Plan Summary highlights the key decisions and directions needed to develop a strategy and also includes the key performance outcomes you need to measure progress.
Click here to receive your planning tool and enter promo code Strategic16 at checkout, available for free until May 15, 2016. While you're browsing the Tools section, you can view the complete Strategy in Motion tool kit, or find other helpful tools that work for your company.