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Sept. 6, 2022
Helping families stay connected to Bend-La Pine Schools
Bringing Joy, Optimism into a New School Year
Welcome to the 2022-23 school year in Bend-La Pine Schools! I am truly honored and humbled to serve as Superintendent for our community of 33 schools. Thank you all for kicking this year off together with a sense of purpose, optimism and joy.

In this short video you can hear our students share what they experience in our schools. It's affirming to hear our students share how our schools are places where they lead, grow, shine, perform, belong and much more. Our dedicated staff members strive every day to create schools that feel safe, welcoming and are places where students feel they belong.

We look forward to connecting with each of you in the weeks and months ahead as, together, we share a year full of learning, connection and joy.

- Superintendent Steven Cook
News & Updates
Family Handbook & Calendar

Download a copy of the Family Handbook & Calendar today! This calendar includes key information, policies, contact information and a full 12-month school calendar featuring our amazing students! And be sure to watch your mailbox – you should receive a copy in the mail soon.

Sign Up for Text Alerts

Families, take a moment to visit BLConnect to check your text alert settings are selected to the correct schools. If you’ve moved or your children have moved from middle or high school, for instance, you may not be signed up to receive alerts for the correct school.

Login to BLconnect and click “Manage my subscriptions” at the top of the page to make updates.

This text alert system is used as an urgent notification for events such as weather delays.
Class Information, Grades on Canvas Observer 

Want to keep up-to-date with middle and high school students’ progress, assignments and grades? Be sure to create a Canvas Observer account. With an observer account, families can see what is being covered in class as well as student performance on assignments and tests. This year most of our middle and high school sites will be using Canvas as the gradebook of record (instead of ParentVue). Check out our Canvas parent page with instructions on how to become an observer.

Bend-La Pine Schools Offers New, Free Service to Support Mental Health
Bend-La Pine Schools' Equity Stance: Read and Share Your Thoughts
Our community, our nation, and the world are changing quickly, and we as educators need to support our students as we embrace and navigate change together. We believe public education is the foundation of a thriving democracy, molding our collective future. In Bend-La Pine Schools, a culture of equity is our goal. Read our Equity Stance and learn more about our district's values and commitments on this topic and take time to share your thoughts and feedback:

First Day Fun
Share Your First Day Photos!

We’re looking forward to seeing smiling faces during the first days of school next week!

Please share your first day photos with us by tagging us on Facebook and Instagram or by sending us a direct message with the photo. We will share your first day photos throughout the week!
Law Enforcement Partners Celebrate First Day of School
Just like our students, our School Resource Officers and School Resource Deputies are excited for the first day of school! We appreciate our partnership with the City of Bend Police Department and Deschutes County Sheriff's Office and love that they took time mark this first day of school milestone with us. Please join us in giving them - and all of our law enforcement partners - a high five when you see them at our schools this week!
Kudos and Celebrations
Pine Ridge Elementary Teacher Earns Prestigious Math Award
Stephanie Johnson, a first grade teacher at Pine Ridge Elementary, was recently selected as a Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) state finalist! 

The prestigious awards are the nation's highest honors for math and science teachers. Stephanie joins a long list of Bend-La Pine Schools teachers who have been recognized by PAEMST in past years. 

Johnson, who has taught at Pine Ridge since 2010, has a passion for students developing mathematical language to support their mathematical understanding. 

As a state finalist, Johnson will learn if she advances to the next level at a later date. Congrats, Stephanie!
Nominate a Champion for Students

Do you know of a staff member, student, or community member who has shown above and beyond to lift up others and improve our school communities?

Last year, we created the Champion for Students Award as a way to honor staff, students and community members who have gone out of their way to serve as champions for students.

Help up recognize a Champion for Students today: Submit a name for consideration

Key Dates
Upcoming key dates and days of recognition:

  • September - National Suicide Prevention Month
  • Sept. 7 –1st Day of School, Grades 1-6, 9, K staggered start
  • Sept. 8 –1st Day of School, Grades 7-8, 10-12, K staggered start
  • Sept. 9 – First Day of School, All Kinders
  • Sept. 13 – School Board Meeting
  • Sept. 15 - Oct. 15 – Hispanic Heritage Month
  • Sept. 22 – First Day of Fall
  • Sept. 27 – School Board Work Session
September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

The Central Oregon Suicide Prevention Alliance is hosting events throughout September with the goal of bringing awareness to suicide prevention including family-friendly classes, a candlelight ceremony for those who lost loved ones to suicide, an annual Out of Darkness Walk, a community QPR training and more.

For more information or questions about these events, please visit or email [email protected].
Resources for Families
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