June 2020
Global Seed Savers Newsletter
A Message from Karen Lee Hizola
GSS Philippines Executive Director

June is Pride Month but because of the pandemic, people are not able to celebrate like they have in the past.
When I was asked to write about June Pride, it took me a long time to decide what to write. But then it hit me. I should write a letter to myself. My 15 year old self. I just hope this reaches people who need this. It’s definitely not a literary piece. But it’s real. It’s how I would have talked to myself if I were able to talk to me when I was 15.

I invite you to read my letter here .

It took me years to come out. And when I did, my world changed for the better. Freedom does that. It changes everybody’s world for the better.

You may be asking yourself, how is this relevant to seeds?

This is relevant because seeds bring people together. We’ve seen our work impact people from different backgrounds, races, beliefs, ages, and sexual orientation. Seeds have the power to create connections. We’ve witnessed that. There is nothing more beautiful than a world where everyone is food secure and where everyone is free to love who they love.

We are committed to ushering a better world by the work we do—a world free from oppression, injustice, discrimination, hatred, anger and violence. We at Global Seed Savers and Global Seed Savers Philippines are committed to holding a safe space for everyone no matter your religion, color, belief, race, age, and background. Happy Pride Month!
Our Feature in Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance's Video
Thank you to Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance for featuring us in their recent video on how graduates are taking what they learned through Seed School to make the world a better place.

Jeffrey Sotero, one of Philippines Board member is prominently featured sharing his passion for indigenous farming and seed sovereignty in his hometown of Tublay, Begnuet in the Philippines, where he is the Municipal Agriculture Officer.

We are living in times when our connection to the land, growing food, and seed is more important now than ever! We are grateful to have the mentorship of the Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance and all the other amazing "People of the Pinch" we have met through this incredible network.
Watch the video here !
Seed Immersion Talk Series Recordings Available Now
In May, we held a series of Seed Immersion Talks via Zoom. These talks offered a more condensed, introductory version of our Seed School educational sessions. Thanks to all that joined us live each week for this series! Stay tuned for more details about other online educational programs we are designing.

You can view the recorded classes below on Vimeo: