Community Updates
Bristol Lake
Board of Trustees
Tracy Braden

Vice President
Jen Williams

Director of Neighborhood Events
Jenna Mains

Director of Neighborhood Watch
Joe Necamp

Director of Strategic Development
Aaron Burdette
Towne Properties
Sharon Hendricks

New to Bristol Lake?
Welcome to the Neighborhood!

Get connected with us HERE.

Hello Neighbor,

February is already here! We hope you and yours have enjoyed a great start to the new year.

You should have received a mailed notice soon from Towne Properties with the details of our upcoming annual meeting, in case you have not received the information yet: our annual meeting is Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 7:00PM at the Batavia Township Community Center. For those not able to join in person, please join us online via Zoom by clicking HERE to attend.

According to our HOA bylaws, we hold our annual meeting for the purpose of electing 2-4 homeowners to the Board of Trustees for a term minimum of two years. If you have an interest in serving on the board, we are interested in speaking with you! Please submit your nomination form HERE. Deadline for submissions is February 10, 2023.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us through our contact us page on

We encourage all residents to attend the meeting. Along with the annual election, the current Board of Trustees will be presenting the accomplishments of 2022 and the goals for 2023. There will also be a discussion of the many ways to volunteer or otherwise become involved in the success of our community.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Bristol Lake HOA Board of Trustees