Principal Graf's Message
Dear Bristol Families,
I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits despite all that is developing surrounding the COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus) locally and globally.
While our school remains closed, our teachers are continuing to work diligently in preparing learning materials for our students. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate all the resources to launch our virtual learning.
As previously shared, materials and directions will continue to be located in your student’s Google Classroom.
During this time, Bristol’s administration is working to continue to provide high-quality resources and communication. It is our plan to utilize our school website as a primary method to share family resources and important communication. As you may have noticed, additional web pages have been added and are currently under construction.
I want to assure you that, here at Bristol School, we are conducting a thorough cleaning of the building during the day and each night.
Special attention is being given to commonly used items such as cafeteria tables, water fountains, light switches, keyboards, and door handles.
We recognize this closing can be a significant challenge for our families and community.
During this uncertain time, it is critically important that we support each other and our Bristol School community.
Once again, I am grateful for the support of our families and the community as we work with local, state, and national authorities to make decisions in the best interest of our students, staff, and the greater community.
hank you for all your support in helping keep our school community safe and healthy.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.