October 2012 Newsletter
Black Watch Production Image. Image credit: National Theatre of Scotland
Black Watch production image. Image credit: National Theatre of Scotland

The Theatre of War

Black Watch returns to DC


This autumn, we've got a bumper crop of British theatre in the US. To mark the return to DC of the National Theatre of Scotland's Black Watch, which tells the story of a Scottish regiment during the war in Iraq, we partnered with the Shakespeare Theatre Company and the University Club of Washington DC for a fascinating panel discussion on culture and conflict. 


Our all-star panel included Lieutenant Colonel Mark Ewing, second-in-command of the Black Watch during its 2004 deployment to Camp Dogwood; Brigadier General Tim Lai, the UK's Military Attach� in Washington DC, Colonel Kimberly Field from the Pentagon, and our new director, Paul Smith. All had served or worked in Iraq or Afghanistan.


Check out our blog post  on the event - and if you're in DC, go see the play! It's on show until the 6th October. 


If that whets your appetite for more UK theatre, check out our blog post on the Folger Theatre's staging of Hamlet by Shakespeare's Globe.
Elizabeth Shepherd, US Ambassador to Ireland Daniel Rooney, Patricia Rooney, and Richard Everitt. (Image credit: Maria O'Donoghue.)
Elizabeth Shepherd, US Ambassador to Ireland Daniel Rooney, Patricia Rooney, and Richard Everitt (Image credit: Maria O'Donoghue)
Stretching the boundaries of international education

Our education team go to Dublin


Dia dhaoibh! The traditional Irish greeting welcomed more than 4,200 delegates to the European Association for International Education's (EAIE)  annual conference in Dublin earlier this month.


Our education team hosted a reception for more than 100 American delegates at the conference, with the US Ambassador to Ireland Daniel Rooney, and the British Ambassador Dominick Chilcott. We also hosted a working group meeting to plan for a higher education summit that will take place around the G8 summit in London next spring. 


Check out our higher education manager Janice Mulholland's blog post about the visit.


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Partnering with the British Council

In the US, we are increasingly identifying opportunities to work in partnership with American organizations and corporations on shared global agendas. 


We've produced a short video to show how we work with partners around the world. You can learn more by  watching the video.


If you would like to explore partnership opportunities for a project or event, please contact us.


Building Shared Societies

Our Shared Future seminar  

Interested in learning more about American and European views on multiculturalism and integration?

Come along to a half-day seminar to compare transatlantic perspectives on migration, integration, multiculturalism, citizenship and identity on October 2nd, in Washington DC.

The event is organised by the Our Shared Future team, which aims to improve the public conversation about Muslims and intercultural relations, in partnership with the European National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC), the EU Delegation, and the Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins University.

Find out more and register for the event.

Higher Education Series
UCL Hallway (Image credit: Mat Wright)

Conversational conference in Chicago

On October 18th, we're hosting the latest event in our Higher Education Series, a two-year series of conversational conferences set in 12 cities around North America.


'Driving Development: Higher Education in the New Economic Order', will be held at DePaul University. Senior representatives from universities, foundations and corporations will meet to discuss international higher education in an era of slashed budgets and rising fees.


Interested? Learn more about the Chicago event.


Martin Amis (Image credit: Isabel Fonseca)
Antony Gormley, Mansion, 1982 � Antony Gormley Image courtesy Sean Kelly Gallery, New York
British Literature in the US
UK literary events on both coasts

As JK Rowling publishes her latest novel The Casual Vacancy to a flurry of publicity on both sides of the Atlantic, we've been thinking about the success of UK authors in the US.

Andrea Grossman of the literary series Writers Bloc  writes about a discussion between British novelist Martin Amis and Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner, for our Voices blog series.

Meanwhile, Lizza Aiken, daughter of classic children's author Joan Aiken, blogs about the connections between American and British readers ahead of an October 26 celebration of the 50th anniversary of her mother's book, The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, in New York.

Study in the UK Day
Virtual UK College Fair       

Are you interested in studying in the UK? 


Join us for Study in the UK Day, a virtual college fair hosted through CollegeWeekLive on October 16.


 During this free online event, admissions officers from UK universities and current students will take questions about studying in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Ask anything about academic programs, student life, housing, scholarships and more at universities across the UK. 


Find out more, and connect with us on the Education UK - USA Facebook page!




Children at Tollgate Primary School in London point out their international partner schools. (Image credit: Frank Noon)
Children at Tollgate Primary School in London point out their international partner schools. (Image credit: Frank Noon)
British Council Around the World
Connecting Classrooms: To Brazil and back
Darren Coyle explains how the British Council's Connecting Classrooms global education programme helps schools around the world to forge links with each other and develop their pupils as global citizens.


Tunisia: A love story
Kimberley Davidson, who spent a year living in Tunisia through the European Voluntary Service, which is part of the British Council's Youth in Action programme, writes about her experience. 


Higher Education: Who is today's transnational student?
Elizabeth Shepherd blogs about why international students have become more interested in studying at British universities located outside the UK. 

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Find and share photos and video on British culture   

The British Council in the US is on Tumblr! We're aggregating content from across our blogs, photos, and videos and also keeping an eye out for the latest interesting scoops on British arts and culture.



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