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Broadway UMC
United Methodist Women Call to Prayer and Self-denial
Click Here for Video
Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ Award

For 20 years, the United Methodist Men and now the United Methodist Women have recognized an individual for the “Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ Award.” We want to encourage the entire congregation to have a voice in selecting this special honor.
We will select the “Faithful Servant” in a two-step process. First, a round of nominations, then you will have an opportunity to vote on the top four nominees. Nominations must be turned in by April 21 for consideration.
Nominations should be individuals who faithfully serve others without thoughts of personal benefit or glory.

  • Only one nomination per congregant is allowed. 
  • Past recipients and church staff are ineligible.
  • Nominees should be of highest moral standing and have lived his/her life attempting to exemplify the traits of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

You can find the list of the past recipients on the plaque in the narthex near the balcony stairs, on the nomination form, or in the church newsletter.
Since we haven’t been able to gather together as congregation in the past year, you might want to scroll through the church directory to think about potential nominees. You might also think about those individuals who have continued working faithfully through the past year.

There are several ways to turn in a nomination. You will find nomination forms in the narthex, which you can fill in and place in the offering plate. You can also click the button below or you can email the church office.
Nursery Workers Needed
Great news! Broadway UMC has been given approval to re-open the church nursery on Sunday morning! We have everything in place in order to do so except for one thing: people to work in the nursery! If you or someone you know would love to work in the nursery on Sunday mornings, get in touch with Jim Gass! You can email or reach him at 865 207-9256.
Easter Morning on Broadway!
Upper Parlor Sunday School Class began meeting again on Easter Sunday.
NEEDED: Directory Updates
Work is underway to update our digital church directory. Please help by checking your information. Perhaps a phone number is no longer valid, you’ve moved, or changed your e-mail address.If your picture isn’t posted, snap a selfie and send it in. Pictures are particularly helpful for new members trying to put a face with a name. Help us get it corrected so we can Stay Connected. Submit your updates to Stephanie Jordan at or
Postal Packages Auction in Willow, Alaska
Broadway UMC has sent 6 packages (at least one is from Knit Wits) to Willow, AK, for their Postal Package Auction. While the Auction will be postponed until later this spring or possibly in the fall due to the Pandemic, it will continue, and Willow is excited to get our packages again this year.

Because the Auction will be held later than Palm Sunday this year, you as an individual, family, or class, still have ample opportunity to send a Priority mail package for the Auction. Other ways you can help the Willow church are:

  • Gather soap and shampoo, chapstick, toothbrushes, reusable shopping bags, and school supplies. Send them in Priority boxes.

  • Gift cards of $50 for elementary teachers to buy supplies for their students

  • Monetary gifts through the Advance

Remember, the Willow Community has been through a devastating forest fire that burned over 50 homes, a serious earthquake, and the Pandemic in recent years. They appreciate all the prayers and help we can give.

MAIL TO: Willow United Methodist Church, P.O. 182, Willow, AK 99688

The Family Promise Resurrection Run is virtual this year- You can register March 1-Apr 30, so there's still plenty of time if anyone would like to participate!
Let’s Support Those on the Front Lines
During this unprecedented pandemic, we want to support those in our church family who are providing “essential services,” sometimes at great risk to themselves: healthcare workers, sanitation workers, those in the food industry, civil servants, community leaders, fire, police, ambulance services, National Guard, etc. If you qualify or know of someone, please send the name, occupation, and contact information (including telephone, email, and mailing address) to

Also please email the office if you want to be part of the support team by making phone calls, sending cards, providing meals, running errands, etc.

Click Here for the list of COVID-19 Front Line Workers in our church family.
Your Broadway Family Is Ready to Help

We have a list of volunteers ready to assist with:
  • Grocery Shopping/Errands
  • Prayer Partners
  • Tech Support – to help connect with Broadway’s online worship offerings
  • Small Household Projects
Click here if you have needs. If you know of folks who might need assistance, reach out to them and make sure they are aware of these willing helpers.
We are a family and we are in this together.
Stay Connected @ Broadway UMC
The Brown Food Pantry (2nd and 4th Saturdays from 9 – 11 a.m.) and Salvation Army Lunch Program (every Friday from 11am to 1 pm)
are considered "essential services." We are committed to continuing to make these services available for those in need for as long as we are able.
Your support of these programs is appreciated.
Brown Food Pantry is in need of plastic grocery bags, as usual. In addition,
if you do grocery pick-up at Kroger and have the big tan plastic bags with handles,
we can use those as well.
309 East Broadway Avenue
Maryville, TN 37804
(865) 982-6192