Brockton Business Newsletter
Welcome to our business newsletter, featuring bi-monthly updates from the Municipality of Brockton and our partners in community and economic development. Please share with friends, family and colleagues; it’s free to join and you can unsubscribe at any time.
New Community Profile Hot off the Press!
If you’re proud of Brockton and want to sell it to prospective customers, employees and business partners, pick up a copy of our new Community Profile, available at the Brockton municipal office or online at . The 16-page guide was published by the Municipality of Brockton and is free of charge. 
Attentions Small Business Owners!
Invest in yourself – and your business -- with these free or low-cost seminars nearby:
Tues. Nov 19 - Know Your Entitlements and Maximize Your Business Tax Return
Learn about common tax mistakes and how to avoid them, books and record-keeping tips, how to use bench-marking to your advantage and information about Canada Revenue Agency’s online services. 
Register online here

Wednesday, Nov 20 – One-Minute Introductions
How comfortable do you feel introducing yourself and your business in a social setting? What about professional networking? Can you quickly and clearly describe what you do, and how your service or product is of benefit? Learn some great tips at this workshop by the Saugeen Economic Development Corp.
Click here for more info!
Brockton Welcomes New Businesses
Hats off to several new businesses that have opened in Walkerton this fall. Please check them out and offer your congratulations.
· D&D Farm Supply 
Applus has also now joined us, and is holding an open house on Nov. 28. Details in poster below.
The Hawks are Back!

Looking for some hard cash to launch or expand your business idea? The Hawks Nest program is returning in 2020, with over $30,000 worth of cash for entrepreneurs with business ideas that capture the imagination of our hawk-eyed investors.
Get a head start with free seminars November 7 and November 14 on how to expertly craft a business plan. The Municipality of Brockton has been supporting the Hawks Nest program since its inception. 
Brockton Part of Award-Winning Economic Development Team
Saugeen Connects partners won an Award of Excellence in Community Economic Development for taking a regional approach to common issues in economic development. The partners include Brockton, West Grey, Hanover, Minto, North Wellington and the Saugeen Economic Development Corp. Over the past year they have launched programs to enhance local efforts in labour force retention and attraction, succession planning, youth entrepreneurship, and women in business. The award was presented by Community Futures Ontario. Here’s a short video about Saugeen Connects. 
We're Getting Spruced!
Y ou’ve likely noticed some of our Community Improvement Committee’s exciting Spruce the Bruce partnership projects this year. They include a beautiful canoe sculpture near the Durham Street pavilion in downtown Walkerton, new coming events signs at the entrances to town, a new sign on the Walkerton Community Centre, a greatly improved boat launch in Lobies Park, and refurbished downtown sidewalks with tactile plates and unique Walkerton paver stones made of Eramosa limestone.
We have also launched a storefront marketing project to promote vacant commercial properties to potential entrepreneurs in downtown Walkerton. If you are a landlord or realtor interested in being part of this, please contact or call 519-881-2223 ext 131. 
Coming soon: a 10-foot water drop sculpture to be installed at the new Optimist Park behind the Walkerton arena. Trust us, it’s stunning, and 100% locally made!
Municipality of Brockton |