We're Open, Broker Economic Summit Sponsorships, Tools, and more...
Announcements & Events to Share with Your Agents
We're ready and looking forward to seeing you!
We are pleased to announce the re-opening of our offices, which will be done in two phases. The safety of our members, subscribers, and staff are our top priority.
March 22 - April 9
Meetings & Service by Appointment
Classroom C is converted to three smaller meeting spaces; A and B will be used for Committee Meetings. Spaces include drapery and socially distanced seating.
Committees will be charged with the decision to meet remotely or in-person beginning in April.
Social distancing will continue in accordance with current local and state orders.
You will see signage with reminders throughout the building regarding social distancing and safety practices.
We will have cleaning stations to thoroughly prepare meeting spaces before and after each use.
Facilities will continue to be cleaned daily by a professional service.
April 12
Walk-in Service is Back!
Walk-in service will re-open, and staff will be available to assist you with any BAR Membership and MLS Subscriber needs.
Hours will remain the same: Monday-Friday, 8AM-4:30 PM.
Lockboxes will once again be available on a walk-in basis.
In-person; hybrid, that offer both a live and virtual component; and virtual events will be offered to meet the needs and comfort levels of all our members.
Thank all of our members who took the time to vote in our Bylaws Vote that ended February 25. We are happy to report that all the revisions oroposed by the Birmingham Association of REALTORS® Board of Directors PASSED.
The latest version of our Bylaws with the recently approved revisions is available HERE.
Understand the world of distressed properties and short sales, and learn how to explain the process of a short sale or foreclosure from contract to close.
Check out the resources and strategies for growing and maintaining a successful, ethical, and resilient real estate business from content created for brokers.
The Power of an Idea. Perception is Key. Leaders Are People Too. Steve Murray, president of REAL Trends, shares his top lessons learned from coaches, brokerage leaders, and more in this series.
Click here for quick, two-minute videos with nuggets of information and takeaways to implement in your own business.