2021-22 School Theme: Celebrate Learning Together
“No government funds will be solicited, and none accepted if offered. Tuition must cover all operational costs. All capital improvements will be raised outside of tuition.”
Walter Davis, Founder
In a world where government subsidies and “relief packages” have become an expectation - as stated in the above three principles - Brookfield Academy has never and will never take one penny from any outside governing organization. The conviction that a school is a free institution competing with others for survival creates a distinctive program, rather than one that follows the competition. As a truly independent school and recognizing the nature of a free market economy, Brookfield Academy is dependent upon the financial support of our families. Reflecting on our rich history, as the 2021-22 Annual Fund gets underway, we ask you to consider giving to ensure a promising future for Brookfield Academy and its students. Thank you in advance for your support. It is essential in continuing the exceptional legacy of Brookfield Academy.
~ Peter Grossman, Director of Development
Parents, please help us by monitoring students for COVID-19 symptoms and keeping students home if they show any signs of illness.
Reminder: Please contact your Division's Administrative Assistant if anyone in your family has had direct contact with someone testing positive for COVID-19. A direct contact is defined as being within six feet of someone without a mask for 15 minutes or more. When making determinations about these situations, we will consider this definition; however, under certain circumstances, we may find it in the best interest of our students to expand upon this definition of direct contact. It is our intention to always do what is most necessary to keep our students, staff, and faculty safe.
Ongoing Updates: In addition to weekly newsletter updates, wellness protocols and other information are available in the MyBA parent portal under the COVID-19 School Updates.
Treasure or Trash: Social Media, its effects on children, and what a parent can do about it.
Join us for a presentation with Tyler Loomis, a BA graduate ('89), who received a masters degree in counseling psychology from Trinity International University. He currently runs his own practice seeing individuals, couples, and families. There are two sessions, each geared to different age groups.
No matter what session you're able to attend, the content will be valuable for all parents.
Thursday, November 4, at 8:30 am - Primary and Lower Schools
Tuesday, November 9, at 5:30 pm - Middle and Upper Schools
More information can be found here.
Thanksgiving Break:
November 24-27
Christmas Break:
December 20-January 3
October 25
8:30 am
New Families: Coffee with the Primary and Lower School Head and Assistant Head
Liberty Library
November 4
8:30 am
Parent Presentation
Primary School and Lower School
Treasure or Trash: Social Media, its effects on children and what a parent can do about it.
November 5
Scholarship Testing for Students in Level 8
Upper School Fall Play
Constitution Hall
All Purpose Room
November 6
Upper School Fall Play
Constitution Hall
All Purpose Room
November 8
Scholarship Testing for Students in
Levels 9, 10, 11
November 9
5:30 pm
Parent Presentation
Middle School and
Upper School
Treasure or Trash: Social Media, its effects on children and what a parent can do about it.
November 11
8:45 am
American Character Educational Series
The Spirit of Service and Development of Leaders in the US Military: An important perspective from a Veteran.
November 12
Mothers Night Out
Delafield Hotel
Congratulations! Greg Rackovan, who teaches AP Chemistry, AP Physics, and other Upper School science classes, was selected for the University of Chicago's Outstanding Educator Award. Each year, newly admitted students have the opportunity to reflect on their time in school and nominate an educator who played a significant role in their education, made a positive impact in their lives, and whose influence has brought them to the University of Chicago.
BA's Open House will be held Sunday, October 31. Save the date and help spread the word to family, friends, and neighbors who might like to attend and learn about BA. More information on our website.
Upcoming No School Dates: Thanksgiving Break begins Wednesday, November 24; Christmas Break begins Monday, December 20.
Parents: If you, a friend, or family member has a student (not currently enrolled at BA) who plans to attend next year, please fill out an application. Classes fill up quickly. We will have room for all currently enrolled students. Admission Screening and Scholarship Testing are coming up in early November. Please see the Upper School and Middle School sections below for specific details.
Little Knights Fall Applications: Do you have a young scholar who will be three by July 1, 2022? Brookfield Academy’s Little Knights, an enrichment program for future Level A students, is accepting applications now. Availability is limited. Fall 2022 enrollment decisions will be made on December 3, 2021. Please share this information with family, friends, and neighbors who might be interested. Contact Mindy Morrissey for more information.
See the BA Blue Knights Play at Fiserv Forum: On Saturday, November 20, the Blue Knights will play USM at the Fiserv Forum. Tip-off is at 1:20 pm. Come see your Blue Knights play, enjoy the Deer District, and then return to Fiserv Forum for the Milwaukee Bucks vs the Orlando Magic. The BA game is free and discounted Bucks tickets are available here with the promo code: brookfieldbball. Tickets must be purchased today, October 20. See the flyer on our website for more details.
Photos From Picture Day are Ready! Click here to view and order photos. If your photos are not appearing in the gallery, you can find your student using the event code: FE18021.
Picture Retakes: In case you missed Picture Day, retakes will be on October 27 from 9 am to 12 noon.
Parent Book Discussion: Join us in reading The Enchanted Hour - The Miraculous Power of Reading Aloud in the Age of Distraction by Meghan Cox Gurdon. Discussions of the book will be held on November 1 at 2:00 pm and 6:30 pm in the Washington Room at Founders Hall. RSVP to Linda Pryor to reserve space at your preferred time.
Watch our Upper School students in Puffs: November 5, 6, and 7. Our Upper School play promises a new perspective on the well known story and lighthearted fun for all POTTER fans. Click here for tickets.
Spirit Store: Fall season is here! The spirit wear store in Patriots Hall will be open 11:00 am-1:00 pm on Friday, November 5. Blankets, fleece jackets, hats, scarves, you name it! Can't make it to the store on November 5? No problem, take a look at our online store. Interested in volunteering in the store? Check out Volunteer Hub, or contact the co-chairs Michele Campbell or Deena Doherty.
American Character Educational Series speaker Jeff Rauh, a BA alum from the Class of 1989, will present a program titled: The Spirit of Service and Development of Leaders in the US Military: An important perspective from a Veteran. This series is free to attend and open to the entire BA community. Please join us on Thursday, November 11, at 8:45 am for coffee and pastries, the presentation, and Q & A. Additional details are available here. Please RSVP to Linda Pryor.
Upper School Parent Conferences: There is still time to schedule a conference Thursday, October 21, 3:40-8:00 pm. Please email Mary Fenelon with your preferred date, time, and the teachers with whom you'd like to meet; your schedule will be returned via email.
Scholarship Test Registration: Scholarship testing for current Upper School students in Levels 9, 10, and 11 will be offered on Monday, November 8, from 3:30-5:00 pm at Patriots Hall. Interested students should complete the Scholarship Test Registration Form. Registered students need to provide information about their involvement in activities as part of the Scholarship Testing process. Students must complete the 2021 BA Scholarship Activities Sheet before their test date.
Attention All Advanced Placement (AP) Students: An important letter was sent home regarding AP orders. A copy of the letter can be found HERE. As a reminder, all AP order forms and payments are due before Friday, November 5. Contact Mrs. Tomchek or Mrs. Aigner-Bailey with any questions.
UBLT Co-Op Alpine Racing Team: Upper School students who are recreational skiers or accomplished racers are invited to join UBLT. On this team, skiers from University Lake School, Brookfield Academy, Lake Country Lutheran, and Trinity compete against other local HS teams in races held in January and February at local ski resorts/clubs. Races are held 1-2 times per week with practices on Sunday evenings at Heiliger Huegel Ski Club. Skiers score points for the team and are recognized as individuals. Experienced coaching is provided, along with skill training and gate work. There is a Parent/Racer Informational Meeting on Tuesday, November 9, at 6:30 pm in the Patriots Hall cafeteria. Please direct questions to Amy Marshall.
Theme Lunches: The next Upper School Themed Lunch will be served on Friday, November 19. Students will enjoy a Thanksgiving feast served by an amazing group of volunteering mothers. As a reminder, Taher will not serve lunch on this day. So, if your child does not participate in the Themed Lunch, he or she will need to bring a lunch from home. If your child would like to participate, please see Mrs. Dehne; BEFORE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12.
College Visits: Representatives from national and international colleges will be available for our students. The BA College Visit schedule is on the College Counseling Office page of our website.
Conferences: There is still one day remaining to schedule a conference, Thursday, October 21, from 3:40-8:00 pm. Please contact Mrs. Mary Beth Homan to arrange a time; be sure to indicate which teachers you'd like to meet, along with your preferred times. You may meet in person or by Zoom.
Middle School Fun Day: On Friday, October 29, Middle School students will enjoy a variety of enriching and fun activities in the afternoon.
Scholarship Test Registration: Scholarship testing for current Level 8 students will be offered on Friday, November 5, from 3:30-5:00 pm at Freedom Hall. Interested students should complete the Scholarship Test Registration Form. Registered students need to provide information about their involvement in activities as part of the Scholarship Testing process. Students must complete the 2021 BA Scholarship Activities Sheet before their test date.
Level A Recitation: Friday, October 22, Level A students will recite The Pumpkin Seed at morning assembly. They will be joined by seniors who started at BA in Level A or B. Parents are invited to join us for this special presentation.
New Parent Coffee with Division Head Rich Raney and Assistant Division Head Tanya Schwartz: On Monday, October 25, at 8:30 am in the Liberty Hall Library, we welcome parents of students new to Brookfield Academy this school year and last school year. Now that you have experienced a couple of months at BA, we wanted to provide an opportunity for new families to get to know Mr. Raney and Ms. Schwartz, connect with each other, and ask questions.
Join us for Lower School Curriculum Coffees at 8:15 am in the Liberty Hall Library. These gatherings are geared toward families with students in Levels 3-5 who have joined the BA community over the last two years, but all are welcome. On Tuesday, November 2, we'll discuss Singapore Math. On Wednesday, November 3, the topic will be Grammar Basics. Check the Parent Presentations section of our website for more details.
Important information regarding Primary School and the Christmas Program: We are looking forward to our Primary School parents and families joining us at 9:00 am on December 17 for our annual Primary School Christmas Program in Freedom Hall. Following the program, there will be a short reception after which you are welcome to take your child(ren) home with you. All remaining students will return to their classrooms until carline at 12 noon. Narnia will be made available for families until 4:3 0pm that day.
Lower School Christmas Program: On December 17, Lower School students will have a 12 noon dismissal. Narnia will be available until 4:30 pm. We look forward to welcoming our Lower School families at 6:00 pm on December 17 for the Lower School Christmas Program in Freedom Hall.
Care Packages
This week is college care package drop off week. If you are a parent of BA’s recent graduating Class of 2021, please bring your treats to Founders Hall. Each graduate from the Class of 2021 will receive a special college care package. Please contact Michael Rajchel in the Advancement Office with questions.
Annual Giving Day
The Brookfield Academy Annual Fund Cabinet is getting set to kick off the 2021-22 Annual Giving Campaign. We are humbly asking for your support this year. Your gifts to scholarships, endowments, and the Annual Fund ensure that Brookfield Academy remains free and independent on the steadfast foundation upon which was built in 1962. Mark your calendars for Brookfield Academy’s Online Giving Day -- November 23, 2021. More details to follow soon!
Celebrate “Socializing” Together
Parent-Hosted Events are back, with or without kids. Interested in hosting a Level or Division party? Advancement can help you get the word out to parents. Contact Mary Ricci today to reserve your party tomorrow!
Mothers Night Out - Friday, November 12
Mothers Night Out is back! RSVP HERE before November 4 to attend the dinner. Tarah Davis and Wende Fedder-Gorniak are planning a great evening at the Delafield Hotel to honor our senior moms and welcome new moms to the BA community. Volunteer Hub has opportunities listed to help plan for the themed “Goodbye, Hello” event and a special job listing for senior moms. Reminder, first time users need to create a user profile before they can register for events.