July 20, 2021

Dear Students and Parents,

Consistent with our duty to provide and maintain an environment that is free of recognized hazards, Brooks School has adopted this policy to safeguard the health and well-being of students, employees, residential employee’s families, our visitors, others who spend time on our campus, and the community from infectious conditions that may be mitigated through an effective vaccination program. This policy is intended to comply with all state and local laws. It is based upon guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and public health and licensing authorities, as applicable.
This policy applies to all employees and students. All students and employees must either (a) establish that they have received the designated vaccine(s); or (b) obtain an approved exemption as an accommodation. The process for seeking an accommodation is explained below.
Employees who do not fulfill one of these two requirements will be placed on unpaid leave and their status will be evaluated periodically. Students who do not fulfill one of these two requirements will not be allowed to come to campus.
Requests for Exemptions Due to Medical Accommodations
Employees: Accommodations will be available to assist any employee who is disabled, who is pregnant, who is a nursing mother, or who has a qualifying medical condition that contraindicates the vaccination. Please notify Beth McNeff, director of human resources, in writing at bmcneff@brooksschool.org to request an accommodation.
Students: Accommodations will be available to assist any student who is disabled, or who has a qualifying medical condition that contraindicates the vaccination. Please notify Andrea Heinze, associate head for student affairs, at aheinze@brooksschool.org, to request an accommodation
Brooks School will engage in an interactive process to determine if a reasonable accommodation can be provided so long as it does not create an undue hardship and does not pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others on campus.
Requests for Exemptions Due to Religious Belief
Employees and students who cannot be vaccinated due to sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance may request an exemption. However, exemptions or reasonable accommodations are not guaranteed. Personal and philosophical reasons for not getting vaccinated are insufficient, and requests of this nature will be denied.
To request a medical or religious exemption, please complete this form.


Andrea Heinze
Associate Head for Student Affairs