Featured CSU Header
Can't Wait for Broomfield Days?
CSU Extension can’t wait to see you there on Saturday, Sept. 18! Bring that gardening question that’s been bugging you all season to Booth U (located on the south side of Midway) and ask a Colorado Master Gardener! Learn about 4-H youth programs in Broomfield and ways you can join the Extension team as a volunteer.

While you're there, be sure to test your knowledge of native plants, get a temporary tattoo, and spin the wheel to win prizes for the whole family!

Check out all of the other fun things happening at Broomfield Days at the end of this newsletter.
CSU News Header
Come Grow With Broomfield - Become a Colorado Master Gardener
If the timing for the fall Master Gardener training didn't work for you, the next session is coming up soon! Applications open Sept. 1 for the 2022 training, which begins in January.

For more information on becoming a Colorado Master Gardener, visit CMG.Extension.ColoState.edu or email Broomfield-specific questions to CSUExtension@Broomfield.org.
Help Your Community, Share Your Harvest
It's almost September, but most gardens are still in full gear. Are you finding yourself swimming in zucchini, tomatoes, or other fruits of your labor? If you have extra, please consider donating locally. Visit the Grow & Give website to find a donation site near you - there are two in the Broomfield area!
Should You Wash Fresh Produce with Soap?
University experts from across the country say the answer is no. According to an article in the Aug. 9 Washington Post, "washing your fruit and vegetables with soap can not only be bad for them, but it can be bad for you, as well."

The story cited numerous Cooperative Extension sources, including Colorado State University's Guide to Handling Fresh Produce.
Upcoming CSU Events Header
Colorado State Fair
Aug. 27-Sept. 6
Ask a Master Gardener!
Saturday, Sept. 11, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - Broomfield Library
Tuesday, Sept. 14, 4-7 p.m. - Broomfield Farmers' Market
Saturday, Sept. 18, Broomfield Days - Visit CSU Extension and the Master Gardeners at Booth U, on the side south of Midway.

Throughout the growing season, Broomfield Master Gardeners provide mobile clinics at convenient community locations. This is a free service, and residents are invited to drop in - no registration needed! Find more information on B-REx.com.
CSU Volunteer of the Month Header
Jocelyn Schilling

Jocelyn Schilling has been a Broomfield Master Gardener since 2019. When asked why she became a Master Gardener Jocelyn replied, “I love plants and nature, whether it is learning about them or sharing what I know with people.” She has certainly done that.

In her short time as part of the Broomfield team, she has volunteered to create and present educational content to her fellow Master
Gardeners and, more recently, to the public.

Jocelyn brings her knowledge and passion to her day job at the Denver Botanic Gardens (DBG) where she is employed as a seasonal groundskeeper. When she isn’t gardening, Jocelyn plays violin with the Broomfield Symphony Orchestra and also does historical fencing in a medieval reenactment group. 

We are very grateful to have Jocelyn as part of the Broomfield Master Gardeners, and want to recognize her as one of our outstanding volunteers! You are truly an inspiration, Jocelyn. Read more.  


If you're interested in becoming a Colorado Master Gardener in Broomfield, please visit the Broomfield CSU Extension website for more information.
CSU Weird Wednesday Header
This photo was snapped under magnification by a Broomfield Master Gardener. These collections of eggs are referred to as egg masses and in this case belong to a stink bug in the genus Thyanta.

While stink bugs rarely win popularity contests, some of the species found in Colorado are actually beneficial predators of garden pests. Thyanta stink bugs fall somewhere in the middle. They do feed on many types of plants, but damage is minimal, and they do not tend to make the dreaded move indoors. Pee-yew!

Find more photos of the strange, wonderful, and perfectly natural world around us at:

Black Smoke, African Americans, and the United States of Barbecue
Thursday, Aug. 26
Broomfield Auditorium
Food Trucks on site at 5:30 p.m.
Event at 7- 8 p.m.

Curious about the history of barbecue in the United States? Learn about Black pit masters and barbecuers at the Broomfield Auditorium with author Adrian Miller as he discusses his latest book, "Black Smoke: African Americans and the United States of Barbecue". Whether you prefer Kansas City or North Carolina style, gather to hear this "smoke-filled story of Black perseverance, culinary innovation, and entrepreneurship." No registration—just drop in for the duration of the lecture! Smokin’ Bones BBQ food truck will be onsite beginning at 5:30 p.m.! For more information visit https://bit.ly/bfadrianmiller.
Broomfield's favorite event of the year is right around the corner!
This activity-packed weekend is something you and your family will not want to miss. Mark your calendars for Sept. 17 - 19 for three days of non-stop fun and community spirit.
Here's what you need to know:
  • Friday, Sept. 17: Golf Tournament and concert sponsored by Senior Resources of Broomfield and Bingo games sponsored by the Broomfield Lions Club. NEW for 2021: Friday Night Lights at the Main Stage. Come to this FREE concert with the 6 Million Dollar Band from 7-9 p.m. followed by a laser light show.
  • Bring a picnic and enjoy an evening before Broomfield Days festivities on Saturday.
  • Saturday, Sept. 18: The main event with activities and entertainment throughout the day including a 5K race, clown contest, parade, trade fair, canine competitions, craft festival, food booths, three stages of entertainment, and demonstrations.
  • Sunday, Sept. 19: Continued Dog Dock Diving competition.
Make sure you are following CCOB social media channels and join the Facebook event for updates about events. Visit Broomfield.org/BroomfieldDays for details about the weekend!
Update your subscription to stay updated on what's happening in the City and County of Broomfield.
Reach out to CSU Extension in Broomfield

Extension programs are available to all without discrimination. Colorado State University Extension,
U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Colorado counties cooperating.