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Make Plans to Plant Smarter

Though the days are cold and there is snow on the ground, gardeners know that the busy spring season is just around the corner. Whether you are starting from scratch or you are among the many considering making water-wise and pollinator-friendly changes to your landscape, the winter season is a golden opportunity to plan and design.

Luckily for gardeners of any level, there are local, science-based resources to support you in this process, including the Plant Select® program.

Plant Select® is a nonprofit collaboration of Colorado State University, Denver Botanic Gardens and professional horticulturists that seeks out, evaluates and distributes plants for our region. New plants are added to the program each year, and the 2023 selections have just been announced! Their motto, “Plant Smarter,” says it all. All that are chosen exhibit these eight attributes:

  • Flourish with less water
  • Thrive in a broad range of conditions
  • Habitat-friendly
  • Tough and resilient in challenging climates
  • One of a kind/unique
  • Resist disease & insects
  • Long-lasting beauty
  • Non-invasive

While these are not the only plants suitable for our region, they are a great place to start. To find Plant Select plants, look for the Plant Select logo at participating nurseries, or browse the online plant catalog

You can find even more inspiration and guidance with free waterwise landscape designs, or in the many Plant Select Demonstration Gardens across the state (including the Broomfield Xeriscape Demonstration Garden). 

Looking to make an impact on water usage by working with your HOA? Check out the Plant Select lawn conversion resources for HOAs and developers.

Find more information on water-wise planning and planting in the resources section below.
CSU News Header
Plant Select® Winter Landscape Tips
Did you know that your winter landscaping practices—like where you pile your snow and how you manage ice—can affect the health of your plants? For example, if you use de-icing salts on sidewalks or streets, your plants can be exposed to them when ice melts and water runs off. When that exposure is excessive, your plants can become stressed and malnourished, dry out, turn yellow and die back. Even worse, these issues often don’t show up until spring! 

Read more for simple winter landscape tips and tricks.
Avian Flu Update
Dr. Kristy Pabilonia, director of clinical diagnostics for the Colorado State University Veterinary Health System, recently did a Q&A on the avian flu outbreak in Colorado. Here are some key points:
  • In Colorado alone, about 6.4 million chickens have died as a result of the virus, which was first reported in the U.S. in early 2022.
  • Colorado has lost almost its entire egg-laying population during this outbreak, which is why egg prices are as high as they (due to a lower supply).
  • The current outbreak is difficult to control because it's been detected in thousands of wild birds in the U.S. Most of the commercial and backyard poultry cases are the result of wild bird introduction of the virus.
  • Dr. Pabilonia does not recommend starting a backyard flock at this time because it's very hard to keep wild birds out of your backyard.

For the complete Q&A, visit Colorado State University's Source webpage. For local information on Avian Flu, including the action you should take to report a deceased bird on public property within the City and County of Broomfield, visit www.broomfield.org/1716/Animal-to-Human-Diseases/AvianFlu.
And the Award Goes To...
Each year Plant Select® introduces new waterwise plants that have been specially developed for this area. Plants are trialed and tested for 2-5 years at Denver Botanic Gardens, Colorado State University, and public and private gardens.

Some of the standouts for 2023 include the TIDY Littleleaf Peashrub (pictured right), TUSHAR Bluemat Penstemon, and Ultra Violet Salvia.
Welcome to our new volunteer coordinator, Annie Costakis!
Things to do with CSU Header
4-H At-Home Activity: Make Your Own Sourdough Pizza
It's pizza time! In this activity, kids as young as kindergarten can learn the science behind making sourdough crust. From creating their own starter to tasting the final pie, this is bound to be fun and educational for all ages.

Find this activity and others on the Broomfield CSU Extension website.
Cottage Food Safety Training
Offered by Colorado State University Extension, this nationally-recognized training program covers the specifics of the Colorado Cottage Food Act and how to safely operate a food business from a home kitchen. The $50 online class is next offered on these dates: 
Wednesday, Feb. 22, 5-9 p.m.
Friday, March 10, 9 a.m. -1 p.m.
Friday, March 31, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Friday, April 21, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Upcoming CSU Events Header
ProGreen EXPO
Jan. 31-Feb. 2
Colorado Convention Center
Check website for registration and pricing

ProGreen EXPO is an annual conference for green industry professionals to obtain the latest knowledge and skills for the upcoming season. Full conference and expo-only registrations are available.
Colorado Garden & Home Show
Feb. 4-12
Colorado Convention Center
Tickets: $8.00 - $10.00

Planning to visit the 64th Annual Colorado Garden & Home Show? Stop by the Colorado Master Gardener booth, where CSU Extension specialists and Colorado Master Gardeners will answer your gardening questions.
Webinar: Seed Starting
Wednesday, Feb. 8, 12 p.m.
Free, but must register

Learn all about starting seed indoors from Amy Lentz, Weld County Extension. After registering, you will be emailed a link to join the Zoom meeting. Remember, you can find recordings of previous horticulture classes on the CO-Horts Blog website.
Colorado Native Plants Conference
Feb. 23-25
Admission Fee Varies

Register now for the 2023 Virtual Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference. Experts in horticulture, ecology, and landscape design will help you learn to create a beautiful, biodiverse landscape from the ground up.
Calendar icon
Feb. 20 - Broomfield CSU Extension office closed for President's Day

Broomfield CSU Extension's regular office hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
CSU Resources Header
Latest News and Updates graphic header with newspaper icon
Understanding Property Taxes and How to Read Your Tax Notice
Property tax notices are coming. Do you know where your money is going? The City and County of Broomfield Treasurer is here to explain how to read your tax notice and break down where your money is going each year.

Want a more in-depth look at your specific property notice? Stop by the Broomfield City Council Chambers at One Descombes Drive Thursday, Feb. 2 from 6-7:30 p.m. for an in-person “How to Read your Notice” workshop. Bring your tax notice and a CCOB employee will walk you through what everything means.

Broomfield homeowners may qualify for the "Partial Property Tax Refund Program." To learn more about the program and qualifications, visit https://www.broomfield.org/270/Housing-Division or call 303.438.6350.
RTD Holding Open Houses on the Northwest Rail Peak Service Study
Part of RTD's ongoing commitment to the FasTracks plan includes commuter rail service from Denver Union Station to Boulder and Longmont. The Northwest Rail Peak Service Study will help advance efforts toward this goal. 

Interested in learning more about the FasTracks plan for the northwest area? Attend an in-person open house on Jan. 31 or Feb. 2, or a self-guided online meeting starting Jan. 31. Visit RTD's Northwest Rail Peak Service Study website for more information, including open house times and locations.
Update your subscription to stay updated on what's happening in the City and County of Broomfield.
Reach out to CSU Extension in Broomfield

Extension programs are available to all without discrimination. Colorado State University Extension,
U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Colorado counties cooperating.