Broomfield COmmunity Update header tag
Week of March 1, 2021
The City and County of Broomfield is committed to providing frequent news, updates and information related to COVID-19. Please find resources and opening information at and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Please be mindful that information may change rapidly, even by the hour.
Want more data? Visit the Broomfield’s COVID-19 Data Dashboard to find:
COVID-19 cases
  • Cases - three and seven day average of cases, cases among long-term care facilities and metro area cumulative incidence. The week of Feb. 21, Broomfield had 73 new cases compared to 51 new cases the week of Feb. 14. On Feb. 27, the seven-day moving average of new cases was 10.4, compared to 7.3 on Feb. 20.
COVID demographic graph
  • Demographics - demographic data among COVID-19 cases, include age, outcome by age, and race/ethnicity. In February, residents ages 0-9 made up 11.1% of cases. This is an increase from previous months. In January, 0-9 year olds accounted for 5.7% of COVID-19 cases.
COVID deaths graph
  • Deaths - weekly deaths among COVID-19 cases. Last week, there were no additional deaths.
COVID testing graph
  • Testing - number of COVID-19 tests conducted and the positivity rate. On Feb. 27, Broomfield’s seven-day positivity rate was 3.1%, higher than the previous week when it was 2.6% on Feb. 20.
COVID hospitalization graph
  • Hospitalizations - number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients for the North Central Region and ICU and ventilator usage. On Feb. 28, the North Central Region had 233 confirmed COVID-19 cases hospitalized.
COVID vaccine graph
  • COVID-19 Vaccination - cumulative doses administered, doses administered by day and doses administered by age group. As of March 1, 6,077 Broomfield residents have received at least one dose, 83% of residents age 70+ have received a first dose, and of those, 54.8% have received both doses. Please note that data over the past 72 hours may be incomplete.
COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Update
  • Governor Polis and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) announced updates to the state’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan. Changes include:
  • The original phase 1B.3 has been split into two phases: 1B.3 and 1B.4. Below is a table detailing eligibility within each phase.
  • People in Phase 1B.3, including those 60+ and frontline essential agricultural and grocery store workers, and people 16-59 with two or more high-risk conditions, are eligible for vaccination starting on March 5.
  • People in Phase 1B.4 will likely become eligible at the end of March (dependent on federal vaccine supply).
  • Phase 2 now includes those who were not eligible to receive a vaccine in prior phases and will likely start in early May, again, depending on federal supply. Phase 3 is combined with Phase 2.
Vaccine Interest Form
  • What’s the best way to access a vaccine when your group is eligible? Sign up online with a health-system provider.
  • You do not have to be a patient of a health-system to sign up for their vaccine list.
  • You do not need insurance to receive a vaccine through a health-system provider and there is no cost to receive the vaccine.
  • You are not required to provide a state-issued form of identification.
  • Below are links and phone numbers for local health-system providers.
  • Banner Health - 1.844.549.1856
  • Boulder Community Health - 303.415.7777
  • Centura Health - 866.414.1562
  • Denver Health - 303.453.7000
  • HealthONE - 303.453.2477
  • Kaiser Permanente -855.550.0951
  • SCL Health - 303.812.2051
  • UCHealth - 720.462.2255
  • If you are currently eligible, you can also sign up for the Broomfield Vaccine Interest Form to be alerted of vaccine opportunities, should they become available, through Broomfield Public Health or a partner. This should NOT be your only option and will not get you vaccinated the fastest. Broomfield Public Health serves a gap filling role and focuses strongly on those that are most in need of a vaccine within the current eligible groups AND unable to get a vaccine through a health-system, their employer, or another vaccination avenue.
New COVID-19 Vaccine
  • A third COVID-19 vaccine was approved Saturday, Feb. 27 by the Federal Food and Drug Administration. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine:
  • Is one dose;
  • In clinical trails has been found to be 85% effective in preventing severe disease and;
  • 100% effective in preventing hospitalizations and deaths.
  • Unlike Pfizer and Moderna, it does not have to be stored at ultra cold temperatures, which means it will be easier to store and administer.
  • Could arrive in Colorado as early as this week.
  • Visit for learn how to sign up for a vaccine.
Thank you 4Ws graphic
Update on the B.1.1.7 Variant
  • The B.1.1.7 variant, commonly known as the UK variant, is expected to become the nation's dominant coronavirus strain by end of March, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
  • There are currently three cases of the B.1.1.7 variant associated with Broomfield.
  • Although both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine are showing to be effective against the variant, it is important to limit the spread of COVID-19 to keep Broomfield open and to avoid additional virus mutations. You can help stop the spread of practice the 4 Ws - wearing a mask, watching your distance, washing your hands and waiting on gatherings.
  • Visit to learn more about prevention measures.
Quarantine Reminder
  • Broomfield’s COVID-19 one-week incidence has been increasing since Feb. 16. This means more people are being exposed to positive cases in our community. To help stop the spread of COVID-19, remember that you should quarantine after you’ve been exposed to someone with COVID-19, but before you get sick. A person in quarantine is required to:
  • Stay home;
  • Not go to work, school or extracurricular activities;
  • Avoid other people; and
  • Watch for symptoms.
  • A 14-day quarantine is the safest option and should be used by people who have regular close contact with high-risk individuals. This includes people who live or work in residential or congregate living facilities or people who have had close contact with someone infected with a COVID-19 variant of concern.
  • A 10-day quarantine is appropriate for most people who do not have contact with high-risk individuals.
  • Visit to learn more about symptoms, quarantine and isolation.
Enhance Broomfield graphic
Small Business Relief
  • 76 businesses were awarded $318,500 in Small Business Relief or Enhance Broomfield grants last week. Reviews are continuing on nearly 40 business applications. Applications for the Small Business Relief grants are encouraged and welcomed through March 15.
  • Small businesses and nonprofits that are applying for Paycheck Protection Program loans are eligible for an exclusivity period, where their applications will be prioritized from Feb. 24- March 9. During this period, the Small Business Association will not accept PPP applications from lenders for businesses or nonprofits with 20 or greater employees to focus applications on small businesses. Businesses may complete the application and be connected with a lender via Lender Match.
Back to Business
  • Broomfield now has 49 B2B Certified businesses, with Roots Restaurant approved on Friday by the Administrative Committee. While B2B businesses will operate in “Level Blue: Caution” like other Broomfield businesses, they have committed to increased operational improvements and practices. The Committee discussed ideas or suggestions for the State to consider for improving the 5-Star program.
Ride to a vaccine appointment
  • Are you eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine, have an appointment but need a ride? Please call 303.464.5534, press 1, and leave a message. Messages are checked throughout the day Monday through Friday. You will receive a call back within 24 hours.
#IRemember Gif
  • Easy Ride drivers miss bringing seniors to the Broomfield Community Center for lunch. Before the pandemic, Easy Ride buses were packed with seniors. Easy Ride looks forward to the day this is possible again!
  • Joan Lucero misses Broomfield Days and outdoor concerts!
  • What is something you remember doing pre-COVID that you are looking forward to doing again? Share a photo of something you enjoyed doing pre-pandemic, and are waiting on doing now to stay safe on social media with the tag #IRemember! You can also email [email protected] with submissions.
Frequently Asked Questions:
When will I be protected after I get the vaccine?
  • You will not be immediately protected from COVID-19 after receiving the vaccine. Studies show that it takes about two weeks after your last dose for your body to fully protect itself against illness.
  • It may be possible that someone who has been vaccinated against COVID-19 could develop a mild or asymptomatic infection and even possibly spread the virus to others. More studies are needed to determine this. In the meantime, it is important to continue taking COVID-19 precautions, such as wearing masks, practicing physical distancing, washing your hands and waiting on gatherings.
  • While no vaccine is 100% effective, Pfizer and Moderna have reported that their vaccines are about 95% effective. Johnson & Johnson has been found to be 85% effective in preventing severe disease and 100% effective in preventing hospitalizations and deaths. Visit to learn more.
Upcoming Events
  • City Council will convene tomorrow night, March 2. View the agenda. Public participation via telephone will open at approximately 6 p.m. by calling 1.855.695.3744 and pressing star 3 (*3) to be placed in the queue. Written comments are requested to be sent in advance to [email protected]. This meeting will be presented live on the City Council website and through your local television, Channel 8 (Comcast customers only).
City Updates
  • Road Closures:
  • The Anthem Reuse Mainline project closure of Indian Peaks Parkway from Vestal Loop to Traver Drive has been postponed from Feb. 24 to March 1. The closure and subsequent detour is anticipated to be needed for three weeks.
  • Fenton Street at Dillon Road will be closed March 8-15 for earthwork and a major utility crossing. This closure will not impact traffic on Dillon Road. This work is part of the Dillon/144th Improvement project.
  • Broomfield homeowners with Ash trees can take steps to protect their trees from the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), a beetle that feeds on Ash trees and has been identified in Broomfield. For more information on how to identify an Ash tree, a step-by-step EAB decision guide, and tree treatment options, visit
  • Gain curb appeal, lower water costs, and access professional design without a professional landscape price tag with Garden-in-A-Box! These ready to install Xeric gardens are available for Broomfield residents, who will receive a $25 discount on their! Order today at Supplies are limited! Boxes are available starting March 1, but if you experience technical difficulties, check back at the website later.
  • Broomfield residents can purchase trees through Broomfield’s first annual tree sale hosted by Broomfield Parks, Recreation and Senior Services. The 11 species range from shade trees such as oaks, linden, and elm to ornamental trees like redbud, crabapples and maples. Learn more and buy some starting today, March 1 at
We Are Broomfield graphic
Attend this year’s virtual Heart of Broomfield Awards! The pre-show starts at 5:30 p.m. and the live-streamed celebration will take place from 6-7 p.m. March 16. Register to watch the free event and tune in to recognize a number of outstanding Broomfield volunteers.

Congratulations to the Broomfield Library, which was recognized this year with the Heart of Gold Organizational Award!
An anonymous diner picked up all patron tabs at North Side Tavern last week and tipped the staff more than $5,000. Watch the CBS Denver story.
Activities to do From Home
Featured Programs & Classes
  • Get advice from a Broomfield Wildlife Master by calling 303.464.5554! Wildlife Masters are local residents who volunteer their time to answer questions about coexistence. Leave a message, including your contact information, and someone will respond within 24 hours.
  • Save the Date! Register to pick up a delicious Easter lunch at or by calling 303.464.5536 starting March 15. People can register to pick up a maximum of two meals, for $5 each, on Friday, April 2 by driving through the Broomfield Community Center parking between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. This is separate from the Broomfield Meals on Wheels program and 100 meals will be available.
  • If your family is in need of screen-free time and you want to engage your brain, get creative and make something, pick up a take-and-make kit for teens and adults! Kits are available starting today, March 1 at the second-floor desk of the Broomfield Library or via curbside pickup while supplies last. Learn more about this month’s seed starter kit from CSU Extension.
Show how you are supporting your community and doing your part
Using #WeAreBroomfield, #DoingMyPartCO