Principal Updates 

Browne Bear Families,

Today, we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. in a whole-school assembly. As I looked across the crowd, not only was I thankful for our time together as a community, post-COVID Pandemic, but also so thankful for the work Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and so many others have done to help us participate in such moments together.

Because of the work he did, we are able to laugh, play, learn, and do life together. Our kiddos get to grow up in a world where we honor and respect each other and celebrate people for who they are.

This weekend, please talk with your kids about the important work Martin Luther King Jr. and others working for Civil Rights have done for our society and our world. Share some compassion, love and joy as you interact with others in the community this weekend.

And, as always, thank you for sharing your incredible kids with us. We love watching them grow and are blessed to be a part of their journey!

Remember to ROAR!

Be Responsible

Take Ownership for your actions, words, and school community

Have a Pawsitive Attitude

Respect yourself, others, and property 

2022-2023 Calendar 

Upcoming Events and Important Dates

January 16th: MLK Jr. school

January 19th: PTG Skate Night 6-8 pm, Pattison's North

January 26-27th: Conferences. NON-STUDENT days (students get to stay home while teachers, staff and parents meet for conferences)

Click Here: Year Calendar 

Please Drive Safely!

Here at Browne, we have many students who walk or get picked up by parents after school.

If you are driving, please watch out for our kiddos as they walk home, especially with the wintery, slick roads. Remember, neighborhood roads are 25 MPH and our school zones are 20 MPH. Thank you for your continued support and help as we keep our Browne Bears safe!

Flashback Fashion with Decades Day!

Upcoming PTG Skate Night

You lost it? We found it!

Our lost and found is getting mighty full! If your child lost a coat, sweatshirt or other items, please remind them to check the lost and found! If you would like to look through it also, check in at the office and we can bring you to the lost and found to find the items that belong to you. Thank you!

Conference Sign-ups are now OPEN!

Thank you for all those who have already signed up for conferences with your child's teacher. If you haven't signed up already, please click the link below and sign up! We look forward to seeing you all!


Helpful Links 

Bus Routes & Registration 
Meals and Food in School
Parent Volunteer Registration 

All new volunteers must fill out a volunteer application, which can be obtained at either the school office or online. Volunteers must show proof of COVID vaccine status or receive an exemption from HR. Exemption forms can be found on the Volunteer website.


Have Questions? Let's Talk

Counselor Corner

This months' focus: PERSEVERANCE. Talk with your children about how to work through challenges!

Upcoming Spirit Day

Career Day!

What do you want to be when you grow up? Dress like that for Career Day!

Friday, January 20th

PTG Corner 

Box Tops Link

Help Browne Elementary by shopping on Amazon!

By shopping through the link, you can select BROWNE PARENT TEACHER GROUP as your charity of choice and a small percentage gets donated to our school from Amazon.

Click this Link for our next PTG meeting! Feb. 7th at 6 pm