OLEM Buy America, Build America Act (BABA) Adjustment Period Waiver - Public comments due July 29, 2022
EPA is now seeking public comment on a six-month Adjustment Period Waiver from the Buy America, Build America Act (BABA) requirements.
As the Draft Decision Memorandum states: “The Agency is particularly interested in public comments on whether retroactive application of the adjustment period waiver is needed for those Superfund and Brownfields cooperative agreements awarded or amended to add funds on or after May 14, 2022, up until the effective date of the waiver. Absent retroactive application of the adjustment period waiver, recipients of funding that was obligated prior to the effective date of the waiver (new awards and funded amendments) will need to apply to EPA for case-by-case waivers if they were unable to procure BABA-compliant products for infrastructure projects funded all or in part with EPA funds subject to BABA requirements.”
Please submit comments on the Draft Decision Memorandum to
Deadline for comments is July 29, 2022.
Brownfields Technical Assistance Outreach Stakeholder Engagement on 8/3 from 6-8 pm EDT
Join EPA's Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (OBLR) to learn about and provide feedback on the Program's Technical Assistance outreach on Wednesday, August 3rd from 6-8pm EDT.
EPA’s Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM) is hosting a series of virtual environmental justice (EJ) community engagement sessions to gather stakeholder input on OLEM’s draft EJ Action Plan. Projects from the EJ Action Plan will be presented and discussed by agency staff, tribal and community-based speakers and public participants. Each presentation includes a live, open public feedback session. The sessions will be hosted on Zoom and provide live Spanish translation. More details on the series are available here.
OBLR's presentation during the engagement session on August 3rd will include an overview of the Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Program, staff from TAB recipient inCommon Community Development will share their experience receiving assistance on their brownfields and equity projects, and open feedback/Q&A with EPA staff and Kansas State University TAB Provider.
Register for the August 3rd call featuring Brownfields Technical Assistance at the bottom of this webpage.