Brownfields 2022 Community Reception

Thursday, August 18th, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

What better way to end a day of professional development and learning than an evening with hundreds of your closest brownfields friends? Join attendees of Brownfields 2022 as OKC Mayor David Holt welcomes everyone for a night of networking, live music and refreshments at The Jones Assembly.

The venue is itself a lesson in brownfield redevelopment savvy. What is now a vibrant entertainment and cultural asset was once a Model T assembly plant and mannequin factory!

Get Your Ticket Now

Thank you to our Community Reception Sponsors:

Opening Plenary Session:

EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan

Join EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan for the Opening Plenary on Tuesday, August 16 at 4:30 PM. 

Michael S. Regan was sworn in as the 16th Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency on March 11, 2021, becoming the first Black man and second person of color to lead the U.S. EPA. Prior to his nomination as EPA Administrator, Michael Regan served as the Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).

Click here to learn more about Michael Regan!

Cosponsored by the EPA and ICMA, Brownfields 2022 will be taking place:

August 16-19, 2022 in Oklahoma City, OK

Click Here to Register

OKC Streetcar:

Free for Brownfields 2022 Attendees

I hope you like free stuff as much as we do. We are excited to provide Brownfields 2022 attendees with complimentary OKC streetcar rides. Just show your badge and hop on!

Click here to see the OKC streetcar route.

The Brownfields 2022 OKC Streetcar is sponsored by:


If you were awarded an EPA brownfields grant this year and do not have access to the funding yet, consult with your EPA Project Officer about options for attending Brownfields 2022. This event is the best resource for learning how to manage the award and using it to realize your goals.

Conference Hotel Group Rate Ends This Week!

Don't wait to get your spot in our special room block. These are special, negotiated rates in first-choice hotels, with no change fees and easy-to-modify reservations. 

Click Here to Book Your Hotel

Brownfields 2022 First-Time Attendee Webinar

Questions about what to expect in OKC? Come and learn all there is to know about the Brownfields conference on Wednesday, July 27th at 2pm ET. 

Click here to Join on 7/27

OLEM Buy America, Build America Act (BABA) Adjustment Period Waiver - Public comments due July 29, 2022


EPA is now seeking public comment on a six-month Adjustment Period Waiver from the Buy America, Build America Act (BABA) requirements. 


As the Draft Decision Memorandum states: “The Agency is particularly interested in public comments on whether retroactive application of the adjustment period waiver is needed for those Superfund and Brownfields cooperative agreements awarded or amended to add funds on or after May 14, 2022, up until the effective date of the waiver. Absent retroactive application of the adjustment period waiver, recipients of funding that was obligated prior to the effective date of the waiver (new awards and funded amendments) will need to apply to EPA for case-by-case waivers if they were unable to procure BABA-compliant products for infrastructure projects funded all or in part with EPA funds subject to BABA requirements.”


Please submit comments on the Draft Decision Memorandum to


Deadline for comments is July 29, 2022.

Brownfields Technical Assistance Outreach Stakeholder Engagement on 8/3 from 6-8 pm EDT


Join EPA's Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (OBLR) to learn about and provide feedback on the Program's Technical Assistance outreach on Wednesday, August 3rd from 6-8pm EDT.


EPA’s Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM) is hosting a series of virtual environmental justice (EJ) community engagement sessions to gather stakeholder input on OLEM’s draft EJ Action Plan. Projects from the EJ Action Plan will be presented and discussed by agency staff, tribal and community-based speakers and public participants. Each presentation includes a live, open public feedback session. The sessions will be hosted on Zoom and provide live Spanish translation. More details on the series are available here.


OBLR's presentation during the engagement session on August 3rd will include an overview of the Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Program, staff from TAB recipient inCommon Community Development will share their experience receiving assistance on their brownfields and equity projects, and open feedback/Q&A with EPA staff and Kansas State University TAB Provider.


Register for the August 3rd call featuring Brownfields Technical Assistance at the bottom of this webpage.

2022 Phoenix Awards Winners!

Phoenix Award WINNERS! We are very excited to announce the winners of this round of Phoenix Awards! This year’s winning projects inspire with affordable housing, large scale sporting events, green commercial corridor redevelopment, parks, arts and culture. For the first time, the Phoenix Awards also include recognition for the people behind, next to, and in front of the brownfield profession.

And the winners…will be formally announced at the Phoenix Awards ceremony (got you!). Join us on Wednesday, August 17th at 5:30 PM in the Painted Sky Ballroom to celebrate the best and brightest of the Brownfields industry.

We look forward to seeing you in Oklahoma City! Click here to learn more about the Phoenix Awards.

Environmental Justice Caucus

Don’t forget about the pre-conference Environmental Justice Caucus at the Oklahoma City Convention Center. You do not have to be registered for the conference to attend, but participants do need to sign up at the link below. 

With opening remarks from EPA officials, participants will hear briefly from national, tribal, and local EJ leaders to set the stage for an interactive breakout discussions whose discussions will be captured and summarized as recommendations and feedback to EPA.

The EJ Caucus is a free pre-conference event. This year’s Environmental Justice Caucus for Brownfields 2022 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma is being held:

Monday, August 15, 2022, 5:00 – 6:30pm, Room 301 C/D

Sign Up for the EJ Caucus Here

Meet your Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities (TAB) Provider

You have access to federally funded technical assistance for brownfield redevelopment from seasoned, multidisciplinary teams of respected brownfield professionals at no cost to you. Start working with them at the Meet the TABs session in Oklahoma City. See you there!

Click here to learn more about the Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities (TAB) program. See the map below for your provider.

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Don't let anyone miss some very exciting announcements, coming soon!

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Take Advantage of a Historic Investment

You have never seen resources like this before, and will likely never again. 

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) included an unprecedented $1.5 billion investment in EPA's Brownfields program over the next two years.

Assessment Grants - $600 million

Multipurpose Grants - $150 million

Cleanup Grants - $160 million

  • Proposals due November 2022
  • Projects awarded Summer 2023
  • No cost share requirement
  • Grant award amounts pending policy decisions

Revolving Loan Fund Grants - $150 million

  • Supplemental requests from existing grantees due March 2022
  • Funds awarded August 2022
  • No cost share requirement
  • Grant award amounts pending policy decisions

Job Training Grants - $30 million

  • Proposals due August 2022
  • Projects awarded November 2022

Technical Assistance - $110 million

  • Projects awarded on a rolling basis
  • First round of Targeted Brownfields Assessment funds awarded April 2022

Cooperative Agreements - $300 million

  • State and Tribal Response Programs
  • FY22 requests due May 2022
  • Funds awarded November 2022

*Funding amounts and deadlines are tentative and subject to change.

Brownfield 2022 is the premier event to learn how you can access these grants and maximize your economic, environmental, and social performance. This funding will transform communities into sustainable and environmentally just places, enhance climate resiliency, and more.

Click Here to Learn More

Health and Safety Guidelines

Brownfields 2022 attendees should make sure to review the updated health and safety guidelines.

Click here for more information: (

Important Notes:

Registration and Housing

Registration and housing for Brownfields 2022 are now open. If you already registered for Brownfields 2021, your registration has been transferred to Brownfields 2022. If you have questions about your registration and housing, please reach out here.

You can also register for Brownfields 2022 by check, purchase order, or invoice. Click here for more information on how to register.


Speakers can find resources and information directly on our website. Click here for Brownfields 2022 speaker resources.


Exhibit hall booths at Brownfields 2022 are available now, but going fast! Each booth comes with 3 complimentary registrations.


There are several opportunities for you to and engage the brownfields community. Let us know if you are interested in a listed sponsorship opportunity, or have a new idea altogether!

Spread the Word

Help us spread the word about Brownfields 2022! You can find shareable newsletter links and graphics on our website.


We look forward to seeing you in OKC!

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