Acts 20:28 Heart
“A Hidden Truth”
“In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep
them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”
2nd Corinthians 4:4 ESV
What happens when we cannot see the gospel? She was a couple of years older than
my daughter. Most likely, she was between 25 and 30 at the time of our conversation.
She had been in and out of jail and experienced all kinds of things that no one’s little girl
should experience. There is no smile, just an occasional tear slowly forming in her eyes
and slowing rolling down her little cheeks. She was about cried out, if you know what I
mean… I had asked, “How is your dad?” She said, “Dad and I don’t talk”. We had sat
down on the steps at the Fellowship Hall. I said, “May I ask you a question?” She said,
“Yes.” I said, “You have shared your story with me about the failed relationships with the
men that you thought would be the one and that he would be the answer to all your
unmet needs. But I noticed with each man, you were treated worse than the one before.
Why do you continue to choose men that do nothing but use you and take advantage of
you?” Her words sent chills over me… She said, with a very dark and hopeless look, “I
do not deserve any better.” As I looked in her eyes, I could tell she truly thought she had
no value, no hope and no one cares! I did my best to convince her otherwise, sharing
with her the truth that she had value, great value! That God had sent His Son to die for
her! She had value! But she still did not think so… I could not convince her.
Church Family, this is only one story of many I could share with you. Please pray for this young lady and others that are just like her. Please make the most of every opportunity to
share the gospel with everyone, for there are many that believe a lie! The lie that no one
cares and that they have no value and therefore no hope! They are literally blinded by
the enemy and cannot see the hope the gospel brings!
Church Family, may the altar at Brushey Creek be filled with brokenness over those that are blinded to the truth! For there are so many!
In Christ,
Acts 20:28