Brushey Creek Baptist Church 

Family Connect

October 17, 2022

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To Make Disciples By Loving God, Loving

One Another, And Serving Together.

Church Family,

"Family Connect" is designed to keep us focused on our mission of "Making Disciples, by Loving God, Loving One Another and Serving Together." The format and design will also help facilitate your awareness of the many opportunities you have to serve or be served. Our goal, as your ministry team, is to keep you as connected as possible to The Living Word of God and to opportunities of worship and ministry with your Church Family!


"See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." Hebrews 12:15

"Relinquishing bitterness is an open invitation for the Holy Spirit to give you His peace, His joy, and the knowledge of His will." R.T. Kendall

The Acts 20:28 Heart

Church Family,

Everything I write to you, I am in the process of applying myself!

As I study God’s Word, I am so thankful you are willing to listen to what I believe

God is showing me and giving me to give to you. Our recent study on Cain in

Genesis Chapter four has been so eye opening. We all have daily choices to

make and each and every decision has an effect not only on ourselves but our

families as well. As we come to recognize truth in our lives, we need to be

reminded we can lead our family down a road of sin, bitterness, and death, or

down a road of grace, mercy and life. It is our choice! Each of you are so very

important to me, and that is the reason I do my best to challenge you and your

families week after week! I truly love you and desire that you and your families

please God!

Look at this verse. It is my prayer that you and I do not take it lightly!

“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health,

as it goes well with your soul.” 3rd John verse 2 ESV

I desire that you are spiritually healthy just as much as you are physically healthy! Your pastor cares!

May we continue to apply The Word of God in our lives and “Be The Church” that

God has called us to be! Please take note of the following verse, meditate on it,

memorize it and apply it. “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his

might.” Ephesians 6:10 ESV

Welcome to the Brushey Creek Family

Sharen McMillan

Baptism October 16, 2022

Praise God!!

"Only a fool would claim to know the full answer to the question: Why does God allow evil and suffering to continue when He has the power to stop it? But there is a partial answer: He does so in order that we may believe. There would be no need for faith if we knew the answer concerning the origin of evil and the reason for suffering. I only know that it is what makes faith possible."

R.T. Kendall

"All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28, KJV

Bible Study Opportunities

  • Men's Breakfast and Bible Study Tuesdays @8:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. See Bro. Roy Rogers or Pastor Randy for details

  • Wednesday Night Bible Study @ 6:30 PM

  • Thursday Night Men's Bible Study @6:30 PM

New Babies Are Being Added to the Brushey Creek Family

Jennifer Halford (baby girl) Diapers and Wipes--October 30, 2022

Brittany Taylor (baby girl) Diapers and Wipes--November 13, 2022

Upcoming Events

Senior Adult Activity and Lunch

October 21, 2022

Meet in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 A.M. for a short devotion and activity.

Load the bus and travel to Cracker Barrel for Lunch!

Special Called Business Meeting

There will be a special called business meeting on October 23, 2022 to approve the 2022-2023 Budget and Nominating Committee recommendations.

***Date Change!!!

This event will be held on November 2, 2022!!!

*****5th Sunday Lunch following the Worship Service October 30, 2022***** Bring your favorite dishes and let's fellowship!

Lots of fun in previous years sharing the love of Jesus!

Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat @ Brushey Creek October 30, 2022 @ 4:00 P.M.

***We need lots of "trunks" filled with treats!!! Please, nothing scary! Check out Pinterest for ideas.

****Family Life Center Discussion and Prayer****

On November 6, 2022, @5:00 PM, there will be a time of discussion and prayer for the new Family Life Center at Brushey Creek Baptist Church! 

***Youth Newsletter for November***

Please contact Melissa Brogden for additional information!

(334) 437-1602

Trinity's Closet-An Opportunity to Serve

*****More information to come!

Focused Bible Study 

  • Interested in having a focused direction in the study of God's Word? Ask Bro. Randy to send you some tools to get you started.                

Text him @ 334-453-0443

Be The Church

New on Sunday Nights

A Practical Understanding of Applying God's Word

Sunday Evenings @5:00 PM

Brushey Creek Baptist Church

211 Brushy Creek Road

Greenville, AL 36037

(334) 376 2550

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