A Monthly Newsletter Featuring Bryan Dodge
April 2022 Edition
Good Life Principles – Accepting Differences
We are all unique in our outlook, perceptions, attitudes, feelings, experiences, and history. There is no one just like us in the world. There never has been, nor will there ever be, an exact duplicate of us.
Differences make life interesting, even challenging. Dealing with other people who see life differently makes for interesting relationships. Differences give life its opportunities for growth, insight, and awareness. The unfortunate thing is that these differences can often lead to unmanaged or unresolved conflict, stress, and disappointment.
People who live the “Good Life” accept the uniqueness of individuals. They are not on a mission to change them, correct them, or invalidate them. Good people understand that everyone is on their own path in life, doing what they need to do for them to fulfill their own Good Life.
Good people also accept themselves for who they are and what they become. They are not in a rush to get to the end of the game. They are patient with themselves and others—knowing that differences in human behavior are normal in life.
Who are you trying to change? Who in your life needs behavior or attitude modification?
If you have a long list, you have a lot of work to do on yourself before you will truly find the Good Life.
Tax Return Extensions
Many of you have already filed your tax returns, but if you haven’t or if you are thinking of filing an extension, I have copied some tips straight from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Internet web site that might help you finalize the process. You can always visit www.irs.gov for more information. Many of you working your Debtwork plan have asked me how a lump sum of money such as an IRS return changes your Debtwork plan. It doesn’t change it all. You still follow the order of your plan but a lump sum of money is just going to make it happen faster.
Making Tax Payments Correctly
Make sure your tax payment check or money order is payable to the “United States Treasury.”
Whether you are filing your current year’s return, a prior year’s return, or an amended return, always provide your correct name, address, Social Security number, daytime telephone number, tax year and form number on the front of your check or money order. Enclose your payment with your return, but do not staple it to the form.
Do not mail cash with your tax return.
If you have a balance due on your 2021 Form 1040, complete and include Form 1040-V, Payment Voucher, when sending your payment and tax return to the IRS. This will help the IRS process your payment more accurately and efficiently.
If you are paying by electronic debit of your bank account, you will need to know your account number and your financial institution’s routing number. You can check with your financial institution to make sure that an electronic withdrawal is allowed and to get the correct routing and account numbers.
If you are paying by credit card, call toll free or visit the web site of either service provider listed below and follow the instructions:
1. Link2Gov Corporation: www.pay1040.com or 1-888-729-1040
2. Official Payments Corporation: www.officialpayments.com or 1-800-272-9829
The service providers charge a convenience fee which may vary between the providers. You will be told what the fee is during the transaction and you will have the option to either continue or cancel the transaction. You can also find out what the fee will be by calling the provider’s toll-free automated customer service number or visiting the provider’s website. You will be given a confirmation number at the end of the call.
Last Minute Payment and Filing Tips
If you’re trying to beat the tax deadline, there are several options for last-minute help:
  1. Receive a six-month extension of time to file using Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
  2. Payment options are available to taxpayers having trouble paying their tax bill
  3. Download forms and publications at www.IRS.gov
The extension will give you extra time to get the paperwork to the IRS, but it does not extend the time you have to pay any tax due. You have to make an accurate estimate of any tax due and pay at least 90 percent when you request an extension. You will owe interest on any amounts not paid by the April deadline.
You can also e-file an extension request using tax preparation software on your own computer or by going to a tax preparer.
If your return is completed but you are unable to pay the tax due, do not request an extension. File your return on time and pay as much as you can. The IRS will send you a bill or notice for the balance due and will charge interest and penalties only on the unpaid balance.
If you cannot pay the full amount due with your return, you can ask to make monthly installment payments for the full or a partial amount. You can request an installment agreement by completing Form 9465, Installment Agreement Request, either when you file the return or when you later get a bill from the IRS.
“If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity."
-John F. Kennedy, Former President of the United States
Training Done Right
When growth of a company and its people is desirable, the company must conduct training under the total philosophy of staff development (I prefer to call it professional development or better yet, executive development). The main difference between training and development is that training is task-oriented and development is person-oriented.
Task-training develops personnel that are positional and limited in vision and authority. The task training course is centered on how employees complete certain tasks. The company gives employees responsibility to do a task, but not empower them to grow their department or company. Task-training done wrong will have a tendency to cause employees to lose sight of the overall company mission and limit their vision to the importance of the task. These types of employees will soon slide into mediocrity and minimal productivity, have a tendency to hide in their departments, and limit their efforts to their own responsibilities. They will become paycheck-oriented rather than career-oriented.
Growth-oriented companies empower their people through personal development. The emphasis of the development is on empowerment. The development course is centered on why employees complete certain tasks. Great leaders design development programs that deliver corresponding authority with responsibility. The trainees become openly accountable with nowhere to hide. This type of development program creates an environment where non-performers are uncomfortable and move on. The employees in this type of environment feel fulfilled and energized and will take on greater responsibilities. The result is loyalty and greater productivity.
Executive development provides companies with decision-makers throughout the organization. Everyone is developed as a leader. All great leaders have a “My company is a leadership factory” mentality. 
Please forward to anybody you feel might enjoy this newsletter!
Dodge Development | 800-473-1698 | contactus@bryandodge.com | www.dodgedevelopment.com