A Monthly Newsletter Featuring Bryan Dodge
January 2022 Edition

The Good Life
As you have probably discovered, a good life is one of those interesting paradoxes. It is both easy and difficult to attain. It’s easy because we were made to live a good life. But it can be difficult because we seem go out of our way to make ourselves unhappy and our lives not very good. Or we seem to focus on the great moments in life and not appreciate the good life that comes to us each day.
A good life requires both a decision to be happy and a commitment to follow through with those actions, thoughts, or behaviors that will give us the good life we deserve and should have.
Each month, I will cover a “Good Life” principle. I do not believe that there is a human alive who practices with regularity all of these focus points or ideas; however, I do believe that the list we will cover this year gives us a template to follow as each day we gain in self-understanding and goodness. You may be actively integrating some or many of them and still find that you have not achieved the good life state you would like. Therefore, it would seem that some of the ones that are missing may just be the ticket to improve your life.
These focus points represent what I believe are the core issues to finding that daily focus on the good life. Let me urge you to read each of these carefully each month. I suggest that you not just read them, but that you read one at a time and then consider its meaning and how it applies to you.
The first focus point brings me to a statement I’ve heard before: “People who smile a lot don’t know why.” Good people smile a lot. A smile doesn’t cost you anything, and it is one of the universal signs worldwide that is never misunderstood. A smile says, “I like you, I am glad to see you, I am glad to be with you.”
It is a sign of recognition whether to a loved one, or a stranger who crosses your path. Smiles are something that you will never run out of no matter how many you give away.
Good people smile because they are setting the light within them free. They know that love helps to ease pain, grief, discouragement, failure, and most other negative experiences and emotions. Their smile communicates a good life.
People who are afraid, in need of control, have given up and lost hope rarely ever smile. They have lost touch with the light within themselves. So my suggestion to you this month is next time you pass somebody in the office, and family member in the hallway, or a friend in life, just send them a big broad smile and watch the good life grow.

Always remember, a smile is your choice. Just please understand why it is so important for you to consistently focus on it.
Focus on What’s Important
Well it’s that time of year again when we commit to working harder to improve certain aspects of our life. I’ve said many times that the key to success is focus. Another way to look at that is to determine what we need to work on more. We choose this time of year to take a look at areas of our lives that need more attention. We decide that there are certain areas we need to work on like eating healthier, working out, relationships, career, finances, etc. And there is no doubt that it takes real work to make things better. If it didn’t take work, we would all have the perfect relationships, we would all be healthy, and we would all be wildly successful.
There is a reality show that’s been on television in the past that I’m sure some of you have seen. Some of you right now are saying, “NO!!!! Not reality television!!!” “The Biggest Loser,” like any other reality show, has its cheesy aspects. But if you’ve watched the show, you know that the transformation in these people’s lives is nothing short of miraculous. Actually it is not miraculous—there’s a lot of hard work that goes into changing these people’s lives. If you’ve never seen it, it’s astonishing at the transformation these contestants go through. I can’t tell you how moving it is to see a grown man brought to tears because he has lost 100 plus pounds and is trying to explain how this show has given him his life back! To see a woman express how grateful she is because what she has learned on the show has added years to her life is inspirational. These changes come not from any artificial makeover but from good old-fashioned hard work and focus. The show is titled “The Biggest Loser” but everyone wins.
So I think you get the idea that if you want the financial part of your life to improve, you are going to have to work at it. It takes work to get financially organized. It takes work to implement and focus on a debt elimination or savings plan. In many cases, it takes work getting on the same page with your spouse when it comes to the finances. It takes work teaching your children about finances, and it takes hard work to focus on your financial goals and not fall back into your old habits. But the rewards are life changing.
Happy New Year to all and we look forward to hearing how the work you’ve done has improved your life this year.
“A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better.”
From “The Treasure of Quotes” by Jim Rohn
Vision of Leadership
The most important attribute a leader needs is to be a person of vision. The vision (goal, dream, idea, drive, mental picture, revelation) must be bigger than oneself so that it excites you every day to reach its benefits for yourself and others. It has got to be a vision you can communicate clearly and convincingly on every occasion. The leader’s main job is to keep the vision before the people under them. The leader must learn to state the vision in many different ways. If a leader fails to keep the vision alive and fresh, he or she will actually become counterproductive by demoralizing people. This is because they will not understand or be enthusiastic about why they are doing what they’re doing.
Great leadership is all about instilling a vision other people want to pursue and contribute to. A great leader’s vision goes beyond any written company mission statement and operations manual. The vision of leadership should positively permeate the workplace to bring about the desired results. The majority of enterprises have been birthed because the originator had a vision and a drive to fulfill it. Sharing that vision with others in a way that compels them to take action is the key that unlocks the fulfillment of the vision.
How does a leader keep a vision alive in a way that excites and motivates others? Here are the ABCs of the essential fundamentals of bringing a vision to pass:
Articulately communicate the vision often. Put it in writing, say it out loud, and put it into action at every opportunity. All decisions must be in alignment with the vision. Never let the main vision be lost or overshadowed by short-term projects. Keep yourself and others focused on the main goal.
Believe in the fulfillment of the vision at all times. Leadership must always display confidence that the vision is reachable, obtainable and worthy of the commitment. Leadership must clearly set the direction and purpose that will inspire loyalty in all involved.
Challenge people to outdo themselves. Be an effective coach. Do not be afraid to stretch your people. Everyone is capable of accomplishing more. Everyone has their unique gifts and strengths that can be developed. Confront average and ordinary performance and encourage above average performance. Strive for excellence.
What happens when you fulfill your vision? You will automatically have developed an even bigger one. It is human nature to always want more and do better. And the good news is that the accomplishment of your vision will have prepared you with the confidence and experience to take on an even bigger vision.
Please forward to anybody you feel might enjoy this newsletter!
Dodge Development | 800-473-1698 | contactus@bryandodge.com | www.dodgedevelopment.com