A Message from the PTO
Hi Families!
My name is Ashley Lanphear and I will be Bryden's PTO representative this year. My son Max will be in 2nd Grade and my son Ben will be in 6th grade. I am very excited to get to know your children and your families. We will have a lot of opportunities to volunteer at Bryden this year. We already have three ways you can get involved: as a room parent, a lunch/recess helper, or a picture day helper. Sign-up links are below.
Room Parents
Room parents plan and run the three classroom parties throughout the year (Oct 25, Dec 20, Feb 14 - all in the afternoon). Up to three parents will be allowed per class. Complete the Room Parent Sign-Up form.
Lunch Helpers
Lunch helpers will assist children to purchase lunch in the cafeteria. Recess helpers will help supervise recess. If you are able to stay longer than one grade or come more than once please sign up for multiple slots. Complete the Lunch Helper Sign-Up form.
Picture Day Helpers
Picture day helpers will help with logistics and organization for picture day on September 10.
Completed the Picture Day Sign Up form.