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Dear Cynthia,

We are adding Bryophytes to Calflora, and we need your help. In contrast with flowering plants, Bryophyte distribution information in California is not readily available. Adding Bryophyte occurrence data to Calflora will help users identify the Bryophytes they find and increase knowledge and awareness of these fascinating non-vascular land plants.

As a non-profit database, Calflora depends on donations to support our work. We need your help to raise $12,000 to perform this important work.

Write "Bryophytes" in the donation notes field or, if you'd like to mail a check to our address below, write it in the check memo field.

Bryum argenteum by Ron Vanderhoff

"Currently, Bryophyte distribution information is not widely available. Adding Bryophyte distribution data to Calflora is an important step forward for Bryology in California. I'm supporting this effort."

John Game co-authored a Bryophyte survey of Mount Diablo and is a member of the Bryophyte Chapter of CNPS

Your donation will help increase awareness and knowledge about the distribution of over 700 Bryophytes in the state of California. Bryophyte distribution data will enhance knowledge of their biodiversity and the important role they play in biological communities.

Thank you for your help supporting this valuable work today!


The Calflora Team

Bestia longipes by John Game

Aquatic leafy liverwort by Shane Hanofee

Asterella californica by John Game

Bryophytes are nonvascular seedless plants; while they produce enclosed reproductive structures (gametangia and sporangia), they do not produce flowers or seeds. Bryophytes include mosses (division Bryophyta), hornworts (division Anthocerotophyta), and liverworts (division Marchantiophyta).

Donate Here to Support Bryophytes in Calflora

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