Newsletter June 2023


Special Events and on-going classes and practices, both at the Center and streaming on Zoom, are described and links provided.

On June 6, The Tuesday Night Book Group is starting a new book, Why We Meditate, by Tsoknyi Rinpoche, and invites new members.

On Saturday, June 24th, 2:00-3:30, there will be a Welcome and Orientation to Dorje Ling and to the Buddhist teachings we practice here.

Orientation to Dorje Ling

Saturday, June 24,

2:00-3:30 pm


So many people have reached out in the last year to sign up for our emails and connect with Dorje Ling. You might be new or fairly new to Buddhism, or new to Tibetan Buddhism, and definitely new to Dorje Ling. On Saturday, June 24, at 2:00 pm, we are offering an orientation meeting and you are warmly invited. What are the basic teachings of the Buddha? How does the sangha (the community of practitioners) work? What are the best practices for beginners? What are the special features of the Nyingma lineage that Dorje Ling follows? How can you learn more?  


We’ll also show you around, sharing the history of this center, introducing the temple inside and stupa outside, and recommending some good texts and books to bring to your Buddhist path.. Whether you have started attending or have never visited before – it’s all good - we’ll start where we are! We plan to continue with more orientations and discussions in future months.

The Riwo Sang Chod, Smoke Offering for the Troubled World, (see below) will follow immediately. Please stay and practice with us.

Riwo Sang Chod

"The Mountain of Burnt Offerings"

Smoke Offering for the Troubled World

Saturday, June 24, 4:00-5:00 pm

Outside at Dorje Ling

This is an offering of white and sweet substances, not a dharma burn. We provide the substances and have texts available, You are invited to bring tsog food offerings for the sangha.

Photo: Jampal's Buddha Head with smoke billowing behind. The fire department has grown used to us by now.

The Dorje Ling Book Study Group

is inviting all who are interested 

in discussion, and in enhancing their 

current practice on and off the cushion,

to join our next online book study:

Why We Meditate

The science and practice of

clarity and compassion

The link above connects to the Amazon 

page where a description and

an excerpt of the text is available.

Another excerpt is available from 

Lion’s Roar HERE 

We meet on Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm.

Our first meeting will be on June 6, feel free to drop in this week or the next, Tuesday, June 13, and give it a try.

Please contact Beverly to express interest

and receive the link

[email protected]

We look forward to exploring

this book with you.

Yours in the Dharma,

The Dorje Ling Book Study Group

Practices and Classes

June 2023


His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche

Ngondro Practice

and Teaching Schedule

Practice: All Sunday mornings 11:00-12:15


On JUne 11, 12:20-1:30, Matthew Small will teach on the Phowa and the Dedication of Merit sections of the Ngondro.

Offered both at Dorje Ling and on Zoom

We have printed texts at the temple and we share screen the text for Zoom attendees.

We practice the Dudjom Tersar Ngondro, which we have received from a close and direct lineage: This Ngondro was written by Dudjom Lingpa and his reincarnation, H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche. Dudjom Rinpoche himself appointed Ven Gyatrul Rinpoche, our Spiritual Director, to establish Yeshe Nyingpo centers in the West, (including Dorje Ling in 1980).

Ngondro Zoom link

Meditation Class

Wednesday nights


Offered in person

at Dorje Ling

No prerequisites needed

Everyone invited

Drop-ins encouraged

Buddhist meditation is a practice of wakeful presence. During meditation, everything outside ourselves is left as it is. Attention is focused on the present moment. The purpose of meditation is to wake up from the maze of habitual distractions and dissatisfactions. The goal is to be simply present, to experience things as they are.

There are many different types of Tibetan Buddhist meditation. Currently, these Wednesday night sessions are a survey of different techniques, including: silent sitting practices with awareness on the breath, like calm abiding; analytical practices like insight meditation; loving-kindness, and compassion meditations like sending and receiving. 

These Wednesday night sessions are an evolving exploration of the different types of meditation Buddhism has to offer. We practice together in the shrine room.

Lunar Day Puja Schedule


Pujas are offered with streaming from Tashi Choling.

We have texts available.

If you attend in person, please bring a tsok (food) offering to share. You can also use the link to attend online from your own home.

Dakini Day

Yeshe Tsogyal 

Tuesday, June 13

New Moon

Troma Nagmo

Sunday, June 18

Guru Rinpoche

Wednesday, June 28


What is a puja?

Puja is a Sanskrit word which means worship. A puja is a Deity Yoga ritual that generally involves liturgy and visualization. Performing pujas is very beneficial for the energy of the Dharma Center and for the participants themselves. 

PHOTO: This lovely print of a Thangka of Dorje Palmo, was donated to Dorje Ling by student Diane Taudvin. It is now in the shrine room.

Zoom LInk and All You Need to Know to Attend Pujas

Visit our Website