Weather based irrigation control saves 20-30% from traditional manually programmed systems making it a no-brainer with water rates rising so rapidly. As we have promoted for 3 years now, Pacific Landscape Management is a Weathermatic Premiere Partner allowing us to offer their SmartLink Wireless Landscape Network Weather Base Irrigation Control as a subscription, saving our customers the previously required Capital Expenditure. For a small increase in the monthly fee, you will avoid the capital installation cost. 

See this new video with a brief outline of this new technology:


Also, see the informational flier here as well


For most properties that haven’t converted yet, we will be proposing this as a part of your 2023 Landscape Budget.  We plan to begin installing these in preparation to next year's irrigation season and hope to get a jump on installation as the irrigation season comes to a close this fall. Your approval now will allow us to install it beginning this fall and winter as our Irrigation staff finalizes irrigation system winterization.

Previously, conversion to Weather Based control came with a $2,000-3,000 per controller capital cost for the hardware, then a $20 per month communication fee. WeatherMatic is offering the upgrade to their hardware included in their monthly fee which ranges from only $40-$50 per month. And for this fee, they guarantee lifetime warranty and hardware upgrades as long as the service is maintained. A small $600-800 one-time installation cost is required.

As with many technologies today, their innovative new program is ‘Subscription-Based’ and comes with the hardware with no upfront capital costThis makes conversion to weather based control, which we have been promoting for a decade now a NO-BRAINER.  

Weathermatic Smartlink makes automatic daily adjustments based on weather.  It also provides cellular connection of the remote controller, providing the ability to program and monitor from our office or a smartphone or tablet in the field. 

See our 2 videos with a brief outline of this new technology:

See 2 informational fliers about this new technology:

Pacific Landscape Water Management Website:


Weathermatic Smartlink Website:


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