Build Up Supports Efforts to Secure $2 Million for a County Wide Child Care Relief Fund
On Tuesday, July 21st the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a $2 Million Child Care Relief Fund. An effort that has heavily fueled by efforts from Build Up for San Mate County's Children and the Community Equity Collaborative.

Applications are accepted through Friday, September 4, 2020 at 5 pm.

July 21, 2020

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation

The child care industry has been heavily affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic with repercussions that could provoke the job loss of 740,000 employees and leaving 4.5 million children without child care.

ECE Strategic
 Stabilization Campaign
If you represent an organization or can act as an advocate, use this template to send a letter today to the Governor requesting the inclusion of $50 million for shovel-ready early care and education facilities in economic stimulus in California.
National Children's
Facilities Network
Send a letter to our Senators asking them to support legislation that stabilizes the child care sector, including infrastructure provisions in the next relief package. Click here for more information and a template letter.
Child Care Advocacy Toolkit
Talking Points, Sample Graphics, Background Resources and More!
The COVID-19 pandemic is pushing child care—already fragile — to the brink of collapse.
 After decades of chronic underfunding,
a quiet child care crisis existed long before the pandemic started. Families across the country were already facing child care shortages and living in child care deserts before the pandemic unfolded. The pandemic has merely exposed the vulnerabilities we’ve created by not investing—and shown why we cannot go back to the way things were.
We need immediate relief for the child care industry now. If Congress does not act, there will be serious implications for families, communities, and our economy.
Our Conversation on Public Policy & Advocacy in Early Care and Education
We hope you and your loved ones are safe and well.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Build Up Team