What do all associations have in common?

They run on people.

Any association is only as strong as the people running it, leading it and volunteering in it.

I know you know that, but I want you to know that I know it, too. I know you have a passion for your association, but you also have a day job, a family, a life.

That's why I'm excited to offer you these select free resources.

They're short and sweet, and focused on making it easy for you to become even better at what you do for your association.

That's it. I won't take up any more of your time; I want you to use that time to check out these great resources and start implementing these game-changing ideas into your association today.

Take care,

Jim Roman

Strategic Business Coach

Email Jim

Podcasts (and a Blog) Just for You!

Finding Future Leaders for Your Association Podcast and Blog

Are your members stepping up to leadership? I talk about how growing your membership is key to being able to choose your best future leaders, and how to vet, mentor and train them. I also lay out how to promote the rewards of being a leader. Listen or read now to learn how to find and develop the next generation of leaders to take your chapter to the next level.

How to Grow an Engaged Membership


Don't wait until you need today's volunteers or next year's board. I talk about how growing engaged members starts on Day 1. I walk you through the 5 Layers of Member Engagement and share what you need to do at each stage to cultivate active, invested members. Listen today to ensure you have the volunteers you need, when you need them—today, and into the future.

Does Your Association Need More Volunteers? Podcast

Of course it does! Recruiting volunteers and leaders is a pain point for every association I know. I share how you can build a motivated, empowered volunteer and leadership force. Listen now to learn how creating an amazing experience is the key to gaining and retaining the kind of members your association needs.

Build Your Best Chapter Podcast

Is your association chapter thriving? If not, you need a new approach. I talk about specific actions you can take to boost the energy, engagement and impact of your chapter. Listen now to build a growing, profitable chapter that can bring your vision to life.

Free Insider Series on Great Leaders

I'm hearing from a lot of you that you need more and stronger leaders. Definitely check out my blog and podcast on Finding Future Leaders for Your Association, but I know it's not enough to identify future leaders. You also need to help those future leaders—and your current ones—become great leaders. That's why I'm excited to share my special Insider Series guide Qualities of Great Leaders. Check it out to learn about the five qualities of great leaders, and how you can cultivate them in yourself and others.

I'm Here When You Need Me

I hope you'll find these free resources useful. Working with associations is a passion of mine; I know how valuable they are to businesspeople like me, so I love to help them grow and thrive. Please reach out and let me know how I can help you build your best association.

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