Building Blocks: Special Election Issue
Letter from the Elections Committee Co-Chairs
Amy Eckhoff, AIA and Andy Pitts, AIA
It is an exciting time to be in Kansas City, and we are truly inspired by the energy and excitement about the future of our city! As stewards of our profession and champions of the built environment, your AIA Kansas City chapter is a vital part of the Kansas City community. 
Now more than ever, it is critical to have leadership we can rely on. Over the last few months we have been thrilled by the excellent candidates that stepped up and put their qualifications forward to lead our chapter. We are grateful to all those who submitted to serve on the board and are inspired by their willingness to serve the chapter. 
We are so fortunate to have such an engaged membership, and a dedicated and thoughtful elections committee who took this selection very seriously. All of the candidates were reviewed to ensure we have leadership that supports our strategic plan, works for our members, and represents our profession well. Thank you to all the members of the committee who supported this effort.
A big thanks also to our incredible chapter staff. They have continued to look for new and creative ways to provide valuable programs and content even as the needs of our chapter members have evolved through the pandemic. They have tirelessly pushed to ensure that we implement our strategic plan while being mindful of our members’ needs. 
The 2022 Election committee is pleased to present our recommended slate of candidates to the chapter. AIA Kansas City’s Board of Directors approved this slate at the July board meeting. 
President-elect: Dominique Davison, AIA - DRAW Architecture + Urban Design
Secretary: Randi Mixdorf. AIA - Steelcase
Three-Year Director: Tony McGrail, AIA - Ryan Companies
Emerging Professional Director: Erin Morris, Assoc. AIA - Rosemann & Associates
Each of these candidates has a strong commitment to our profession and our chapter. We are excited about the impact they will have on AIA Kansas City and our community. 
We want to thank our fellow Election Committee members listed below for their dedication and thoughtful discussions during the selection process. The Election Committee represents a diverse cross-section of our membership and each individual brings their perspective to the process. The Committee reviewed applications from several of our colleagues, then identified the top candidate for each open position. The final step was for current Chapter President-elect Michael Gekas, Executive Director Dawn Taylor, and the co-chairs to meet with each candidate and discuss their proposed role. They discussed the Chapter’s vision for the future and opportunities to shape the future of our profession. All enthusiastically agreed to serve the Chapter.
2022 Election Committee
Co-Chairs: Amy Eckhoff and Andrew Pitts
Aaron Aday, AIA
Gretchen Blain, AIA
Steve Burton, AIA
Bryce Cummings, AIA
Meredith Ditty, AIA
Evan Fox, AIA
Michael Gekas, AIA
Nick Lawler, AIA
Luke McElwain, Associate AIA
Amanda Moore, AIA
Jeff Schutzler, AIA
Graham Still, Associate AIA
Jean Stoverink, AIA
Jay Tomlinson, FAIA
Callum Vierthaler, AIA

Now, it is your time to be part of the process. We need you to vote to approve this slate! Voting will take place September 12-16 electronically. Be sure to check your email. Votes will be tallied, and the 2022 Board of Directors will be installed at BIG NIGHT on September 21. Be sure to join us.

Amy Eckhoff, AIA
202 Elections Committee Co-Chair
Andy Pitts, AIA
2022 Elections Committee Co-Chair
Meet the Candidates
Dominique Davison, AIA

I’m excited and honored to be working with our board and membership as the incoming President. This is such a critical time with much at stake and so I hope to be able to represent our collective group to achieve meaningful change, while building on the good work of all those who served before.

As I write this, the Senate has just passed some of the most important legislation to lower carbon emissions by 2040. It’s a positive step in what has been an infuriatingly too slow process. One of my key goals would be to work with our local and state governments to further policies to support the 2030 Challenge.

Affordable housing is also an agenda item that has risen to the forefront of our local community and is very important to me personally. At DRAW, we have been working on affordable, attainable, and market rate, housing. I hope my understanding of the dynamics at play will help us to work together to move forward more approaches to increase housing options. I’ve said it before - real estate equity = social equity. We have an opportunity to not only provide housing, but a path toward more equitable wealth creation in Kansas City. Which is much overdue.

I’m jumping into AIA Kansas City leadership with both feet. Though I haven’t served on our board previously, I currently serve on ULI’s Advisory Board, the Kansas City Global Design Leadership Committee and Innovation Committee, and the Kansas City, Missouri Land Bank Commission. Having this perspective regarding other regional issues and initiatives I hope will help our chapter to find synergies and make more progress in our strategic plan.

Thank you for entrusting me with this role and I look forward to hearing from you, and working with our amazing AIA Kansas City staff and other board members! 
Randi Mixdorf, AIA

AIA Kansas City was the first organization I joined when I moved to the area in 2014 and I have been an active member ever since. Over the years I’ve participated in KC Design Week, PIERS Mentoring, Advocacy Committee, Pillars Leadership Program, and the Strategic Action Initiative. Being involved in this organization gave me the opportunity to get to know Kansas City, make professional connections, and learn and grow as a person.
My experience with AIA Kansas City inspired me to take on additional roles and responsibilities with other organizations in the community. I currently serve on the Kansas City, Missouri Board of Zoning Adjustment and am the Vice President of my neighborhood association. I have also volunteered with Lead to Read KC for four years, which aims to increase the reading proficiency of children in Kansas City’s urban schools. I am committed to engaging with my neighbors and serving my community, both as an individual and through the organizations of which I am a member.
I am passionate about our city and intrigued by how we create and experience places. I have spent countless hours cycling and walking around the metro, including my daily commute for many years, which has helped me gain a deeper understanding of the human experience and how we interact with the environment around us. Choosing to spend more time physically engaging in the built environment has given me a value perspective on how the work we do extends beyond the structures we create and highlights the importance of a holistic approach to our urban fabric.

Although I recently transitioned to a non-traditional architect role within the AEC industry, I believe this highlights the versatility of architects and how our skills and passions can be applied across a wide variety of professions. As critical thinkers and problem solvers, we inherently want to help others and improve the world around us, and we can leverage the unique expertise and talents of our members to do just that. As we continue to reach out and engage with our local communities, AIA Kansas City will continue to build its reputation as a trusted source for all things design related.   

I am honored to be considered for service on the AIA Kansas City Board of Directors. I look forward to working with our members, drawing from everyone’s unique strengths, to use our collective influence as a force for good in our community.
Three-Year Director
Tony McGrail, AIA

Why did you choose to be an architect?
For a lot of us, it is for the privilege of creating something new. To give form to an idea or vision, to bring a dream into reality, or it’s that architecture is the intersection of art and science, the manifestation of our desire to build, the most lasting expression of our values.

For me, like a lot of others, choosing to be an architect was about making a difference in the world, leaving a legacy behind, and making an impact in my community.

It was only after I made this decision, graduated school, and joined the profession that I learned how much politics plays a role in what gets built, the form it takes, and for whom it is meant to serve. For early in my career I had a mentor suggest and encourage I join AIA Missouri’s state board of directors, first as an associate and later as a full director. It’s been this 10+ year experience and my time with the Advocacy Committee that has filled me with a deep passion and determination to be a strong voice in the political process on behalf of the profession, to build relationships with the policy-makers and those making the decisions that affect the built environment and how we practice.

I don’t have to preach the good word of Kansas City to any of you. You already know the quality of professionals, firms, allied organizations, and cornerstone partners can be put up against anyone and we can stand proud. We are the vanguard, in our own humble midwestern way (ope, let us just sneak right past ya). Kansas City architects urged (demanded) the AIA form the Committee on the Environment more than 50 years ago, Kansas City architects reshaped how the world experiences sports, Kansas City architects helped redefine what it means to be “Master-Builders” through integrated interdisciplinary practices. As Norman Rockwell captured in his painting The Kansas City Spirit, we are a determined group, not afraid to roll up our sleeves and get to work, not ones to shy away from any challenge.

Our organization stands on the shoulders of giants, and our expertise and insights are needed now more than ever. It would be my honor and privilege to serve as your representative on the board, to be your voice on behalf of the profession, and to help be the change in our community and chapter. If chosen, I promise to always listen and be available to hear your ideas or concerns, to make decisions based on what best serves you our members, and to put in the work and effort required to see things through to completion and resolution.
Emerging Professional Director
Erin Morris, Associate AIA

I greatly appreciate the opportunity to be nominated to serve on the AIA Kansas City Board. Kansas City is a great city full of rich history, compassion, and love. People here in KC truly love where they live. Originally from Western Kansas, I moved here with my family when I was in middle school. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I’ve officially lived in or around Kansas City metro area for over half of my life. Though I feel like I know Kansas City from the top to bottom, I love that our city is ever evolving. There always seems to be something new and inviting to explore, learn or support.
After graduation, I came back to Kansas City to pursue my career in architecture. I found myself at Rosemann & Associates, having opportunities working on multi-family projects in all areas of Kansas City and the country. One of my focuses professionally is with low-income housing. I have worked with several housing agencies throughout the country. I always reflect back on how passionate Kansas City is for advocating and providing affordable housing in a climate that tends to trend to more market rate developments. If you really take a moment to stop and explore, there’s many great organizations and developers truly passionate about affordable housing.
During college, I was always involved in various organizations on and off campus. Joining the AIA Kansas City chapter was a no-brainer. I have been involved in the ARE Success Teams, PIERS, Design U and am a recent graduate of the Pillars Leadership Program. I love to collaborate and learn from others, no matter their experience level. I truly believe we can become better versions of ourselves if we can stop, collaborate, and listen (yes, I went there).
Becoming part of this board is very important to me. I feel like I have only scratched the surface in my involvement with AIA Kansas City and believe that this opportunity will help me continue to grow as my career evolves. I am passionate about AIA Kansas City and the city itself and am willing to advocate on behalf of our chapter, however that may be. My goal with anything I touch is to leave it better than it was. I hope to do just this. Let’s get working!  
Our Mission 
In continuous operation since 1890, AIA Kansas City supports its members, advances the value of the architecture profession, and improves the quality of the built environment.
This AIA Kansas City distribution is intended to keep members, stakeholders, and other interested parties informed about our programs, services and events. Contact Kristen with e-mail address changes, subscriber additions/cancellations, or any comments. Please also visit our web site at for additional information.