"I have come to set the earth on fire,

and how I wish it were already blazing!"

~ Luke 12:49

Twentieth Sunday Readings:

First Reading — Because he demoralized the people, Jeremiah is condemned. to death (Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10).

Psalm — Lord, come to my aid! (Psalm 40).

Second Reading — We are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, who can teach us how to struggle for glory (Hebrews 12:1-4).

Gospel — Jesus says: I have come to divide (Luke 12:49-53).

Speaking Truth to Power

This provocative phrase, I learned, originated with a Quaker pamphlet published in 1955 titled “Speak Truth to Power: a Quaker Search for an Alternative to Violence.” It has been adopted by many different groups since then to characterize their public stance. 

It has a general sense of encouraging those who know the truth not to hesitate to proclaim it, even in the face of indifferent or oppressive power, such as government officials or heads of industry or, for that matter, religious leaders. It implies that often those in positions of power hide or distort the truth for their own purpose or to protect their institutions.

Is speaking truth to power a biblical and Christian concept? The challenging readings for this Sunday seem to say a resounding “yes.”

Yes, speaking truth to power is a way of expressing the Christian responsibility to confront falsehood and to tell the truth even in hostile and dangerous circumstances. Such truth telling, we know from experience, can cause friction and divisions. This prophetic role, when done in the spirit of Jesus, is not incompatible with the ultimate Christian responsibility, to speak the truth in love.

This Scripture reflection is reprinted from the Aug. 11, 2019, issue. Follow this link to read the full scripture reflection from Fr. Donald Senior, CP.

Something On Your Mind?
Fr. Dan would love to hear from you! You may quickly schedule a convenient time to speak in person, via Zoom or even over the phone using Fr. Dan's OnceHub app.

Simply select how/where you would like to meet and choose 3 convenient times, and Fr. Dan will select one and confirm your appointment shortly!
Question of the Week

Can I feel the fire within that leads me to speak out and speak up despite the consequences?

Post answers on our Facebook page.

Weekly Bulletin
Currently we are printing a condensed bulletin, but we have lots to share. You can still read the complete bulletin online any time.
Download Bulletin

Building Bridges

Mundelein Seminary has given us so much, having ordained more than 4000 to the priesthood in more than 40 diocese. Fr. Dan and former pastors from both Queen of the Rosary and St. Julian were ordained at Mundelein, and Fr. Louis has also studied there.

Let's help the Seminary continue building bridges to the future. Our donation of $5,000 or more (500 parishioners each donate $10) will not only help toward the replacement of the main entrance bridge, but earn Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament a memorial spot on a pillar of the new bridge. 

Follow this link to discover more. To donate, you may look for the blue envelopes in our vestibules or contact the parish office.

Backpack Blessing

Get ready to head back to school with a Backpack Blessing from Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. All students, preschool through college, are invited to dress in School Spirit Wear and join us at any of our Masses on August 14th for a special Back-to-School Backpack Blessing:

  • Saturday (August 13th) 5pm (SJE)
  • Sunday 8am (QR)
  • Sunday 9:15am (SJE)
  • Sunday 10:30am (QR)

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

We will celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15th at daily Mass at 8:15am at St. Julian and at 7pm in the evening at Queen of the Rosary.

And Mary said:

“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; 

my spirit rejoices in God my savior.

For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness;

behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed.

The Mighty One has done great things for me,

and holy is his name."

—Luke 1:46-49

Share the Love: FREE

PJ Anderson Concert

Let's begin the school year with love, and a FREE concert...Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament is excited to welcome beloved songwriter, performer, worship artist and storyteller, PJ Anderson, on August 21st at 1pm at St. Julian Eymard!

Teens know PJ from Catholic Heart Work Camp, and his latest album, Mercy, Mercy, debuted at #7 on iTunes. He has led thousands in worship including the Youth Rally and Mass for Life in Washington DC and World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland. PJ has been praised for his unique ability to connect with listeners and he says, “As a Christian songwriter, I am driven by the challenge of saying something new, thought-provoking and inspiring about God’s immense love for us.”

PJ’s genuine enthusiasm for God is refreshing and infectious. Come see, and hear, for yourself and Share the Love.

If you can, please let us know of your intention to attend so we may plan accordingly:


Healing, Hope & Hospitality

Our theme for this pastoral year is Healing, Hope & Hospitality. Fr. Dan invites all ministry leaders to Mass and a Morning of Reflection on Saturday, August 27th. Join Fr. Dan and fellow ministry leaders to discuss this theme and share examples of how you may help us bring Healing, Hope & Hospitality to our parish and the larger community through your ministry.

We will move daily Mass to St. Julian at 8:15am on Saturday, August 27th. All are invited, but if possible, please try to have at least one representative from your ministry attend.

Continental breakfast will be provided. To help with planning, please follow this link to let us know how many from your ministry will be attending.

Bring Healing, Hope & Hospitality

Family Fall Fest

Plans are underway for this year's Family Fall Fest*, brought to you by Parish Council and Parents Club! Save the date for October 2nd, following the 10:30am Mass at Queen of the Rosary.

If you are able to donate restaurant gift cards or 750ML bottles of wine to our Wine & Dine, please drop off at the parish office (St. Julian Eymard, 601 Biesterfield Road).

If you are able to help with setup, running events, getting donations or baking for the Cake Walk, please follow this link to sign up.

*In lieu of a parish picnic, this year our Parish Council is joining forces with our Parents Club to host the parish's first-ever Family Fall Fest!

Join the Crew!

Christmas Fabric Needed!

While we're all enjoying Summer, our Christmas Elves are already busy sewing stockings to support the children at Mission Our Lady of Angels this Christmas season. 

If you have Christmas fabric to donate, please drop it off at the parish office: 601 Biesterfield Rd. We're open Monday through Friday between 10am and 6pm.

Questions? Please contact us by e-mail or telephone at (847) 979-0901.

Journey of the Heart

Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Grief Share Group, Journey of the Heart, will begin Season 4 on Wednesday, August 24th and Season 1a will begin on Monday, October 10th. If you have suffered a loss and are looking for a safe place to talk about sorrow and grief, please contact the parish office for more information. Nobody in our parish family grieves alone.

Follow this link and scroll down to Journey of the Heart to discover more!

Awesome People Read Books!

Save the date! Book Club returns from Summer Break on Monday, September 12th. The first book up is No Turning Back by Donald Calloway. It is an autobiography of a man who converted to Catholicism and become a priest. He was living a life of crime before his conversion. The book is 266 pages, and we may split discussion across two months. Connie G. says, "I read the first few chapters so far and had trouble putting it down."

This book is available on Amazon: Kindle version is $6.95, but if you're traditional, paperbacks are available for $13.95. Please let the parish office know by August 6th if you need a copy ordered.

Ministry of Care Fall Training

Ministers of Care Needed! If you feel called to bring the healing presence of Jesus Christ to our homebound parishioners, please prayerfully consider joining the Fall training. Full participation in both Saturdays will fulfill Archdiocesan requirements for mandation.

When: Saturday, September 17th & September 24th, 9am to 3pm

Where: St. Francis de Sales Ministry Centr, 135 S. Buesching Road, Lake Zurich, IL


Saturday, September 17th

9-10:45am - Spirituality in the Ministry

11-12:30pm - The Experience of Suffering

1-2:45pm - Ministerial Procedures

2:50-3pm: Wrap-up and Closing Prayer

Saturday, September 24th

9-10:45am - Pastoral Communication Skills

11-12:30pm - Prayer in Care Ministry

1-2:45pm - Theology of the Eucharist (with Msgr. John Canary)

2:45-3pm - Closing prayer, blessing and sending forth

Continental breakfast and beverages will be provided by St. Francis de Sales. Please bring your own brown-bag lunch.

Register Today!
Join the Parade!
Help support Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament and QR School in this year's Hometown Parade!
Held on Saturday, September 17th at 2:00 pm, the 2022 Hometown Parade theme will be "Falling Into Oktoberfest" and our very own Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament parishioner and Village Trustee, Nancy Czarnik, is the Grand Marshall!

Stay after the Parade for the 2022 Oktoberfest celebration which will include children's games, activities, food, drinks, live music & so much more! Make a day of it for the whole family!

We're looking for Adult Organizers and Teens to join our Parade Crew and help come up with the theme, design t-shirts, select parade-route give aways and organize and march behind the float on Parade Day. Join the crew!
Join the Crew!
Golden Wedding Anniversary
The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass is scheduled to be held on Sunday, September 18, 2022 at 2:30 p.m. at Holy Name Cathedral. Couples celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this year are invited to participate.

Lead-Up to Respect Life Sunday

The recent Supreme Court ruling in the Dobbs case was a huge victory for life, But there is still much work to be done, especially here in Illinois. Please join our OLBS Respect Life Ministry for these and other events leading up to Respect Life Sunday, October 2nd:

National Day of Remembrance for the Unborn is Saturday, September 10th. Please follow this link to find a nearby Remembrance Service. Can't make it to a service? Lay a flower in the Garden for the Unborn (adjacent to the Marian Garden at SJE.)

Spiritual Adoption will begin September 24th-25th. Look for displays in our vestibules beginning that weekend.

Baby Bottle collection in support of The Women's Centers for Greater Chicagoland and TLC Pregnancy Services will begin September 24th-25th. Look for displays in our vestibules beginning that weekend.

School Report

Hard to believe it's nearly that time of year again, but school resumes on August 17th!

Start the school year off right by joining us at Mass this Sunday for a backpack blessing! Don't forget to wear your Cougar Spirit Wear. #CougarPride

If you haven't already, please follow this link to learn more about QR School at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament or register for the upcoming school year. Classes begin August 17th.

Success Starts Here!

Download Welcome Packet
RE Roundup
Registration Open Now!
We are currently accepting registration for Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Religious Education 2022-2023. New this year, we are consolidating all religious education classes at our parish school, Queen of the Rosary. Queen of the Rosary is located at 690 Elk Grove Blvd, next to Queen of the Rosary Church, about a mile East of St. Julian Eymard Church. We are pleased to be able to offer online registration for grades 1 through 8 once again this year.

Follow this link to discover more or register.

Questions? Please contact Mrs. Uhlarik, Coordinator of RE.
Youth Ministry Corner
On August 21st, OLBS will be hosting Christian music artist and story teller, PJ Anderson at St. Julian Eymard. Many teens are familiar with PJ from Catholic Heart Work Camp and we can't wait to see you at the concert...bring a friend, or two or three!

Our next Youth Ministry meeting will be July 17th. Hope to see you then!

Questions or Suggestions? E-mail Mr. Van.

Upcoming events:

Thank You Weekend | Aug 21

Summer Concert | Aug 21

Alexian Village | Aug 22

Alexian Village | Sep 12

Hometown Parade | Sep 17

YM Meeting | Sep 18

Alexian Village | Sep 26

Events for Young Adults

Bishop Jeffrey Grob, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago, 

invites Catholic young adults (ages 20-40) to a 

Mass and meal.

Vicariate I Young Adult Mass and Meal with Bishop Grob

Saturday, August 27 | 5:00 p.m. Mass, Meal to Follow

St. Mary of the Annunciation Church

22333 W. Erhart Rd., Mundelein

Follow this link to discover more, or contact

Karen Gorajski, Vicariate I office, 847-970-4964,

Raise Your Hand!
Are you looking to get involved at OLBS? Many volunteer opportunities are available. Please contact the parish office or see below for just a few:

Do you have a flair for decorating? Discover more about our Art & Environment team.

Do weddings make you cry with joy? Discover more about Marriage & Family Ministry and consider becoming a Wedding Coordinator or part of our Marriage Ministry.

Do you want to help us set the table? Discover more about our Liturgical Ministries and consider becoming a Sacristan. For youth aged 4th grade and older, consider the Altar Server Ministry.

Do you love sharing the Gospel? Please consider becoming an adult volunteer for Children's Liturgy of the Word.
To bring comfort, share God’s Word and the Holy Eucharist, Ministers of Care make faith visits to the sick, homebound, hospitalized and elderly in our OLBS community. Care Ministers must be mandated and may participate in one or more of the following activities: visits to the Homebound, prayer services at AMITA, AMITA Rehab, Alexian Village or Promedica (formerly Manor Care.) For more information, please contact the parish office.

We are grateful for your continued generosity to the needs of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament family during this time. In addition to dropping or mailing your donation to church, you may give online where you may make weekly contributions to our parish family and keep the vital ministries and services we provide going. We thank you for your generosity!
Support the Parish!

The following quick links may help to stay connected to our faith and our parish family:

Quickly schedule time to meet with Fr. Dan in person, on Zoom or via telephone.

Volunteer to serve at Mass as:

Adult Greeter/Usher

Youth Altar Server

FORMED. To gain access to all of FORMED’s content, follow these simple steps:

  • Go to Formed.org
  • Enter our parish’s zip code
  • Enter your name and your email address

Daily Prayer. Expand Daily Prayer to signup to receive daily prayer delivered right to your inbox.

Morning Prayer. Expand Morning Prayer to join us on your phone Monday through Saturday for Morning Prayer.

Weekly Bulletin. Download the weekly parish bulletin when you are unable to attend Mass.

Live-Stream. We have live-stream available for Sunday liturgy and some daily.

Let's Get Social. Like or follow us on Facebook to receive news and updates in real time and join the conversation: QR and SJE.

(847) 979-0901 | info@olbsegv.org

Worship sites:
Queen of the Rosary, 750 W. Elk Grove Blvd.
St. Julian Eymard, 601 Biesterfield Road

Queen of the Rosary School, 690 Elk Grove Blvd.
(847) 437-3322 | www.qrschool.org