CAC seeks to improve quality of life for those with asthma through advocacy, education and collaboration.

Empowering Lives with Asthma

Rhonda Lay

My story has been an enriching one.

I came from a background of seeing individuals coming into the emergency room being at their sickest, afraid and bewildered about the disease and not understanding how to live a healthier lifestyle, to seeing individuals more confident in managing their asthma, living healthier and advocating for themselves and others living with the chronic illness.

Describe your asthma journey. What challenges have you faced and how have you overcome them?

My asthma journey started over 30 years ago when I entered the respiratory care field, during which I worked in various hospitals throughout Chicago. Some of the challenges I encountered were patients not adhering to proper medication management, triggers in the home and frequent hospital readmissions. Another challenge was due to the heavy workload there wasn’t enough time to determine if asthma education was effective or retained and understood post-discharge. When I became a new community health worker, I was able to overcome those challenges by providing one-on-one asthma education sessions with children’s caregivers, children, and adult patients for as long as needed. I was able to help address some of the social determinants of health (SDoH) needs by sharing resources to assist in their everyday lives. In addition to manage a chronic illness.

Do you have a success story or milestone that you are particularly proud of?

Yes, I have a story that gave me an AH-HA moment of how important a CHW is in the lives they touch. It was one of my first patients as a CHW where a young man slept with his quick-relief inhaler in his pocket and his caregiver stated he never had it out of arms’ length no matter where he was. He told me when he was 11 years old his cousin died of asthma at 13, so he thought he was going to die. At first, I didn't know how to approach him because I had always worked inside of a healthcare institution and had not observed the personal side of a patient or their thoughts on the disease. After many asthma education sessions and tools (introducing friendly asthma products, aerochamber, AAP) he and his caregiver began to build their confidence in being able to manage his asthma well. I talked to his primary care provider to inform them of what was going on. He was started on controller medications and the doctor reinforced what I was doing in the home. He started to play sports and now has a degree in engineering. 

Have you helped or supported someone else with asthma?

Being a CHW for 15 years I have supported families with a listening ear, educational materials, tailored device training and information, emotional support, and also addressed SDoH with resources and follow up.

What motivates you to stay positive and proactive in managing your or your loved ones' asthma?

What motivates me to stay positive is the patients I have worked with have decreased hospitalizations, increased quality of life and are able to more effectively manage their asthma. Also, the team of CHWs and staff here at Sinai Urban Health Institute who gives support and encouragement.

Do you have any advice for others living with asthma or for those supporting someone with asthma?

My advice for someone living with asthma and those who support them is to get as much education as possible on the chronic disease to better manage their asthma, and if there is a CHW or asthma educator available, allow them into their space. And to have routine follow ups with a primary care provider and take their medication as prescribed.

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If you would have any questions about CAC or would like some additional information, please contact Kay Gonzalez at or 888.268.8334. Thank you!