Paul Herrerias
Managing Director, SF & SV
Global Leader - CFO/
Executive Specialization
Dear ,
Welcome to the Spring 2015 edition of our newsletter, focusing on building teams together. Building great teams requires great leadership. In my thirty years working with thousands of executives, the exceptionally successful leaders are those who invest in building high-performance teams.
Team building is a subject very close to my heart and what drives me everyday at work. It is the profound understanding of people, how they work, their strengths, values, and what motivates them to perform their best.
As John Roulac, Founder/CEO of Nutiva, shared with us this week, his most important element of organizational success is building teams: aligning on the mission and nurturing the team culture. Next on his list were constant innovation and ensuring profitable growth. Which cultural values are you promoting for your team? (See Nutiva's team values)
How do we distinguish high-potential leaders for your team? I share insights on how building teams is both a science and an art in my blog: Science & Art of Team Building Next up in my leadership series will be an article on interviewing to discern effective team leaders.
Participate in the NASCAR Raffle below for your chance to win 4 tickets on June 27th at the Sonoma Raceway.
Follow my updates and articles on my Leadership San Francisco blog:
Read on and please do send me an email and let me know what is new and exciting in your life!
Warm Regards,
Paul Herrerias
Managing Director - San Francisco & Silicon Valley
Stanton Chase