Thursday, June 8, 2023
19 Sivan 5783
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A Message from Rabbi Wexler
In my d’var Torah at the Annual Meeting last night I spoke about the menorah, because our Torah portion this week begins with instructions for the Aaron and kohanim to light the menorah in the Tabernacle daily. Last night I spoke about the flames of the menorah, but today I am thinking about the structure of the menorah itself. Why isn’t the menorah just one large lamp? Why seven branches? Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi suggested that the branches “represent the diverse souls of Israel.” Each is important in its own right, just as our individuality within community brightens the whole. Each one of the seven lights shines in its own uniqueness. In fact, the only thing that can make a menorah treif (ritually impermissible) is if the lights are not all on the same level–precisely even–so that each light is distinguished but also so that no light is perceived as greater or more essential than the other.
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A Message from Executive Director, Ron Safier
Thank you to everyone who attended the Annual Meeting last night either in-person or via the livestream. Below are excerpts of my report, and pre-recorded videos from myself, our Treasurer, Marc Oppen, and the Presidents of Hazak, Alvin Stern, Men’s Club, Mike Perlow, and Sisterhood, Sherrie Cohen, can be viewed by clicking here.
Thank you to all of you who are here this evening, and to those of you who are watching via the livestream. Each and every one of you has a part in the growth of our synagogue.
We very much appreciate the generous contributions of all of our donors, our Plus Givers, our corporate sponsors, our Life and Legacy participants, and the membership of our congregation at large. We could not do what we do without you, and we truly thank you for all your financial support.
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Mazal tov to:
Aileen Levine on the birth of her grandson, Charles Benjamin Levine, son of Danielle & Brett Levine
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Minyan, 7am - In-person and Zoom
Kabbalat Shabbat, 6:15pm - In-person/Livestream
Candle Lighting, 8:09pm
9:30am - Shabbat Services - In-Person/Livestream
10:25am - Shir Halev - Prayer and Soulful Singing - In-Person
8:20pm - Minha, Ma'ariv & Havdallah - In-Person/Livestream
Minyan, 8:00 am - In-person/Zoom
Minyan, 8:00 pm - Zoom
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Kesher goes to Six Flags Great Adventure on Sunday, June 11 at 10:30am Details Here
Social Action 'Cook for a Friend' on Tuesday, June 13 at 6:30pm Details here
Hazak Program, People, Policies and Passports with Special Guest Buntzie Ellis Churchill on Thursday, June 15 at 1:00 pm Details here
Men's Club: Trenton Thunder Game on Thursday, June 15 at 7pm Details here
RESCHEDULED: Young Members Group Potluck Shabbat on Friday, June 16, 5:30pm Details here
Happy Song Music Class - Summer session begins Thursday, June 22 Details here
Men's Club: End of Year Margaritas & Tacos on Thursday, June 22 at 6pm Details Here
Save the Date: Wine and Cheese Shabbat on Friday, June 23 at 5:45pm
Save the Date: Special Shabbat Guest: Yizhar Hess on Saturday, July 1 at 9:30am
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Informational Meeting: TBS Israel Experience with Rabbi Lindemann
Informational meeting will take place via Zoom on Tuesday, June 27 at 7:30pm.
Trip dates: March 9 - 22, 2024
Includes Round-trip Flights, hotel accomodations, guided sightseeing, and much more.
For more information, contact Rabbi Lindemann, 856-751-6663, reblindy@aol.com
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TBS Social Advocacy Group is currently accepting donations on behalf of HIAS
HIAS has welcomed 49 refugees (from Afghanistan, Burma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, and other countries) in the month of April, and they are rapidly going through household items. All donations are greatly appreciated.
- Stovetop tea kettles (not electric)
- Bath towels (new or gently used)
- Paper towels
- Toilet paper
- Twin or full-sized comforters (new or gently used)
Donation drop-off in Synagogue Lobby
Questions? tbssocialadvocacy@gmail.com
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