Walk in Love: Stewardship of Creation
Each week in our worship service, I use the same Bible verse as our invitation to respond to God's generous blessings in our life: Walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God.
Walk in love...these words should guide all we do, each action we do, as we go about our day. Everything should be first grounded in the love that Christ showed us and should be a response to that love.
In the month of October, I'd like you to reflect on how you walk in love with God's creation. Our liturgy invites you to reflect on this: at the 10:00 service last Sunday (St. Francis pet blessing pictured above), we prayed for God's created order and confessed our sin of not caring for God's generous gift as best we could. We'll repeat these in upcoming liturgies.
Stewardship of creation means we actively care for the physical world around us. I invite you to participate in several upcoming offerings to do this: plant crocus bulbs at St John's on Oct 26th and roadside clean up on Nov 2nd (see info below). We'll also have an outdoor work day to care for our church property. Together, we can walk in love with all of creation.
Peace and blessings,
Rev Jill