May 26, 2020
From the Principal

Dear SGCS Families,

We have many exciting events coming up this week and next week. We hope you will join us. They will be a great blessing to you and our students.

We will have a special 8th grade streaming chapel this Friday, May 29th. We will share some parent and school tributes from some of our graduates. We will also share some tributes from our teachers to the 8th grade class. Our teachers will also be recognizing the Subject awards for the 8th graders. 

We will also hold our SGCS Talent show on Friday, May 29th. This will be an opportunity to see some of our talented teachers, staff, and students at SGCS. You will not want to miss it!

On Tuesday, June 2nd, is our special virtual Kindergarten graduation. Please pray this will be a blessing for all our Kindergarten graduates and their families. 

On Wednesday, June 3rd, at 9:30 am we will have our virtual Awards Assembly where we recognize our 6th   - 8th grade students for A honor roll and B honor roll. We will also recognize our Principal awards for our 3rd-5th grade students. Several of our teachers will be announcing the awards in a live stream event.

On Thursday, June 4th, at 6:00 pm we will be holding our virtual Graduation for our 8th grade graduates. This will be a live stream event with several videos as we celebrate our graduates’ accomplishments.

In Christ,

Joel E. Staggers
Join us for our Online Summer Program! Our new program is interactive, open-ended, and designed to keep your students engaged, both on and off their screens! We're offering two morning sessions online with live teachers. Each week your student will receive a supply box for morning direct instruction classes and afternoon enrichment classes. You can sign up week-to-week or all at once. Sign up today to secure your top choices!
Click here for the link to the info book and registration link for the
Online Summer Program!
Spirit Tuesdays
TODAY is Pet Picture Day!

Join us Tuesday's for Spirit Day!
Let's stay united while we're apart!

Here's what to do:
-Grab your dog, cat, bird, fish, lizard, bunny, turtle, or stuffed animal
-Take a picture together
-Post it to Instagram and tag @sangabrielchristian 
-Email your picture to  and let us know if we can post to social media and/or in the Bulldog Bulletin.
Aloha Day coming next Tuesday!
June 2, 2020

Last week's Spirit Day was Super Hero Day!

Virtual SGCS Has Got Talent
THIS Friday, May 29th


Did you know that we have some great titles, including fiction & biographies, available
to all SGCS families as eBooks? Click the link below and choose from over 200 titles today.
username: sgcs
password: bulldogs

San Gabriel Community Church

Live stream worship service
Sunday morning at 9:00 am

click here for the link