Loco is a legendary Texas companion animal whose story captured the hearts of Austin legislators as well as people across the state of Texas.  Loco's story paved the way for the Texas Humane Legislation Network's animal cruelty statute to pass into law in 2001. Loco served as an ambassador to Texas lawmakers and put a face to the weak animal cruelty laws that existed in Texas at that time.
Thanks to Loco's Law, since 2001, animal abusers like Loco's are subject to state felony charges, up to 2 years imprisonment, and can face up to a $10,000 fine.  


Texas Governor Rick Perry with Loco and THLN at the signing of the animal cruelty statute into law in 2001.

As an 8 month old pup, Loco was stolen from his family's backyard, only to be found days later on their doorstep missing both eyes. It was clear someone had intentionally harmed this defenseless puppy, but sadly Texas law at the time provided only misdemeanor charges with minor consequences. After giving him the care he needed, Loco's family, Greg and Carol Autry, jumped into action with THLN to craft a stronger animal cruelty bill and lobbied to pass it into law.  And we did it!



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