Parshat Haazinu

October 7-8, 2022 | 13 Tishrei 5783


Halacha How-To's:

Halacha How To's for the upcoming chagim can be found here. Printed copies will also be available in the back of the sanctuary.

Thank You: 

To everyone who volunteered during Yom Kippur! We appreciate all of all baalei tefillah, gabbaim, security volunteers, usher, page turners, Rechov Yeladim counselors and volunteers and teen learning volunteers. 

Thank you to those who already pledged for our Kol Nidrei Appeal. It’s not too late to add your pledge if you have not yet done so. You can donate online here. 


To Jan Perry who will be joining us in shul this Shabbat morning!

To New member Jonathan Dauer Zalomek!

Chesed Opportunities:

Please sign up here to help out Larry and Sue Handman with meals during Sue's recovery.

Please sign up here to help the Sklar/Damast Family with meals during Miriam’s recovery. 

Mazal Tov:

To Rabbi Aaron Lerner on being selected as the next President & CEO of The Jewish Community Foundation of LA!


To Jeff Feuer on the passing of his step-father, Maurey Price z'l.

To David Felsenthal on the loss of his father, Norman Felsenthal z'l.  Shiva will be from 2 - 4 pm on Sunday: 9316 Airdrome Street, Los Angeles, CA 90035.


A donation to the kiddush fund has been made by the Civic Engagement Initiative Committee in honor of Jan Perry's visit this week. Welcome Jan Perry!

Sponsor a Kiddush or Seudah Shlishit! Visit here for more information.

This Shabbat

6:11 PM

Friday Night Candlelighting

6:10 PM

Mincha/Ma'ariv | Abrams-Kanefsky Backyard (1537 Durango)

8:45 AM

9:00 AM

Early Minyan | Beit Midrash | Post davening learning with Dr. Gil Melmed.

Rechov Yeladim

9:15 AM

Shacharit | Main Sanctuary

9:30 AM

Teen Minyan | Projection Room - For grades 7 - 12  

Coffee Club for Teen Girls in the Front Office

9:46 AM

Latest Time for Kriat Shema

Kiddush | Social Hall

5:45 PM

Teen Kickoff - Mincha, ma’ariv, trivia (with prizes), Havdalah, and Se’udah Shlishit. All teens grade 7-12 are welcome!

Location: Melmed Backyard, 9510 Bolton Road

5:55 PM

Mincha/Ma'ariv Sanctuary

Seudah Shlishit | Beit Midrash

Nothing But the Pshat | Stevie Greene

7:06 PM


If you require an accommodation in order to participate in Shabbat services with BDJ please contact [email protected]. We welcome and support children, teens, and adults with disabilities, mental health conditions, and their families and caregivers. Please reach out if you have any questions and/or would like to request an accommodation.


Sukkot Teachers

Sunday between Mincha/Maariv - Rabbi Ari Schwarzberg

Drasha Day One - Michael Feldman

Shiur, Day One between Mincha/Maariv - David Nimmer Lessons from the Time the Jews Forgot to Celebrate Succot

Drasha Day Two - Malka Popper

Shiur, Day Two between Mincha/Maariv - Dr. Tamar Marvin - "When Science Contradicts Torah: A Case Study from Jewish History"

Shabbat Morning: Introduction to Kohellet - Rabbi Aaron Lerner

Nothing But the Pshat - Abe Rosenberg

Sunday Night (Shemini Atzeret) between Mincha/Maariv - Dr. Tamar Marvin

Drasha Shemini Atzeret - Rav Yosef

Shemini Atzeret Afternoon - The Torah of the Kugeldicker

Simchat Torah Shirat Chana - Dr. Tamar Marvin

Simchat Torah between Mincha/Maariv - Rav Yosef

High Holiday Zmanim & Calendar

All times for the high holidays can be found here or you can grab a printed copy at the back of the Sanctuary.  Relaxed parking information can be found here.

YP Sukkot Dinner

October 10th

Join BDJ YPs for a dairy group dinner on the Second Night of Yom Tov in the Blumofe Family's sukkah! Children are welcome!

Membership Connections:

Sukkot Membership Mash-Up, 10/9 or 10/10

• Thank you to our hosts and to Julie Fax for organizing!

Share Your Sukkah

Still looking for some Sukkot meals or for some Sukkot guests? Visit our BDJ Sukkot Guest List

Upcoming Events

Mincha 'N Munchies

October 22, 4 PM 

Save the Date and note earlier time! 

Rabbi Tureff's Book Launch

Saturday Afternoon

October 22, 5:15 PM

Temple Beth Am

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Chaim Tureff on his new book, "Recovery in the Torah." Rav Chaim will discuss his book over Seudah Shlisheet at Temple Beth Am. RSVP and pre-order a copy of the book hereTemple Beth Am is happy to host a mechitza minyan for Rav Chaim’s BDJ friends.  If you’ll be attending please sign up right away so that we can determine whether or not there will be a minyan.

Book Club

October 24th

Have you read the book The Tunnel by A.B. Yehoshua? If so, would you be interested in having a conversation about it? Let's get together to discuss. Let us know. Contact Tobi Inlender (tainlender@gmail) or Abigail Yasgur ([email protected])

Teen Girls Tefillah

November 5th

Encourage your daughters (7th to 12th grade) to sign up to lein, daven, gabbai, or otherwise participate. Sign up here.  

Community Announcements
Camp Announcement:

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach! Wherever you may be this Sukkot - We want to see YOU! Join us at our Reunion in LA or Yerushalayim! Details and RSVP at Hope to see you there! 

Misheberach List

Bella Rivka bat Rosa (Aharon Shimoni's sister) * Shulamit bat Ruchel Sheina (Selma Framson) * Michael ben Malka (Max Wozniak) * Chaya bat Bela (Mayer Bick's mother) * Tziporah bat Tova (Mrs. Sassover) * Chava bat Helen (Eva Magid) * Masha Hinda bat Malke Roisa * Tova Chaya bat Leah Malkah * Saureet bat Yehudit (Saureet Hayill) * Nechama Bracha Bat Yechiela * Moshe ben Shoshana (Martine Porter Zasada's uncle) * Yehezkel ben Kaila (Fred Toczek's father) * Mordechai David ben Margalit (Zev Hurwitz' father) * Sarah Golda bat Fradyl (Rav Yosef's mother) * Shlomo haCohen ben Rachel * Shalom David Ben Feigel (father of Boaz Hepner's friend) * Yair ben Bella Rivka (Sheryl Shimoni's nephew) * Esther bat Liba (Jill Lefferman's mother) * G'dalyah Reuven ben Bracha (Gary Linder) * Miriam Yosefet bat Leah Malka (Tobi Inlender's sister) * Laurie Higashi * Shoshana Raizel bat Chaya (friend of Miriam Katz) * Bracha Merel bat Rivka (Bernice Epstein) * Lev Binyamin ben Masha Libba * Sarah Freida bat Raizel (Rachel Olshin's mom) * Illana bat Elke (Heather Thau's mother) * Baila Malka bat Ada Etti (Ze'ev Korn's mother) * Farah bat Mozelle Tobe (Brenda Robin's mother) * HaRavYitzchak ben Tobeh (Audrey Kraus' father) * Avraham Chaim ben Rivka * Chaya Rachel Bat Carmi Adina (Hallie Schiff) * Sarah Yaffa bat Elka Tzivia * Aaron Ben Mai * Nechemya Ben Gittel (father of Carly Mann)* Avtalyon Zerachyah Ben Miriam Bracha (Avi Goldberg) * Eran Yakov ben Sara (Sara Naor's father) * Aliza Sara bat Miriam Chaya* Rachel Chana bat Rivka (Rochelle Frimmer, Debi Pomerantz's Aunt) * Miriam Aliza bat Shifrah Chana * Ariella Rivka bat Tzippora * Ronen ben Yehudit * Tova bat Pesche (Tiffany Miller's mother) * Boaz Hepner’s friends - Chava leah bat Shprintze Bluma, Chaya Esther bat Shprintze Bluma, Avrahom Elijah ben Sara Miriam*Aharon Ben Rosa (Aharon Shimoni) * Tamar Miriam bat Esther Alter (Esther Macner’s daughter)*Leib ben Helen (Lloyd Levitin)* Dovid ben Rena Sheva (Margy Horowitz's Brother) * Marnina Danielle bat Yehudit Rifka * * Rella Miriam bat Ella (Sabrina Gillespie's mother)* Yitzchak Dov Ben Devorah * Shoshanna bat Shulamit (Susan Handman) * Chana bat Avigayil * Miriam bat Zisa (Jill Linder's friend) * Chana Rachel bat Avraham v'Sosia Michal Aviva Bat Yehudit (Na'amit Nagel's sister)

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