Parshat Shmini | Shabbat Mevarchim

April 14-15, 2023 | 24 Nisan 5783



Our friend Adi Hepner is dealing with a difficult pregnancy and the Hepner family needs help with Shabbat meals over the coming weeks. Please contribute to their meal train here.

Seder Yom Hashoah

Our annual Seder Yom Hashoah is this Monday, April 17 at 7:30 p.mpreceded by Mincha at 7:15. Join the BDJ community and our Gesher students as we remember, reflect, and learn. Register Here


Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by

The Kotler and Glass familes in honor of Harry Intrator z'l yahrzeit

Sponsor a Kiddush or Seudah Shlishit! Visit here for more information.

This Shabbat

6:45 PM

Mincha/Ma'ariv | Abrams-Kanefsky Backyard (1537 Durango)

6:45 start time throughout Spring and Summer

7:06 PM

Friday Night Candlelighting

9:00 AM

Rechov Yeladim | Ages 6 Months to 6th Grade

9:15 AM

Shacharit | Main Sanctuary

Note: 8:45, Teen and YP Minyans are on hiatus this week

9:37 AM

Latest Time for Kriat Shema


Kiddush | Social Hall

6:50 PM

Mincha/Ma'ariv | Main Sanctuary

Seudah Shlishit | Beit Midrash

Nothing But the Pshat | Rav Yosef

8:04 PM


If you require an accommodation in order to participate in Shabbat services with BDJ please contact [email protected]. We welcome and support children, teens, and adults with disabilities, mental health conditions, and their families and caregivers. Please reach out if you have any questions and/or would like to request an accommodation.
This Week

Weekday Minyanim: Mincha/Ma'ariv will be at 7:15 PM. Rosh Chodesh Early Shacharit 6:30 AM on Friday 4/21.

Weekly Torah Classes

Monday : Gemara Shiur with Rav Yosef | On hiatus. Will resume April 24

TuesdayMidrash Group | Bamidbar Rabbah | 7:45 – 8:45 AM | Beit Midrash

WednesdayShmuel Zoom Class with Rav Yosef | Shmuel Aleph | 12:00 – 12:30 PM | Meeting ID: 848 006 895 Passcode: 867811

Annual Seder Yom Hashoah

April 17

7:30 PM

The Seder Yom HaShoah, patterned on its Pesach namesake, is an experience that integrates the “telling of the story” with prayer, study, poetry, song, and even ritual foods to bring us face-to-face and heart-to heart with the tragedy and heroism of the Shoah years. Register Here

Upcoming Events

Shabbaton with Special Guest Rav Benny Lau

April 22

"Our Responsibility, Our Future" - Through his unique voice as a leading Religious Zionist rabbi, thinker, author, and historian, Rav Lau will frame Israel’s present chapter in terms of classical Jewish thought and history. Special Shabbat morning davening, ruach, and Kiddush! View more info here.

Thank you to our generous sponsors:

Consulate General of Israel in Los Angeles, Jennifer & Yaron Elad, Shari & Jeff Fishman, Sari Abrams & Rav Yosef Kanefsky, Batsheva & Sheldon Kasdan, Hetty & Gil Melmed, Na'amit & Zev Nagel, Rosie & Mark Rosenbaum, Susan & Fred Toczek, and Cara Grossman-Wainberg & Zev Wainberg


April 22

Our 5th – 7th graders are invited to take active participatory roles in the main minyan Shabbat Mincha.

Yom Ha'atzmaut!

April 26

6:45 AM

Join us for a lively Shacharit including Hallel and a celebratory breakfast after davening. RSVPs appreciated Register Here

BDJ Retreat

April 28-30

WE ARE GOING TO CAMP!!! BDJ is having a retreat at the Dovid Oved Retreat Center located in Running Springs, California over the weekend of April 28 through 30, 2023. We invite everyone to come enjoy a special Shabbat of davening, food, learning and more in the San Bernardino mountains. Pricing is on the registration site. This event is for BDJ members only. Space is limited to 50 rooms. Register Here. Deadline is April 23.

Seder Nashim

April 29

4:30 PM

Rena Katrikh's home

Green Flags / Red Flags: Navigating Relationships

What are the signs that it is time to commit? How do you know when it is time to leave? From young adults juggling hook-up culture and external marriage expectations to people later in life weighing when enough is enough or what is actually best for the kids, let’s talk about indicators of healthy relationships, relationships that can be adjusted, and relationships that are no longer working. And how do we support our friends, children, and others as they face these life altering decisions? See all the events in our exciting lineup here!

Tot Shabbat

May 6

5 - 6:30 PM

Save the Date for our next Tot Shabbat on Shabbat afternoon, May 6. This program is aimed at families with children under 5. Meet new people, make new friends, and get to know other young families from shul all while eating delicious food. Registration info coming soon!

L'Chaim! Celebrate Israel @ 75!

May 9

6:00 PM

Our culminating event which will feature an Israeli Dinner, professionally-led communal singing of Israeli favorites, an Israeli Lounge with Wine-Tasting (a YP-focused event) and Youth programming. Adults - $15, Children (ages 4-11) - $8, Children (0-3) - Free. L'hitraot! We can't wait to see you there!

Register Here. Deadline is Tuesday, May 2.

Annual Congregational Meeting

May 10

6:30 PM

Save the Date!

Shirat Chana

May 13

9:00 AM

Women and girls are invited to join us at a Shirat Chana Women's Tefillah service on Shabbat morning, May 13. There is no bat mitzvah, no holiday - just an opportunity for us all to gather in the beit midrash for tefillah, torah, camaraderie and some learning. There are lots of opportunities for participation and we hope each of you will consider taking something on! To sign up to read torah, lead tefillah, or some other role please click here. Contact Sari Abrams at [email protected] for questions.

Mincha East

May 13

4:30 PM

Mincha East | Mincha, Seudah Shlishit & Learning, Graciously hosted by Tzviah and David Mayman, 1133 S. Point View St. To help the Maymans prepare, please RSVP to [email protected]

Please note earlier time and that Ma’ariv will not be said.

Jewish Los Angeles Historical Tour

May 21

10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (exact timing TBA)

Join our adventure to Explore Jewish East LA!

Following up on the BDJ Boomer event with David Kipen learning about Libros Schmibros in Boyle Heights, we have arranged for a tour of Boyle Heights, the Breed Street Shul, and Libros Schmibros. Tour will be led by Stephen Sass of the Jewish Historical Society (JHS) of LA. We plan to use public transportation for this adventure. Tour begins at Union Station. It would be great to take the Expo Line together to get there. Stay tuned for more details. Contact Susan Fink or Abby Yasgur for questions.

Cost: $25 (includes a Bibi’s box lunch and a donation to the JHS) Register Here.

The Beach Boys and Fireworks at the Hollywood Bowl

July 2

7:30 PM

What's Happening @BDJ: We're going to the Hollywood Bowl! Come join us to see the Beach Boys and a fireworks spectacular on July 2nd. Adults - $35, Children under 12 - $25. Seat cushions are included. Parking is not covered in the cost and carpools are recommended. We will have our own Picnic area prior to the show (BYOFood). Seating is limited so please sign up soon. For more information, contact [email protected].

Register Here. Deadline is May 1st.

Community Announcements

  • LA Mikvah: Everyone is invited to participate in the LA Mikvah capital fundraising campaign at See more info here.

  • Ezra Network: If you’re dealing with challenges – like caring for an elderly parent or a teen in trouble or facing economic hardship – you can get help with financial assistance and government program eligibility, access to one-on-one sessions with a social worker, legal counselor or job counselor, as well as referrals for other services, and information about upcoming workshops. It’s all there for you – private & free. Click here for more info.

  • Bnei Akiva of Los Angeles will be hosting their annual Tekes Maavar, Tefillah Chagigit and Chagigah for Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut on Tuesday, April 25. See the Save the Date flyer here.

  • BDJ is proud to co-sponsor with the UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies: On April 26, 2023 (Israel Independence Day - Yom Haatzmaut), UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies will be hosting Yossi Klein Halevi to present the Inaugural Younes Nazarian Memorial Lecture. Halevi will speak on “Israel at 75: A Crisis of Identity”. The public talk will be in-person at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center at 6:00 p.m. with a reception preceding the talk at 5:00 p.m. All are welcome. Register here.
Misheberach List

Bella Rivka bat Rosa (Aharon Shimoni's sister) * Shulamit bat Ruchel Sheina (Selma Framson) * Michael ben Malka (Max Wozniak) * Tziporah bat Tova (Mrs. Sassover) * Chava bat Helen (Eva Magid) * Masha Hinda bat Malke Roisa * Tova Chaya bat Leah Malkah * Saureet bat Yehudit (Saureet Hayill) * Nechama Bracha Bat Yechiela * Moshe ben Shoshana (Martine Porter Zasada's uncle) * Yehezkel ben Kaila (Fred Toczek's father) * Sarah Golda bat Fradyl (Rav Yosef's mother) * Shlomo haCohen ben Rachel * Shalom David Ben Feigel (father of Boaz Hepner's friend) * Yair ben Bella Rivka (Sheryl Shimoni's nephew) * Esther bat Liba (Jill Lefferman's mother) * Miriam Yosefet bat Leah Malka (Tobi Inlender's sister) * Laurie Higashi * Shoshana Raizel bat Chaya (friend of Miriam Katz) * Bracha Merel bat Rivka (Bernice Epstein) * Lev Binyamin ben Masha Libba * Sarah Freida bat Raizel (Rachel Olshin's mom) * Illana bat Elke (Heather Thau's mother) * Baila Malka bat Ada Etti (Ze'ev Korn's mother) * Farah bat Mozelle Tobe (Brenda Robin's mother) * HaRavYitzchak ben Tobeh (Audrey Kraus' father) * Avraham Chaim ben Rivka * Sarah Yaffa bat Elka Tzivia * Aaron Ben Mai * Nechemya Ben Gittel (father of Carly Mann) * Eran Yakov ben Sara (Sara Naor's father) * Aliza Sara bat Miriam Chaya* Rachel Chana bat Rivka (Rochelle Frimmer, Debi Pomerantz's Aunt) * Ariella Rivka bat Tzippora * Tova bat Pesche (Tiffany Miller's mother) * Boaz Hepner’s friends - Chava leah bat Shprintze Bluma, Chaya Esther bat Shprintze Bluma, Avrahom Elijah ben Sara Miriam*Aharon Ben Rosa (Aharon Shimoni) * Marnina Danielle bat Yehudit Rifka * * Rella Miriam bat Ella (Sabrina Gillespie's mother)* Yitzchak Dov Ben Devorah * Shoshanna bat Shulamit (Susan Handman) * Chana bat Avigayil * Michal Aviva Bat Yehudit (Na'amit Nagel's sister) * Ada bat Tzila (Batsheva Kasden's mother) * Nechama bat Miriam v’Asher Zelig * Shmuel Nachum ben Elianna Sarah (JJ Helperin's friend) * Dovid Ben Rena Sheva (Margy Horowitz's brother) * Sharona Tova bat Chanah (Lisa and Jeremy Kolieb’s sister in law) * Devorah bat Raizel v'Eliezer (Deb Brandt-Sarif) * Yehudit Devorah bat Esther (Suzy Wozniack) * Shaul ben Chana Leah * Adina Yael Bat Dalia * Alexandra Rachel Bat Shoshana * Sorah Mindel bat Shulamit * Gavriel Yuval ben Miriam (Scott Sobel) * Channa Rachael Bat Esther Malka (Rachael Wernick) * Yekusiel Chaim ben Dobrish and Pesha bas Buntza Freyda (Joanne Helperin’s parents) * Tzivia Friedel bat Zlata Sima * Bracha Chana bat Miriam (Arielle Gereboff's mother) * Chana bat Shifra and Pinchas Shmuel bat Nechama (Yechiel Goldberg's parents) * Esther Bat Chana (Dan Schechter's mother) * Brina bat Vered (Cindy Steinschriber's friend) * Shimon ben Fredka (Steve Steinschriber) * Avraham Yosef ben Channa Ita (Townsley family friend) * Chana Rivka bat Shera

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