From 31st March 2025, (at the latest), all pharmacy owners providing Pharmacy First will also have to provide the Pharmacy Contraception Service and Hypertension Case-Finding Service to continue to receive the monthly fixed payment of £1000 (paid to pharmacies who meet the minimum activity threshold for Pharmacy First).
Currently, 60% of pharmacies providing Pharmacy First across West Yorkshire have also signed up to provide the Pharmacy Contraception Service, which is great news. However, this does mean that there is still a significant number of pharmacies who provide Pharmacy First who have not yet signed up to deliver the Pharmacy Contraception Service.
If you are one of these pharmacies, you are at risk of missing out on the opportunity to achieve the monthly activity threshold Pharmacy First payments of £1000 from April 2025 onwards. There are 9 months left before this is rolled out. Please start to think about preparing for the Pharmacy Contraception Service now!