Alliance Franaise de Fresno Newsletter
Bulletin d'Informations
 Juillet-Aout 2014
In This Issue
Le Quatorze Juillet
President's Message
Fall Schedule of Classes
Calendar of Activities

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Juillet - Aout 2014





Sunday, July 13, 2014

6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Location: Lakeview Clubhouse,
2555 W. Bluff, Fresno, CA

Don't miss our Big Bastille Bash out on the lake. This is a potluck get-together! Bring food and drink to share with others. The Alliance Fran�aise will provide soft drinks, ice and paper products. Bring your friends and neighbors! This is a great family outing in a perfect setting. Lots of clean fun with a swimming pool, occasional paddle boats and stimulating conversation in both English and French. Carry swords and dress up as Robespierre, if you must! PLEASE! NO GUILLOTINES!

We are NOT celebrating the Reign of Terror but the storming of the Bastille prison by the fun-loving Parisian riff-raff.


  • There will be entertainment with singers, accordion, clavinova. We may even throw in a quiz to tickle the brain.
  • Free of charge!
  • DIRECTIONS: Head north on Van Ness Extension to just north of Alluvial. Turn left onto Bluff and park your vehicle. The clubhouse is on your left hand side with lots of waving balloons.

RSVP BY JULY 11, 2014:
Norman Stockle (559) 430-6773


President's Message: 

At mid-year, on behalf of the Board of Directors of L'Alliance Francaise de Fresno I want to thank all members, donors, students and friends of our local chapter of this fine international organization for your active participation in, and generous support of our efforts to promote French language and culture in the center of California. 2014 thus far has been another eventful year of good events, transitions, and strong classes. As you saw from the May Newsletter, on June 1st Cami Colby handed the School Directorship off to Jennifer Dupras, who is also very able and experienced. In mid-May Bob Mallek advised us that he needed to resign his Directorship due to his other obligations. We regret the loss, since he has given years of superior service to L'Alliance, in this most recent tour as Director, and in the past as local President and national officer. He assures us we'll still see him - if you find him serving your wine at one of our events perhaps he could be persuaded to accept 'un pourboire'...

At our June Board meeting the Board unanimously voted to select Stephenie Frederick as Interim Director. She came to us as a student in one of the Advanced classes and in recent months she has been a huge help with the Board Meeting Minutes since we have not had a Recording Secretary. She moved to Fresno last year, is active with the League of Women Voters, and is one of the many fine volunteers that make our organization work. We could use your assistance also - there are numerous tasks, large and small, ad hoc and ongoing, that need attention if we are going to be our best. Many hands make light work and we can find something for you whatever your skills and preferences might be. Consider running for Director in the Fall - we want the Board to be diverse, informed, eclectic, skilled and multi-generational as we work on our Program, School, Scholarship and other activities.

The Board has had intense discussions in June as we reviewed the Scholarship Program and planned its future, and considered renting permanent Office/School/Meeting space. Your input - questions, observations, and suggestions are always welcome. Don't be surprised if we send you some kind of survey - we want to be sure that we're in touch with the wants, needs and hopes of our members and donors. Again, we are very, very appreciative of your interest, participation and contributions. Merci mille fois.

Larry Roselle, President, L'Alliance Francaise de Fresno


Schedule for the Fall SESSION: September 15 - November 21, 2014




Beginning French IFriday, 5:30-7:30Eve TaylorWindham
Beginning French IIThursday, 5:30-7:30StaffOrchard Park
Intermediate French ITuesday, 5:30-7:30StaffOrchard Park
Intermediate French IIFriday, 5:30-7:30Frederic MartinOrchard Park
Advanced French IWednesday, 5:30-7:30StaffOrchard Park
Advanced French IIThursday, 5:30-7:30
Norman StokleGood Shepherd
Advanced French IIIThursday, 5:30-7:30Patricia Duvet1463 W. San Madele
7/13: Bastille Day Celebration 6:00 p.m.
Lakeview Clubhouse, Fresno

TBD: Fashion Show
9/15: Start of the AF French Classes Fall Session

Beaujolais Nouveau 

La Chandeleur et Tombola

Dr. John Moses French Film 1930s

Un Deux Trois Quatre Duo-piano concert

Scholarship presentation, reception, and program
Tous les jeudis � 15h30 � La Boulangerie de Fig Garden Village, � Fresno.