St. Gertrude Chicago

All are Welcome

1420 W. Granville,

Chicago, IL 60660


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Bulletin for Sunday, October 27, 2024

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass Times: Sunday: 8:00 & 10:30 am Mass in Church; 10:30 am Gym Mass (1401 West Granville Avenue); Monday-Friday: 7:30 am (Thursday is a Communion service); Saturday: 7:30 am & 5:00 pm.

Reconciliation: 4:15-4:45 pm on Saturday or by appointment.

Office Hours: The Rectory office is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 am-4:30 pm. The office is closed on weekends.

Heart to Heart Contacts: Sr. Susan Quaintance, OSB/Director/872-296-2537; Laurie Hasbrook/Lending Closet/773-973-5464

Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

  • Mary Kathleen Agostinelli
  • Peter Ballard
  • Mary Elizabeth Buttitta
  • Constance Chiumino
  • Dolores Delaney
  • Dorothy Denzler
  • Mary Jane DeSloover
  • Robert Egloff
  • Connie Engelmohr
  • Tim Giles
  • Sra. Lina Santos Godinez 
  • Therese Goode
  • Helen Jones
  • John Kahoun
  • Erica Kast
  • Bob Kustusch
  • Adem W. Kwiecien
  • Daniel Liston
  • William Malloy
  • Nancy Adele Maloney
  • William McGuire
  • Margaret Murphy 
  • Karey Myers
  • Nicholas Nardella
  • Richard Plotner
  • Raul Rapp
  • John Reilly
  • Victor Reyes
  • Florence Sabia
  • Raymond Seitz
  • David Sierzega
  • Patricia Signa 
  • Edward Simon, Jr.
  • John Somer
  • Raymond Sousa
  • Jean Sweeney
  • Charles Tobin
  • James J. White, Jr.
  • Marco Wollembere
  • Shelia Zirves

Altar of Remembrance/Book of the Dead: We invite you to bring a photo or other small item for the Altar of Remembrance (or Ofrenda) which is in front of the Blessed Mother’s shrine in the front of church. Items may be placed at any time, and can be picked up Thanksgiving weekend.

Next to the Ofrenda is the Book of the Dead. Everyone is invited to inscribe the name of their loved ones into the book.

Mass of Remembrance - Saturday, November 2 at 5:00 pm: Each year, during the Month of Remembrance, November, we remember in a special way all those who have died in our parish, as well as parishioners’ loved ones that have passed away.

From Fr. Mike Gabriel

As we enter the heart of autumn and the leaves begin to change colors, the Church offers us a few beautiful and meaningful celebrations that remind of us of God’s unity, healing, and merciful love. The first two are All Saints Day and All Souls Day. The third is the Feast of St. Gertrude, our parish's patronal feast, on November 16 and 17.

Friday, November 1st is the Solemnity of All Saints and a holy day of obligation. Our mass schedule is 7:30 am, 8:30 am (NCA school mass), and 6:30 pm. 

The Feast of All Souls is Saturday, November 2nd. Mass will be at 7:30 am and we have a special Mass of Remembrance at 5:00 pm to honor all of our departed loved ones, especially those who passed away this past year.

When we celebrate the Feast of St. Gertrude on November 16th and 17th, we will offer the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick at all of the masses. At this time, we are reminded of our responsibility to care for all who are suffering with health issues in mind, body, or spirit. Our prayerful support is so important as we witness our brothers and sisters who are sick and suffering, even if we are unaware of how or why they may be suffering. Knowing doesn’t matter. Caring absolutely matters.

If you or any family member needs to experience God's healing strength in this sacrament, please make those who are suffering aware that this opportunity is coming up in three weeks, and assure them of your prayers and any assistance you may need to give them to experience God’s healing power. I am also very grateful for our Heart to Heart ministry, who do so much for those in need.

If you know someone who is in need of the sacrament and cannot get out, please contact the rectory and I will schedule some time to come and celebrate the sacrament with them.

Other Upcoming Special Events

This weekend at the 10:30 am mass in church, we welcome those who are getting ready for the Sacrament of Confirmation. As a community, we recognize these candidates are preparing for Confirmation and pledge to support and to pray for them. 

Next Saturday, November 2nd, at 7:00 pm, we are invited to show our unity as the St. Gertrude players present, Two Trillion At Least, which tells the exciting tale of the Pope’s trip to outer space. What a great way to prepare to celebrate our parish's feast day!  

On Monday, November 4th, at 6:30 pm, we will gather together, on the eve of our national election, for a prayer service for unity and peace in our country.

Finally, another thing to get on your calendars is a blood drive planned for Sunday, November 17th. More details will be shared soon.

Help Needed for Live-Streaming our 10:30 am Mass in Church

I received a telephone call from a parishioner wanting to thank those responsible for live -streaming the Sunday liturgy. He said that although he rather be here in person, he was not able to and appreciated being connected to our St. Gertrude’s community online. 

Presently, Michael Kowalsky is the only one managing our weekly live streaming. Thank you, Michael, for your hard work! Please let us know if you would be able to volunteer to help with this task. 

Events & Activities at St. Gertrude

listed in chronological order

Religious Education Events This Sunday

Below are some important dates for Religious Ed students, particularly for those making sacraments this school year:

Think First & Stay Safe - October 27

This Sunday, the second of these two mandatory sessions, Think First & Stay Safe, will be held for Religious Ed students. 

Presentation of Confirmation Candidates - October 27th

All students who plan to be confirmed in March 2025 should attend the 10:30 am Mass in church after their regular Sunday class. During the Mass, the priest will call forward the candidates to be acknowledged by the whole community. All Confirmation candidates must be accompanied by an adult. 

Collection for Care for Real is This Weekend, October 26 and 27; Collection for Asylum Seekers is Next Weekend

Our collection drive for Care for Real is always the fourth calendar weekend every month, and our asylum seekers’ collection is the first weekend of each month.

Please place nonperishable items in the bins at the back of church before and after mass times. Special needs this month include diapers in any sizes.

Visit to shop Care for Real's Amazon or Target wish lists to shop-to-donate today. Donations can also be dropped off between 12:00-3:00 pm every Monday-Saturday at the back entrance of 5339 N. Sheridan.


Additionally, you can visit to shop Care for Real's Amazon or Target wish lists to shop-to-donate today. Donations can also be dropped off between 12:00-3:00 pm every Monday-Saturday at the back entrance of 5339 N. Sheridan. 

Parish Town Hall Planned for This Sunday, October 27

The Parish Pastoral Council is looking forward to seeing you at this Sunday's Town Hall Call to Action.

This meeting will be held in the Gym after the 10:30 am mass and will discuss how to operationalize the strategic plan. 

Listen With the Ear of Your Heart - Heart to Heart Listening Session on Tuesday, October 29

That's the first piece of advice that St. Benedict gives in his Rule, and Heart to Heart is taking it to . . . heart.

Heart to Heart is the parish program that serves older adults in Edgewater with the goal of helping them remain independent in their homes. 

Sr. Susan Quaintance, O.S.B. will be holding a listening session with volunteers about their experiences and reflections on the place of the program in the parish. While the Lending Closet is also part of Heart to Heart, that is not what will be discussed. We will focus on the outreach to seniors who need transportation and other services. If you would be interested in being a part of that conversation, please join us on Tuesday, October 29, at 11:30 am We will meet in the Ministry Center Dining Room.

Info for All Saints Day (November 1) and All Souls Day (November 2)

All Saints Day, Friday, November 1, is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses for the Holy Day will be at 7:30 am, 8:30 am (NCA school Mass), and 6:30 pm.

All Souls Day, is Saturday, November 2. Mass is at 7:30 am and we will have our parish's Mass of Remembrance at the 5:00 pm mass. We will light a candle especially for those who died this past year.

If your loved one passed and was not buried from St. Gertrude's, please call the rectory with the name of the person and the date of their death.

Youth Group Visit to the National Museum of Mexican Art on Saturday, November 2

Attention students in 7th graders and up! Save the date! On Saturday, November 2, you are invited to join us as the youth group visits the National Museum of Mexican Art.

On this field trip, you will be able to visit exhibitions capturing the wide range of Mexican cultural expressions and art forms, from ancient to modern and on both sides of the U.S. - Mexican border. This is a very exciting cultural experience amidst of the Day of the Dead Celebration!

Please reach out to Eloy Escamilla at for more information.

Fr. Mike Bradley and Laurie Hasbrook to be Recognized as 2024 Edgewater Treasures on Saturday, November 2!

On Saturday, November 2, Fr. Mike Bradley and Laurie Hasbrook, along Dr. Jamal Husain, will be recognized as 2024 Living Treasures of Edgewater! The event will be at 1:00 pm at the Edgewater Public Library, 6000 N. Broadway. Light refreshments will be served.

Edgewater Living Treasures are residents of Edgewater who have made a difference, some in a profound, fundamental way, and others in a small but significant action that has affected the well being of the Edgewater community. Their deeds were not driven by personal gain, but to help the people of the community – whether generating beauty, fostering harmony, helping the less fortunate or encouraging grass roots activity.

In addition to his work at the Archdiocese and St. Gertrude parish, especially the Heart to Heart ministry, Fr. Mike has raised funds for an AIDs clinic in Uganda, Catholic Charities in Chicago, Leukemia Society, and Northside Catholic Academy.

Laurie has worked diligently to improve the lives of others in Edgewater for more than 20 years. She has served as a support person for Iraqi refugee families and assisted migrants who gathered around the 24th District police station, sleeping on the ground without food or adequate clothing. Laurie has also worked with various mutual aid networks and WhatsApp groups to distribute goods and services to help these new neighbors. And her work at St. Gertrude, especially with the Lending Closet, has been a blessing to so many!

We hope you can join us to celebrate these amazing people!

Parish Play Planned for Saturday, November 2 to Benefit Heart to Heart

The St. Gertrude Players are staging a new play on Saturday, November 2nd, at 7:00 pm in the Gym.  

The play, "Two Trillion At Least," tells the exciting tale of the Pope's trip to outer space! (The title refers to how many galaxies there are in the Universe.)

Tickets are $12 for adults and $6 for children.

Please plan to be there!

National Vocation Awareness Week

National Vocation Awareness Week will be celebrated in our country November 3-9, 2024. Please ask our Lord for more dedicated, holy priests, deacons, and consecrated men and women. May they be inspired by Jesus Christ, supported by our faith community, and respond generously to God’s gift of vocation.

Find out about upcoming vocations events, ways to discover God’s will, and more at

Pre-Election Prayer Service to be Held on November 4 

All are welcome to attend a pre-election prayer service on Monday, November 4 at 6:30 pm.  

Hosted the Parish Pastoral Council, the event will be held in church. 

Book Club Gathering is Tuesday, November 12 (New Meeting Day!)

The book club will discuss The Girl with the Louding Voice by Abi Dare on Tuesday, November 12. Please note, we now meet on the second Tuesday of the month! The gathering is at 7:00 pm in the Ministry Center, located at 6214 North Glenwood Avenue.  

We would love new voices and opinions!

Contact Lea Cloninger at her new number, 773.213.0509, or Sue Benjamin at 773.551.8401 with questions.

Women's Friendship Club Gathering on November 14

St. Gertrude Women's Friendship Club meets monthly on the second Thursday of every month in the Ministry Center. The gathering begins at 11:30 am, attendees should bring their own (brown bag) lunch. Dessert is provided!

Their next gathering is Thursday, November 14. Consider yourself invited!

Kids Word Available at 10:30 am Masses

On Sundays during the 10:30 am Mass in church, children aged 4-7 years-old are invited to attend Kids Word to hear an age-appropriate Gospel message and do fun, scripture-based activities, such as coloring or crafts, in the Rectory.

Children are invited by the celebrant to come to the altar before the readings and will return to church before the petitions.

Email for details.

Countdown to St. Gert’s Annual Greenery Sale! 

St. Gertrude will once again host our annual Christmas greenery sale this Christmas season, with balsam pine trees, wreaths, and garland available for purchase. Proceeds benefit St. Gertrude’s ministries. 

An order form will be available in the near future, with options for deliveries as well as dates greenery will be available for sale after the 10:30 am masses.  

Parish News

Growing in Faith: “Master, That I Might See!” 

When blind Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was passing by, he began yelling “Son of David, have mercy on me!" Everyone told him to keep quiet, that he was a disturbance, and they could treat him that way because he was a beggar, a pest. But Bartimaeus thought Jesus had missed him and so he shouted even louder...and Jesus did hear him...and we know the story, how he asked Bartimaeus what he wanted. Bartimaeus, blind and full of faith said, "Master, that I might see!" and Jesus gave him sight.

Bartimaeus is a model for me. He did not let criticisms and demands to be silent keep him from this encounter with Jesus and miracle of sight he knew Jesus could give to him.

And our life with Jesus is often that way, isn’t it? We need vision and we need the vision that Jesus gives us. We make our mind to ignore any deterrents  but come to Him for wisdom and the way to understand, to see where we are, so that his face the first one we see when we open our eyes of faith. And then, like Bartimaeus, we can see to follow him along the way .

~ Sister Wendy Cotter, CSJ, Ph.D

It's Not Too Late to Donate to Fr. Mike's Run for Heart to Heart!

Fr. Mike Bradley ran the Chicago Marathon on Sunday, October 13, raising funds specifically for our Heart to Heart ministry. Donations are still welcome!

Please consider supporting his efforts by donating online at, scanning the QR code, or via a check at church or dropped off at the Rectory.

Please add Heart to Heart in the memo line if you are writing a check.

Thank You for Supporting World Mission Sunday

On behalf of the missionary men and women serving in over 1,150 mission territories, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your generous support on World Mission Sunday. Your contributions ensure that the Gospel continues to spread, bringing hope, love, and salvation to those in need. This year's theme, "Go and invite everyone to the banquet," reminds us of our universal call to evangelize and support our brothers and sisters around the world. Your generosity helps build churches, train clergy, and provide essential services in mission territories. Thank you for being part of this vital mission and for making a lasting impact on the global Church.

Ministers of the Word, Eucharistic Ministers, & Altar Servers for Upcoming Masses

Ministers of the Word

  • Saturday, October 26 at 5:00 pm - Patrick Reardon, Roman Reyes
  • Sunday, October 27 at 8:00 am - Kathryn Stimac, Mary Clare Barker
  • Sunday, October 27 at 10:30 am - Anthony Myers, Joe Dunne

Eucharistic Ministers

  • Saturday, October 26 at 5:00 pm - Tim Harrington
  • Sunday, October 27 at 8:00 am - Barb Daly
  • Sunday, October 27 at 10:30 am - Tim Love, Bob Backis, Sarah Millar

Altar Servers

  • Saturday, October 26 at 5:00 pm - Danna Salinas, cross bearer; Esteban Campuzano and Sammy Kloster, acolytes
  • Sunday, October 27 at 10:30 am - Ethan Craft, cross bearer; Dominic Rubino and Owen Craft, acolytes

Financial Report from October 19-20

Sunday Collection Envelopes: $1,322.10

Loose Checks: $630.00

Loose Cash/Coins: $711.42

Online Donations: $8,356.90

Total Collected: $11,020.42

Budgeted: $10,000.00

Difference: $1,020.42

Year-to-date Collected FY 2025: $159,637.18

Year-to-date Budgeted FY 2025: $550,000.00

Difference: -$390,362.82

World Mission Collection: $1,669.91

Heart to Heart Marathon as of 10/21/2024: $14,027.80

Ways to Help Our Parish: Text to Give, GiveCentral, and PayPal

We have set up a "Text to Give" option through GiveCentral. Parishioners are welcome to text the word Donate to 1.773.741.9505 to make a donation via phone. 

To access our PayPal link, please visit our parish website and donate from there. GiveCentral offers parishioners the option of one-time gifts or weekly contributions. 

For more information on text to give or to sign up for online giving, please email Eduardo Soto at

Rest in Peace

  • Tim Giles, father of Ruth Giles Ott

Upcoming Mass Intentions

  • Monday, October 28: 7:30 am - Claire Roach
  • Tuesday, October 29: 7:30 am - Greg Wall
  • Wednesday, October 30: 7:30 am - Purgatorial Society
  • Thursday, October 31: 7:30 am - Communion Service
  • All Saints Day, Friday, November 1: 7:30 am - Deceased members of the Gusmanos family; 8:30 am - People of God; 6:30 pm - People of God
  • All Souls Day, Saturday, November 2: 7:30 am - Isabel Morrissey; 5:00 pm - Mass of Remembrance
  • Sunday, November 3: 8:00 am - Cristian Lenus+; 10:30 am - Rodney Colin Manuel Evanzuela Manuel; 10:30 am Gym Mass - People of God

Please Keep the Following People in Your Prayers

  • Mary Amelse
  • Victor Ayes
  • Andrea Banicki
  • Carlos Barragan
  • Patrick Barton
  • Zara Bradley 
  • Lilly Buie
  • Hallie Burhoe
  • The Buttitta family
  • Maggie Callahan
  • Maggie Callaway
  • Aida Calvopina 
  • Terrence Carmichael
  • Cavicke Family
  • Claire Conley
  • David Denegas
  • Denise DeBelle
  • Ann Collins Dole
  • Renee Elhoumaidi
  • Mr. and Mrs. Emin Euman
  • Luke Fitzgerald
  • Estelle Guardino
  • Thomas Hajduch
  • Gina Heidkamp
  • Rochelle Hernandez
  • Maria Hertl
  • John Kahoun
  • Marilyn Klein
  • Carleen Lorys
  • River Malik
  • Matilde Manzardo
  • Nancy Michael
  • Hilda Mora
  • Andy Mueller
  • Donald Nyderek 
  • Dealina Peon
  • Claude Poulsen
  • Joan Ross
  • Bill Salek
  • Willy Spalla 
  • Floret Spalle
  • Frannie Swaine
  • Elinora E. Tolentino
  • Manuel & Norma Viray
  • Tayana Wallace
  • King Wallace
  • Christinan Wallace
  • Leon Ward
  • Ron Whitfield
  • Janice Wittenberg
  • Yyes Yoza
  • Joel Pozzi Zio

If you would like to add a name to the prayer list, please contact the Rectory at 773.764.3621 or email Names will remain on the list for three weeks. After that time, please renew the name using same contact information.


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