Saturday: 05:00pm (SJE) | Sunday: 8am/10;30am (QR) | 9:15am (SJE)
Daily: M/W/F 8:15am (SJE) | Tu/Th/Sa 8:15am (QR)
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24th Sunday in Ordinary Time | |
First Reading – The people worship. a golden calf, and God loses all patience with them. (Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14)
Psalm – "I will rise up and go to my father." (Psalm 51)
Second Reading – Paul, once the worst of sinners, is an example of Jesus' forbearance. (1 Timothy 1:12-17)
Gospel – When the lost are found, even the angels rejoice. (Luke 15:1-31 or 15:1-10)
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All are invited for faith, fellowship and fun... | |
Ministers of Care Needed
If you feel called to bring the healing presence of Jesus Christ to homebound parishioners, please prayerfully consider the upcoming Fall Minister of Care Training on Saturday, September 17th and 24th from 9am to 3pm at St. Francis de Sales in Lake Zurich. Full participation in both days will fulfill Archdiocesan requirements for mandation.
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The SEARCH Begins 09 • 22 • 22
Does prayer change me or change God's plans? Join us as we explore the meaning of prayer and more of life's beautiful mysteries in The SEARCH, beginning Thursday, September 22nd at 7pm.
This study will be available in person at SJE in Classrooms 4/5 and over Zoom. Please contact the parish office to request the Zoom link. Workbooks are $10/ea and are available in the parish office.
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Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Christ's Passion
Does prayer change me or change God's plans? Join us as we explore the meaning of prayer and more of life's beautiful mysteries in The SEARCH, beginning Thursday, September 22nd at 7pm.
This study will be available in person at SJE in Classrooms 4/5 and over Zoom. Please contact the parish office to request the Zoom link. Workbooks are $10/ea and are available in the parish office.
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Let's Play Nine!
Save the date for Queen of the Rosary School's First Annual Golf Outing! Join the 9-Hole Best-Ball Scramble on Sunday, September 25th at 10am at Salt Creek Golf Club in Wood Dale, Illinois. $100 per person includes golf and lunch, $30 per person lunch only and sponsorship opportunities available.
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Last Supper, of Summer '22
Is it just us, or does it feel like this Summer has flown by? Well, either way, here we are at the end of another Summer of successful Suppers, and we couldn't be more thankful for your support. The last Supper of Summer '22 is scheduled for Thursday, September 29th. You know the drill, if you can help shop, cook, prep or pack for this Supper, please click the button below to sign up!
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Save the Date for Family Fall Fest!
Save the date for an amazing Fest with fall fun for all ages (try saying that 10 times, fast!) on Sunday, October 2nd at Queen of the Rosary immediately following the 10:30am Mass.
Skip the lines and same some cash by pre-ordering wrist bands and tickets. Download the Pre-Order Form and return to the school or parish in an envelop marked "Fall Fest Attn: Dana Arciniegas," or alternately, you may drop your order form in the offertory basket at Sunday Mass.
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Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Do you have questions about the Catholic faith? Want to know more about becoming a Catholic? Have you been baptized, but not celebrated other Sacraments?
If these questions sound like you, our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) may be right for you. Please contact our parish office to discover more about the program starting soon: (847) 979-0901.
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Let's Talk About Annulment
Why apply for a Catholic Annulment? if any of the following situations sound like yours, the church has resources to help. Please contact the office by October 28, 2022 to save your seat at an upcoming Info Session.
- You’re a divorced Catholic who has fallen in love and wants to remarry in the Church.
- You’re a divorced non-Catholic who has fallen in love, and your Catholic fiancé wants to marry in the Catholic Church.
- You’re divorced and already remarried [Catholic or non-Catholic] and you want to bring your civil marriage into the Church.
- You’re a divorced non-Catholic who wants to become Catholic and also remarry.
- You’re a divorced Catholic who wants the option to remarry in the Church in the future.
- You’re a divorced Catholic who is looking into getting an annulment for “peace of mind.”
Contact the office at (847) 979-0901 or
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Join Us for One or More of These Upcoming Events! | |
Kid's Choir Rehearsals resume at Queen of the Rosary on Wednesdays at 2:45pm. Children in 3rd through 8th grade are invited to help lead sung prayer at Sunday and Holy Day liturgies. Download and return Permission Slip. | |
Queen of the Rosary School Benefit at Buona Beef in Elk Grove Village from 10am to 11pm. | |
Men's Group/Respect Life Movie Night: Lifemark Movie at Marcus Cinema in Addison, IL at 7pm.
Contact the parish office by 09/08/22 to reserve a ticket ($12.50/ea) with the group: (847) 979-0901 or
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Book Club resumes in Shea Hall at 7pm. We will discuss "No Turning Back" by Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC in September and October. All are welcome! | |
Support Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament and Queen of the Rosary School in this year's Hometown Parade on Saturday, September 17th at 2pm. | |
Our catechists are a blessing. We will bless our catechists at all Masses on Sunday, September 18, 2022. | |
Children's Liturgy of the Word at the 10:30am Mass at QR. Children 4-years and older are invited to a child-based lesson on the scripture of the day. | |
Pilgrimage to Shrine of Christ's Passion in St. John, IN. The bus will depart from QR at 9am on Saturday, September 24th. | |
9-Hole Best-Ball Scramble on Sunday, September 25th at 10am at Salt Creek Golf Club in Wood Dale, Illinois. $100 per person includes golf and lunch. | |
In Mr. McDonough's 7th Grade social studies class the students are learning about the formation of civilizations and cultures. They have created a circular timeline and other projects using technology to demonstrate their understanding of the material. I have attached three pictures.
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Religious Education Classes are set to resume for the 2022-2023 year. Save the following dates:
Saturday, September 10, 9am: 1st - 4th Grade Orientation (QR)
Tuesday, September 13, 7pm: 5th - 8th Grade Orientation (QR)
If you haven't already done so, there's still time to register!
Sunday, September 18, 10:30am: Children's Liturgy of the Word (QR – NO registration required!)
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Our next Youth Ministry Meeting is set for September 18th at 6pm in Shea Hall. Join us to help plan activities for the upcoming year, including Catholic Heart Work Camp and more!
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(847) 979-0901 |
Worship sites:
Queen of the Rosary
750 W. Elk Grove Blvd.
St. Julian Eymard
601 Biesterfield Road
Queen of the Rosary School
690 Elk Grove Blvd.
(847) 437-3322 |
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